We used Double DQN to solve the Banana Unity environment with a pair of neural network containing two fully connected hidden layers according to the following update rule:
# We randomly select whether we evaluate qnetwork_target actions with qnetwork_local
if np.random.rand() >= 0.5:
# So we pick our next actions according to qnetwork_target
next_actions = self.qnetwork_target(next_states).detach().max(1)[1].unsqueeze(1)
# Now evaluate those choices with qnetwork_local
q_next_state = self.qnetwork_local(next_states).gather(1,next_actions)
# Or if we evaluate qnetwork_local action with qnetwork_target
# Pick the actions with qnetwork_local
next_actions = self.qnetwork_local(next_states).detach().max(1)[1].unsqueeze(1)
# Evaluate the state-action pairs with qnetwork_target
q_next_state = self.qnetwork_target(next_states).gather(1, next_actions)
# Calculate the value of Q(s',a')
q_target = rewards + gamma * q_next_state * (1 - dones)
# Calculate the value of Q(s,a)
q_current = self.qnetwork_local(states).gather(1, actions)
# The expected value is just an average because we use replay buffer to
# ensure the samples are i.i.d.
loss = F.mse_loss(q_current, q_target)
# Update qnetwork_local.parameters()
The hyperparameters of the Double DQN algorithm we used are described in config.yaml
# Parameters for the Unity Environment
# location of executable
Filepath: /data/Banana_Linux_NoVis/Banana.x86_64
Success: 13.0 # score success cutoff
# Parameters for the DQN Agent
Buffer_size: 100000 # replay buffer size
Batch_size: 64 # minibatch size
Gamma: 0.99 # discount factor
Tau: 0.001 # interpolation parameter for soft update of target network
Lr: 0.0005 # learning rate
Update_every: 4 # how often to update the network
Brain_index: 0 # index of agent in environment
# Hyperparameters used during optimization
Number_episodes: 2000 # Number of episodes
Max_timesteps: 1000 # Maximum number of timesteps per episode
Eps_start: 1.0 # Starting epsilon value for e-Greedy agent
Eps_end: # Minimum value for e-Greedy agent
Eps_decay: 0.995 # How much epsilon decays during each episode
Train_mode: True
Score_window: 100
# Hyperparameters used to define the network architecture
fc1_size: 100 # Dimensionality of first fully connected layer
fc2_size: 100 # Dimensionality of second fully connected layer
The architecture of the neural network used to approximate the state-action value function Q(s,a) is shown below
ReLu activation functions were used for both hidden layers. The final layer was left without a nonlinear activation function since we are approximating a continuous-valued vector function and don't wish to inappropriately truncate our output's range to only non-negative values.
A plot of the episodic score against the episode number is shown above. We were fortunate that our neural network was able to monotonically improve for the majority of training instances and solved the task inside of 700 episodes.
To further improve the performance of our agent we could update the model to use a pair of Dueling DQNs for the Double DQN updates and implement a Prioritized Experience Replay buffer to update the network on samples with more significant TD-error.