Displays a Modrinth link next to CurseForge and other Minecraft mod links (9Minecraft, Planet Minecraft, mc-mod).
As Modrinth doesn't have as good as a SEO of these websites, Modrinth tends to be at the lower results, sometimes not even in the first page.
I don't want to use CurseForge because of their policies and just their UX being much worse than Modrinth imo.
I think it's not just me that wants to search for a mod and just click on a Modrinth link right away, so if you think the same way as I do, why not just install the extension right now?
Go to the Chrome webstore and add the extension to your extensions
Warning! This version is the most recent one that I and other contributers are currently working on. As a result of highly experimental stuff, you'll face a lot of bugs!
Download the current version from GitHub
Open up extensions page
Turn on Developer mode
Extract the zip and load the folder you downloaded
Load the folder you extracted
And you're good to go!