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Module 4 - Security

This module will cover security related capabilities of Istio service-mesh on Amazon EKS.


To be able to work on this module you should meet the following prerequisites.


Ensure that you have the following tools installed locally:


Before proceeding with this section ensure that you have configured your system as per the Prerequisites.

This module will create its own EKS cluster with secure Istio workload configurations.

⚠️ WARN: Configuring this module in an existing cluster is not supported.

Provision an EKS cluster with Istio and the security module resources by executing the below commands.

⏳ Command Line Execution

# This assumes that you are currently in "istio-on-eks" base directory
cd modules/04-security/terraform
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve

Note: The terraform stack can take between 25 to 30 minutes to provision all the resources required for this module. Take a short break and grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage. ☕

The terraform stack creates the following resources.

  • VPC resources to host the EKS cluster
  • EKS cluster named istio-on-eks-04-security
  • Private CA configured to issue short lived certificates for mutual TLS
  • cert-manager and aws-privateca-issuer addon to issue short-lived certificates from AWS Private CA
  • cert-manager-istio-csr to forward certificate requests from Istio control plane and workload proxies to cert-manager
  • Keycloak to manage application users and issue JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
  • Istio with built-in CA disabled and configured with cert-manager-istio-csr
  • Gatekeeper for mutating workload deployments to enforce Open Policy Agent (OPA) based external authorization
  • Workload microservices with an HTTPS route

Keycloak resources

This setup module installs Keycloak and creates the following Keycloak resources for request authentication and external authorization modules.

Resource Type Name Purpose
Realm workshop A container for users, roles and OIDC application client settings.
Client productapp OIDC application client.
Roles - See Application Roles
Users - See Application Users

Application Roles

The following application roles are created in workshop realm.

Role Purpose
guest Views products list.
admin Views and modifies products list.
other -

Application Users

The following application users and the corresponding role assignments are created in workshop realm.

User Role
alice guest
bob admin
charlie other


The following scripts have been provided to interact with Keycloak and configure Istio request authentication and authorization resources from the terminal.

Name Purpose Arguments
scripts/ Contains helper functions to generate and inspect access tokens, apply authentication and authorization policies on ingress gateway, and print Keycloak admin console access information. See arguments

Script Arguments:

Following table lists the arguments of script.

Short Form Long Form Value Type Required Default Description
-a --admin - No - Print Keycloak admin password. This is a mutually exclusive option. See below for more details.
-c --console - No - Print Keycloak console URL. This is a mutually exclusive option. See below for more details.
-g --generate - No - Generate access token for application user (requires -u|--user). This is a mutually exclusive option. See below for more details.
-u --user string Required when -g|--generate is set - Application username.
-i --inspect - No - Inspect access token (requires -t|--token). This is a mutually exclusive option. See below for more details.
-t --token string Required when -i|--inspect is set - Access token.
-w --wait-lb - No - Wait for load balancer endpoint to become healthy (requires -l|--lb-arn-pattern). This is a mutually exclusive option. See below for more details.
-l --lb-arn-pattern string Required when -w|--wait-lb is set - Load balancer ARN pattern.
- --authn - - - Apply RequestAuthentication manifest. This is a mutually exclusive option. See below for more details.
- --authz - - - Apply AuthorizationPolicy manifest. This is a mutually exclusive option. See below for more details.
-n --keycloak-namespace string No keycloak Namespace for keycloak.
-r --keycloak-realm string No workshop Keycloak realm for workshop.
-h --help - No - Show help message.
-v --verbose - No - Enable verbose output.

Mutually Exclusive Options

Below options cannot appear together for an invocation of this script.

  • -a, --admin
  • -c, --console
  • -g, --generate
  • -i, --inspect
  • -w, --wait-lb
  • --authn
  • --authz

Below are some examples of using the helper script to perform various actions related to configuring Istio request authentication and authorization.


Action description Script invocation
Generate access token for application user alice scripts/ -g -u alice
Inspect generated access token scripts/ -i -t {TOKEN}
Apply RequestAuthentication manifest scripts/ --authn
Apply AuthorizationPolicy manifest scripts/ --authz
Print Keycloak admin console URL scripts/ -c
Print Keycloak admin user password scripts/ -a

Note: Remember to set the correct AWS region in the terminal window before invoking the script. For example, in the bash terminal window execute the following. Make sure the region is the one where the terraform stack has created the keycloak resources.

⏳ Command Line Execution

export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

🧱 Sub Modules of Security

Clean up

Clean up all the resources using terraform destroy command.

⏳ Command Line Execution

terraform destroy -auto-approve