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File metadata and controls

489 lines (365 loc) · 20 KB

Frozen, now outdated document!

This document was used to develop the Simple Definition Format (SDF) for One Data Model definitions. With the publication of SDF version 1.0, that development has now moved to:

The old /language repository, of which this document forms part, is an archive of what happened before that.

A Simple Definition Format for One Data Model definitions


The Simple Definition Format is a format for domain experts to use in the creation and maintenance of OneDM definitions.

OneDM tools convert this format to database formats and other serializations as needed.

This document describes definitions of OneDM Objects and their associated Events, Actions, Properties, and Data types.

The JSON format of an SDF definition is described in this document.

Defined Terms

Note: Should we use RFC 2119?


  • a metadata item in a definition or declaration which says something about that definition or declaration. A quality is represented in SDF as a member in a JSON object that serves as a definition or declaration


  • Creates a new semantic term for use in SDF models and associates it with a set of qualities


  • A reference to and a use of a definition within an enclosing definition, intended to create component instances within that enclosing definition.


  • The singular form is preferred for keywords.

Example Definition:

  "info": {
    "title": "Example file for ODM Simple JSON Definition Format",
    "version": "20190424",
    "copyright": "Copyright 2019 Example Corp. All rights reserved.",
    "license": ""
  "namespace": {
    "st": ""
  "defaultNamespace": "st",
  "odmObject": {
    "Switch": {
      "odmProperty": {
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
      "odmAction": {
        "on": {},
        "off": {}

SDF structure

A SDF definition file has two sections, the information block and the definitions section.

Information block

The information block contains generic meta data for the file itself and all included definitions.

The keyword that defines an information block is "info". It contains a set of key-value pairs that represent qualities that apply to the included definition.

Qualities of the information block are shown in the following table.

Quality Type Required Description
title string yes A short summary to be displayed in search results, etc.
version string yes The incremental version of the definition, format TBD
copyright string yes Link to text or embedded text containing a copyright notice
license string yes Link to text or embedded text containing license terms

Definitions block

The Definitions block contains the namespace and default namespace declarations along with one or more type definitions according to the class name keywords for type definitions (object, property, action, event, data).

The namespace declaration is a map containing one or more definitions of short names for URIs.

The defaultnamespace declaration defines one of the short names in the namespace map to be the default namespace.

Quality Type Required Description
namespace map no Defines short names mapped to namespace URIs, to be used as identifier prefixes
defaultnamespace string no Identifies one of the prefixes in the namespace map to be used as a default in resolving identifiers

The following example declares a set of namespaces and defines st as the default namespace.

"namespace": {
  "st": "",
  "zcl": ""
"defaultnamespace": "st",

Each class may have zero or more type definitions associated with it. Each defined identifier creates a new type and term in the target namespace, and has a scope of the current definition block.

A definition consists of a map entry using the newly defined term as a JSON key, with a value consisting of a map of Qualities and their values.

A definition may in turn contain other definitions. Each definition consists of the newly defined identifier and a set of key-value pairs that represent the defined qualities and contained type definitions.

For example, an Object definition looks like this:

"odmObject": {
  "foo": {
    "odmProperty": {
      "bar": {
        "type": "boolean"

An Object "foo" is defined in the default namespace, containing a property "", of type boolean.

Identifier name resolution

JSON Pointer and references to definitions

References in SDF are resolved using JSON Pointer. That is, every reference includes a JSON Pointer reference.

The keyword "odmRef" is used in a definition to copy all of the qualities of the referenced definition, indicated by the included JSON pointer, into the newly formed definition. This is similar to the processing of the "$ref" keyword in JSON Schema.

For example, this reference :

"temperatureProperty": {
  "odmRef": "#/odmData/temperatureData"

Creates a new definition "temperatureProperty" that contains all of the qualities defined in the definition at /odmData/temperatureData.

If a JSON Pointer is used without the "odmRef" tag, it points to an SDF element. See the sections on "odmRequired" for an example.

Namespace Prefix

Compact URI, or CURI, notation may be used to refer to definitions in another namespace. Names are resolved by expanding the prefix using the value for that prefix which is defined in the "namespace" section. For example, if a namespace prefix is defined:

"namespace": {
  "foo": ""

Then a reference to that namespace:


Would be expanded into:


Target namespace

The target namespace is the namespace into which the defined terms are added. The target namespace is defined by the default namespace, or by an explicit prefix on the identifier using a colon ":".

For example if the default namespace in the example above is "foo", then you could use "temperatureData" to refer to the property defined at the URI:

Optionality using the keyword "odmRequired"

The keyword "odmRequired" is provided to apply a constraint for which definitions are mandatory in an instance conforming to a particular definition in which the constraint appears.

The value of "odmRequired" is an array JSON pointers, each indicating one mandatory definition.

The example in the figure below shows two required elements in the odmObject definition for "temperatureWithAlarm", the odmProperty "temperatureData", and the odmEvent "overTemperatureEvent". The example also shows the use of JSON pointer with "odmRef" to use a pre-existing definition in this definition, for the "alarmType" data (odmOutputData) produced by the odmEvent "overTemperatureEvent".

