ui: https://g2p-test.ddns.net elastic search backups: s3://g2p-test-snapshots "snapshot_20180125t1305" (contact for access) json files : s3://g2p-0.8 (public access)
Each file is contains evidence documents from the respective source.
contains the aggregations of all sources.
source | count |
molecularmatch_trials | 41148 |
jax | 5754 |
brca | 5717 |
oncokb | 4048 |
civic | 3497 |
molecularmatch | 2079 |
cgi | 1431 |
jax_trials | 1173 |
pmkb | 600 |
sage | 69 |
evidence_label | count |
C | 33590 |
D | 18764 |
B | 7646 |
A | 1715 |
- ontology terms (environment & phenotype) now have 'source' itemized separately
- Evidence from brca no longer has "Unreviewed" variants
- Molecular match trials CONDITION is now filtered to remove hierarchy terms, which previously accounted for many records identical except for phenotype
// An association between a phenotype('disease'), environment('drug')
// and genome(feature), harvested from a trusted knowledge base(source).
// For organization, the entrez name('genes') is included separately.
// For traceability, the document from the original source is included
message Evidence {
string source = 1;
repeated string genes = 2;
// "ga4gh/sequence_annotations.proto"
repeated google.protobuf.Struct features = 3;
// "ga4gh/genotype_phenotype.proto"
google.protobuf.Struct association = 4;
// opaque source documents
oneof opaque_source {
google.protobuf.Struct cgi = 5;
google.protobuf.Struct jax = 6;
google.protobuf.Struct civic = 7;
google.protobuf.Struct oncokb = 8;
google.protobuf.Struct molecularmatch = 9;
google.protobuf.Struct molecularmatch_trials = 10;
google.protobuf.Struct jax_trials = 11;
google.protobuf.Struct sage = 12;
Note: the feature and associations are based on ga4gh.feature and ga4gh.FeaturePhenotypeAssociation, but have evolved. Future phases will create a PR to the appropriate GA4GH repository