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99 lines (74 loc) · 2.73 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (74 loc) · 2.73 KB


Contributions are highly welcomed and appreciated. Every little bit of help counts, so do not hesitate! However, before making a pull request, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a virtual environment
cd silkie && python -m venv .venv
  1. Activate your virtual environment
  • Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  • Unix or MacOS: source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the dependency packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run Silkie to check if it's working properly
python -m silkie -h

While working on a feature/bug fix, you can set Pytest to watch for changes in the tests/source code and run tests automatically.

  1. Specify tests be run automatically upon changes by editing pytest.ini file:
minversion = 6.0
testpaths = <path_to_tests>
  1. Run this command inside the project/root directory:
$ ptw

NOTE: Please restore/revert/don't commit your changes on pytest.ini after development and testing.

Preparing Pull Requests

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork locally using git and create a branch
  3. Follow the instructions in Installation to set up local development environment
  4. Install git hook scripts: pre-commit install (Before installation, ensure your Flake8 configuration in tox.ini has not been modified)
  5. Run all tests and make sure your changes don't break anything: pytest

After completing all the steps above, you're all set to make a Pull Request 🎉!


We use Pytest as our testing framework. You can run a specific test by entering this command:

$ pytest <path_to_test_file>

You can find our automation tests in tests. Here's how our tests directory is organized:

├─ unit/ 
│  │
│  ├─
├─ integration/ 
│  │
│  ├─
├─ data/ 
├─ fixture/

If you'd like to add new unit/integration tests, please name your test files in the correct format (test_*.py or * for test discovery and put them in the right directories (unit or integration).

You can write your test as easy as adding a Python function. Here's an example from Pytest:

# content of
def inc(x):
    return x + 1

def test_answer():
    assert inc(3) == 5

You can check our code coverage by running this command:

$ pytest --cov-report term-missing  --cov=silkie