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File metadata and controls

150 lines (113 loc) · 4.22 KB


This package, "osqpipe", contains the code used to run the Odom lab sequencing data analysis pipeline.

The package has been released as-is, and comes with no promise of any support from its authors. The code was developed specifically to address the needs of the Odom Lab during its residence at the CRUK Cambridge Institute, and as such contains many optimisations which may not be fit for purpose in other computational infrastructure environments. Please see the LICENSE.txt file for further disclaimers.

Quick start

These instructions assume that you have set up a site-specific Django project in which you are going to install the osqpipe app. Plese refer to the Django documentation for help with this ( - see in particular the tutorial). Once you have set up your project the following instructions will hopefully make more sense.

  1. Add "osqpipe" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  2. Include the osqpipe repository URLconf in your project like this:

    url(r'^repository/', include('osqpipe.urls')),
  3. Run python migrate to create the osqpipe models.

  4. Start the development server and visit to set up users etc. (you'll need the Admin app enabled).

  5. Visit to access the osqpipe repository database.

External Prerequisites

Firstly, the following non-core python modules are required for this package to function:

  • Django
  • django-dbarray
  • gnuplot-py
  • requests
  • fuzzy

Optional modules:

  • xlrd
  • BeautifulSoup4
  • lxml
  • pexpect
  • pysam (reallocateReads)
  • histogram, sequence, fasta, fastq, iset, some other CRI modules by Gord (?)

Secondly, this pipeline relies on many external programs to perform its tasks. Most of the data management tasks are performed on the primary host. Sequence alignment against reference genomes, and some accompanying tasks, are run either on an LSF-based cluster or on a single host with many cores available for multithreaded operation. The programs needed on each server are as follows:

  1. Primary host (config option: hostpath):

    * python
    * samtools
    * fastqc
    * ssh
    * scp

    The following are part of the kent src utilities:

    * bedGraphToBigWig
    * fetchChromSizes

    The following are part of the Kraken suite:

    * reaper
    * tally

    The following are maintained by CRUK-CI:

    * demuxIllumina
    * export2fastq
    * makeWiggle
    * solexa2phred
    * summarizeFile
    * reallocateReads
    * trimFastq
    * bam2fq (thin wrapper for picard-tools; FIXME use those directly)
  2. LSF cluster (config option: clusterpath):

    * python
    * bsub
    * samtools
    * bwa
    * split
    * scp
    * gzip
    * sh (i.e., bash)
  3. Multicore alignment host (config option: althostpath):

    * python
    * samtools
    * bwa
    * ssh
    * scp
    * gzip
    * rm  (FIXME review this also??)
    * sh (i.e., bash), nice, nohup

Note that the presence of a bash shell is assumed on both the LSF cluster and the multicore alignment host.


Database configuration is handled within your site-specific project file as described in the Django documentation. For osqpipe-specific settings (hostnames, various directories) you will need to edit the file "osqpipe_config.xml". The pipeline will look for this file in the following places, in order: current working directory, user's home directory, /etc, and the directory pointed to by the $OSQPIPE_CONFDIR environmental variable.

FIXME needs an explanation of the various config settings, either here, or in "hint" attributes in the XML config itself.


The code in this package is the product of a joint sequencing effort by Gord Brown, Tim Rayner and Margus Lukk during the years of Odom Lab operation at the CRUK Cambridge Institute. The sequencing pipeline code in this package was originally developed by Gord Brown working with the Odom and Carroll labs. Additional features were implemented by Margus Lukk and Tim Rayner. The codebase was refactored and migrated to use the Django framework by Tim Rayner.