The Next 50 Years of Databases - 2015
Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases
An Easy Introduction to SQL for Data Scientists
Three must know SQL questions to pass your data science interview
[Modern Data Practice and the SQL Tradition](Modern Data Practice and the SQL Tradition)
Mastery with SQL - a hands-on practical course for anyone who wants to learn modern SQL
- SELECT and WHERE for filtering and selection.
- COUNT, SUM, MAX for aggregating data.
- DISTINCT, GROUP BY, COUNT DISTINCT for producing useful distinct lists and distinct aggregates.
- LEFT and INNER JOIN when/where to use them.
The use of UNION seemed to fall in basic for some, intermediate for others.
- Handling NULLs creatively (e.g. with COALESCE)
- Subqueries and the impact of subqueries on efficiency of the query. Some basic ability to tune the query.
- Using LEFT AND INNER JOIN as a means of filtering without using the WHERE statements.
- Self joins for leveraging a table against itself.
- Use of indexes in querying to make operations faster.
- Window functions like RANK and DENSE RANK.
- Stored procedures.
- UDFs (user defined functions)
- Triggers