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Efficient computation of isotropic N-point correlation function (NPCF) in Julia. This implements two algorithms to compute the NPCF of n particles in D dimensions: (1) a naive count over N-tuplets of particles, with complexity O(n^N), and (2) the O(n^2) algorithm of Philcox & Slepian 2021, which makes use of hyperspherical harmonics to convert the computation into a pair count. In both cases, we compute the NPCF in the N-point basis discussed in Philcox & Slepian 2021.


  • N-Point Correlation Functions with N = 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Cartesian geometries in D = 2, 3, 4 dimensions, optionally with periodic boundary conditions
  • Spherical geometries in D = 2 dimensions
  • Arbitrary particle weights
  • Distributed computation over arbitrary numbers of processors


  • In spherical coordinates, we parametrize by phi, theta polar coordinates with phi in [0, 2pi), theta in [0, pi).
  • Radial bins are equally spaced in cos(sigma) where sigma is the great-circle angle between two points on the 2-sphere
  • For each primary particle, all secondary particles are shifted to put the primary particle at the origin
  • For D=2, we use only real basis functions (i.e. those with ell^(1) + ell^(2) + ... >= 0)

Current Limitations

  • Only even-parity basis functions are computed (i.e. those with even ell^(1) + ell^(2) + ...)
  • As yet, support is not included for anisotropic basis functions


To install the NPCFs.jl package simply run the following in a Julia terminal:

]add NPCFs

(Alternatively, one can use ]add " to download from source.) The package can then be loaded using using NPCFs, as usual. To run the test suite, use the command ]test NPCFs.

Quickstart Examples

1) Compute the 3PCF of 3D particles on a single node

We first load the relevant modules:

# Load the NPCF code
using NPCFs

# Load additional packages for testing
using Statistics, Random, Printf

Next, initialize the NPCF structure with the relevant parameters. Here, we'll assume a 3D periodic box of size 1000 in Cartesian coordinates. We'll use 10 radial bins in the range [50, 200], and lmax of 5.

boxsize = 1000
npcf = NPCF(N=3,D=3,verb=true,periodic=true,volume=boxsize^3,

Now let's create some data (i.e. particle positions and weights) with the above specifications. Let's use 500 particles:

pos = hcat(rand(500,3)*boxsize,ones(500)); # columns: [x, y, z, weight]

We can now run the code, using both simple and pairwise estimators:

npcf_output1 = compute_npcf_simple(pos, npcf);
npcf_output2 = compute_npcf_pairwise(pos, npcf);

# Compute the error
mean_err = mean(npcf_output1-npcf_output2)/mean(npcf_output2);
std_err = std(npcf_output1-npcf_output2)/mean(npcf_output2);
@printf("\nFractional Error: %.1e +- %.1e",mean_err,std_err)

Now we wait for the code to run and look at the output. This is an array of shape (nbins, nbins, n_angular) for the 3PCF, where the first two columns give the index of the first and second radial bin (filling only entries with bin2>bin1), and the final column gives the angular information (here indexing the l array).

Two other functions might be of use:

  1. summarize(npcf): Print a summary of the NPCF parameters in use
  2. angular_indices(npcf): Return lists of the angular indices used in the final column of the npcf_output{X} arrays. For example, for the 3PCF (4PCF), this returns a list of l (l1, l2 and l3), in flattened form.

2) Compute the 4PCF of 2D particles on a sphere, with distributed computing

To use distributed computing, we'll need to load the NPCFs module both on the main process and 4 workers:

using Distributed
addprocs(4) # add 4 workers
println("Using $nworkers() workers")

# Load the NPCF code both locally and on workers.
using NPCFs
@everywhere using NPCFs

# Load additional packages for testing
using Statistics, Random, Printf

Next, we initialize the NPCF structure and create some data, here spherical coordinates (theta and phi) of particles randomly positioned on the 2-sphere. The radial bins are now equal to the cosine of the angular distance along the two-sphere connecting two points, and are restricted to [-1,1]:

npcf = NPCF(N=4,D=2,verb=true,periodic=false,volume=4pi,coords="spherical",r_min=-0.5,r_max=0.5,nbins=10,lmax=2);

Npart = 500
phi_arr = rand(Npart)*2pi # uniform in [0, 2pi)
theta_arr = acos.(rand(Npart).*2 .-1) # cos(theta) is uniform in [-1, 1)
pos = hcat(phi_arr,theta_arr,ones(Npart));

Now run the code as before. No additional information is required to specify that we're using distributed computing; the code will figure this out automatically, and chunk the operations across all available workers.

npcf_output1 = compute_npcf_simple(pos, npcf);
npcf_output2 = compute_npcf_pairwise(pos, npcf);

# Compute the error
mean_err = mean(npcf_output1-npcf_output2)/mean(npcf_output2)
std_err = std(npcf_output1-npcf_output2)/mean(npcf_output2)
@printf("\nFractional Error: %.1e +- %.1e",mean_err,std_err)

The output takes a similar form to before; an array of size (nbins, nbins, nbins, n_angular), where the first three columns give the radial bins (with bin3>bin2>bin1), and the fourth gives the angular index, which can be translated to l1, l2, l3 indices using l1, l2, l3 = angular_indices(npcf).
