Test are conducted with Python standard library module unittest.
$ python manage.py test
(runs unit tests)$ python manage.py test -k <keyword>
(runs tests with matching pattern or substring)
┣ 📜testAlgorithmDetails.py
┣ 📜testCompareAlgorithms.py
┣ 📜testHomepage.py
┣ 📜testLogin.py
┣ 📜testMyAlgorithms.py
┣ 📜testNewAlgorithmType.py
┣ 📜testNewMolecule.py
┣ 📜testNewVersion.py
┗ 📜testUpdateAlgorithm.py
Test are written corresponding the individual views of the web application.
Most of the test names are self explanatory. Some methods are rather long because testing certain elements require initializing multiple different objects.
Since the application involves several intertwined objects and analyzing benchmark results on a separate backend, testing each "nook and cranny" makes it easier to ensure that inputs and outputs are valid, tasks get executed and so on.
The UI-functionality is not tested, but during the development Google Lighthouse reports have been generated and changes have been made accordingly. Challenges with f.ex. bad layout have been "tested" in this way.
Name of the test function must start with 'test'.