Bring a pack of red and green post-it notes with you to each lecture. Thats right - not everything needs to be high tech to work. On the first day we will have some to give out but please bring your own thereafter. We use post-it notes in three ways:
- Post a red sticky note at the top of your screen when you have an issue and would like assistance from an instructor. It beats holding your hand up until someone gets around to you!
- When asked, post a green sticky note at the top of your screen to indicate you have completed an in class exercise. This give us a quick visual indicator of everyones progress and adjust pace accordingly.
- Exit tickets - quick easy feedback after lectures. Green for a positive comment, red for a negative comment. Please give both so we have a balanced view of what works well and what does not.
There is a strong chance that you will want to watch some online training video's etc. You do not want to disturb your classmates so please bring headphones. However, please be aware of the volume of your headphones as this can also prove very distracting to your classmates nearly.
We are using Slack as our main communication platform. You can either use it through your browser, install the slack add on your laptop or mobile.
Most of you appear to have already logged on. Let me know if you have not got an invite or if you have difficulty logging in
You will need a account throughout this MSc programme. Even if you already have a personal GitHub account you will need to create a new one using your Imperial College email address as your contact email and your username must follow the template:
acse-<Imperial College username>
For example, if your Imperial College username is gjg19 then you should create an account with the username:
This account will be used for all assessments in the MSc. If you submit an assessment from any other account then we will not know who you are!
Using a terminal cd
to your onedrive folder - we want to ensure persistent storage across your laptop and any cloud resources we use. Next clone a copy of the ACSE-1 repo:
git clone
During the course of the lecture series you may be asked to 'update your repo'. This means you should cd
to the ACSE-1
you have just cloned and execute:
git pull origin master