The OHBM Brainhack 2020 will gather researchers throughout the world for an online hackathon June 16-18, organized around 3 hubs: 'Asia and Pacific', 'Africa, Middle East and Europe' and the 'Americas'.
The website team play an essential role in building an engaging experience for all attendees at OHBM Brainhack.
Short description Are you familiar with website development? Would you like to help shaping an engaging experience for Brainhack attendees? Sign up as a website team member! You will be part of a global team in charge of keeping the website up-to-date and designing new features to make more engaging, inclusive and welcoming.
Description The website team is in charge of updating and building new features for the website in coordination with the Brainhack team.
A website member is a member of the open science neuroimaging community who:
- is at ease with with git and Github
- has previous experience building and maintaining a website, preferably with jekyll, html/css
- is keen on building a more inclusie and welcoming website
- is a team member
- Help develop and maintain a welcoming environment at the OHBM Brainhack
- Keep the website up-to-date, in particular: the project page, the team page and the schedule.
- In collaboration with the Brainhack team, design new features to make the website more engaging, inclusive and welcoming.
- Review pull requests on the 'venue' page
Estimated time: variable workload between 5-10 hours before Brainhack.
Join the team! Thank you so much for willing to help. In order to sign up as a website team member, please make sure you have registered for the Brainhack add you name to this sign up list.