First install dependencies in ../packages/ui
cd ../packages/ui/
npm i
npm run build
Second install depenecies in storybook
npm i
Run Storybook
npm start
Then go to http://localhost:6006
Stories are stored in the ./stories
Each group of story should be place in one or many .stories.[tsx|jsx]
The default exported object, configure the stories.
export default {
title: '@ferlab/ui/layout/ScrollView',
component: ScrollView,
argTypes: {
orientation: {
controler: {
type: 'select',
options: ['Horizontal', 'Vertical']
The title will create the tree structure to display the stories.
e.g. it we have three files with the following title:
'@ferlab/ui/layout/ScrollView', '@ferlab/ui/layout/StackLayout', '@ferlab/ui/components/Label'
|- ui
|- components
| |- Label
|- layout
|- ScrollView
|- StackLayout
Create controls to dynamically test the components with it's props
Define actions like onClick