This image runs mysqldump to backup data using cronjob to folder /backup
docker run -d \
--env \
--env MYSQL_PORT=27017 \
--env MYSQL_USER=admin \
--env MYSQL_PASS=password \
--volume host.folder:/backup \
--name tutum-backup \
Moreover, if you link tutum/mysql-backup
to a mysql container(e.g. tutum/mysql
) with an alias named mysql, this image will try to auto load the host
, port
, user
, pass
if possible.
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -p 28017:28017 -e MYSQL_PASS="mypass" --name mysql tutum/mysql
docker run -d --link mysql:mysql -v host.folder:/backup tutum/mysql-backup
TIMEZONE e.g. Europe/Moscow
MYSQL_HOST the host/ip of your mysql database
MYSQL_PORT the port number of your mysql database
MYSQL_USER the username of your mysql database
MYSQL_PASS the password of your mysql database
MYSQL_DB the database name to dump. Default: `--all-databases`
EXTRA_OPTS the extra options to pass to mysqldump command
CRON_TIME the interval of cron job to run mysqldump. `0 0 * * *` by default, which is every day at 00:00
MAX_BACKUPS the number of backups to keep. When reaching the limit, the old backup will be discarded. No limit by default
INIT_BACKUP if set, create a backup when the container starts
INIT_RESTORE_LATEST if set, restores latest backup
SFTP_USER user to connect over sftp
SFTP_HOST host to connect to by sftp
SFTP_PORT port to connect to by sftp
SFTP_DIR remote directory to place files over sftp
DUPLICITY_EXTRA_OPTS usefull value: --full-if-older-than 1M --allow-source-mismatch
DUPLICITY_ENCRYPT_PASSPHRASE the encryption passphrase. keep it in a secret
DUPLICITY_SCHEME the scheme for duplicity to work with backup server. the default value is sftp. pexpect+sftp is also supported.
mkdir -p /root/.cache/duplicity
docker run -d \
--env \
--env MYSQL_PORT=27017 \
--env MYSQL_USER=admin \
--env MYSQL_PASS=password \
--env MYSQL_DB=mydatabase \
--env EXTRA_OPTS=--skip-lock-tables --single-transaction --flush-logs --hex-blob --master-data=2 \
--env CRON_TIME=0 6 * * * \
--env INIT_BACKUP=1 \
--env MAX_BACKUPS=30 \
--env TIMEZONE=Europe/Moscow \
--env SFTP_USER=username \
--env SFTP_HOST= \
--env SFTP_PORT=22 \
--env SFTP_DIR=backup/ \
--env DUPLICITY_EXTRA_OPTS=--full-if-older-than 1M --allow-source-mismatch \
--env DUPLICITY_ENCRYPT_PASSPHRASE=12345676543212345676543234567654 \
--volume /backup:/backup \
--volume /restore:/restore \
--volume /root/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
--volume /root/.cache/duplicity:/root/.cache/duplicity \
--name tutum-backup \
You need to connect to the backup server at least once from your host system in order to have a valid record for it in the known_hosts file.
On your host machine run this command and press Enter for all questions:
It would generate /root/.ssh/id_rsa
and /root/.ssh/
Then copy this pub key to the backup server. Be sure to allow password access first.
cd /root/.ssh
ssh-copy-id -p 22 -i username@
Not forget to disallow password authentication on the backup server after pub key copying.
It would ask for your username's password. if this command complete, try to connect:
sftp -P 22 username@
If this command succeeds and have not asked you for password, then you can be sure this image would function too.
Use this Guide if you need more details about sftp configuration.
See the list of backups, you can run:
docker exec tutum-backup ls /backup
Note that
is a docker container name assigned previously with--name
To restore database from a certain backup, simply run:
docker exec tutum-backup / /backup/2015.08.06.171901
To restore database from a yesterday backup, simply run:
docker exec tutum-backup / 1D
If you want restore only sql dump file without replacing actual database state, do it with:
docker exec tutum-backup / 1D
if you have used same options for backup container startup as in the example above, after executing it you would find file named /restore/mydatabase-1D.sql restored.
Instead of 1D you can use 1h for hours, 15m for minutes, 1W for weeks or 1Y for years. You can use an exact date in a format like YYYY/MM/DD. See the full list of formats there: Duplicity Time Formats
If you have used your backup server for backup from several servers, e.g. master
and slave
, and defined the environment variable SFTP_DIR
as backup/1d
on master
and to backup/15m
on slave
, you can use this comand to restore master backup on a slave:
docker exec tutum-backup /bin/bash -c "export SFTP_DIR=backup/1d && export MYSQL_USER=root && export MYSQL_PASS=123456 && / 1D"