  "odmObject": {
    "temperatureWithAlarm": {
      "odmRequired": [
        "temperatureData": {
          "type": "number"
      "odmEvent": {
        "overTemperatureEvent": {
          "odmOutputData": {
            "alarmType": {
              "odmRef": "odm:/#odmData/alarmTypes/quantityAlarms",
              "const": "OverTemperatureAlarm"
            "temperature": {
              "odmRef": "#/odmObject/temperatureWithAlarm/odmData/temperatureData"

Keywords for type definitions

The following SDF keywords are used to create type definitions in the target namespace.


The odmObject keyword denotes zero or more Object definitions. A object may contain or include definitions of events, actions, properties, and data types.

  • Qualities of odmObject
Quality Type Required Description Default
name string no human readable name N/A
description string no human readable description N/A
title string no human readable title to display N/A
$comment string no explanatory comments N/A
odmRef object no reference to a definition to be used as a template for a new definition N/A
odmRequired array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid definition N/A

odmObject may define or include the following ODM types:

  • odmProperty
  • odmAction
  • odmEvent
  • odmData


The odmProperty keyword denotes zero or more property definitions.

Properties are used to model elements of state.

  • Qualities of odmProperty
Quality Type Required Description Default
name string no human readable name N/A
description string no human readable description N/A
title string no human readable title to display N/A
$comment string no explanatory comments N/A
odmRequired array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid definition N/A
odmRef object no reference to a definition to be used as a template for a new definition N/A
readable boolean no Reads are allowed true
writable boolean no Writes are allowed true
observable boolean no flag to indicate asynchronous notification is available true
contentFormat string no IANA media type string N/A
subtype string no subtype enumeration N/A
widthInBits integer no hint for protocol binding N/A
units string no SenML unit code N/A
nullable boolean no indicates a null value is available for this type true
scaleMinimum number no lower limit of value in units N/A
scaleMaximum number no upper limit of value in units N/A
type string, enum no JSON data type N/A
minimum number no lower limit of value in the representation format N/A
maximum number no upper limit of value in the representation format N/A
multipleOf number no indicates the resolution of the number in representation format N/A
enum array no enumeration constraint N/A
pattern string no regular expression to constrain a string pattern N/A
format string no JSON Schema formats N/A
minLength integer no shortest length string in octets N/A
maxLength integer no longest length string in octets N/A
default number, boolean, string no specifies the default value for initialization N/A
const number, boolean, string no specifies a constant value for a data item or property N/A

odmProperty may define or include the following ODM types:

  • odmData


The odmAction keyword denotes zero or more Action definitions.

Actions are used to model commands and methods which are invoked. Actions have parameter data that are supplied upon invocation.

  • Qualities of odmAction
Quality Type Required Description
name string no human readable name
description string no human readable description
title string no human readable title to display
$comment string no explanatory comments
odmRequired array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid action definition
odmInputData array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid action definition
odmRequiredInputData array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid action definition
odmOutputData array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid action definition
odmRef object no reference to a definition to be used as a template for a new definition

odmAction may define or include the following ODM types:

  • odmData


The odmEvent keyword denotes zero or more Event definitions.

Events are used to model asynchronous occurrences that may be communicated proactively. Events have data elements which are communicated upon the occurrence of the event.

  • Qualities of odmEvent
Quality Type Required Description
name string no human readable name
description string no human readable description
title string no human readable title to display
$comment string no explanatory comments
odmOutputData array no Array of JSON Pointers to output items in a valid definition
odmRequired array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid definition
odmRef object no reference to a definition to be used as a template for a new definition

odmEvent may define or include the following ODM types:

  • odmData


The odmData keyword denotes zero or more Data type definitions.

An odmData definition provides a semantic identifier for a data item and describes the constraints on the defined data item.

odmData is used for Action parameters, for Event data, and for reusable constraints in property definitions

  • Qualities of odmData
Quality Type Required Description
name string no human readable name
description string no human readable description
title string no human readable title to display
$comment string no explanatory comments
required array no list of references to mandatory items in a valid definition
odmRef object no reference to a definition to be used as a template for a new definition
type object no reference to a definition to be used as a template for a new definition
subtype string no subtype enumeration
widthInBits integer no hint for protocol binding
units string no SenML unit code
nullable boolean no indicates a null value is available for this type
scaleMinimum number no lower limit of value in units
scaleMaximum number no upper limit of value in units
type string, enum yes JSON data type
minimum number no lower limit of value in the representation format
maximum number no upper limit of value in the representation format
multipleOf number no indicates the resolution of the number in representation format
enum array of any type no enumeration constraint
pattern string no regular expression to constrain a string pattern
format string no JSON Schema formats
minLength integer no shortest length string in octets
maxLength integer no longest length string in octets
default number, boolean, string no specifies the default value for initialization
const number, boolean, string no specifies a constant value for a data item or property

odmData may define or contain the following ODM types:

  • JSON Schema Types with numeric constraint extensions

Example Simple Object Definition:

  "info": {
    "title": "Example file for ODM Simple JSON Definition Format",
    "version": "20190424",
    "copyright": "Copyright 2019 Example Corp. All rights reserved.",
    "license": ""
  "namespace": {
    "st": ""
  "defaultNamespace": "st",
  "odmObject": {
    "Switch": {
      "odmProperty": {
        "value": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
      "odmAction": {
        "on": {},
        "off": {}

High Level Composition

The requirements for high level composition include the following:

  • The ability to represent products, standardized product types, and modular products while maintaining the atomicity of Objects.

  • The ability to compose a reusable definition block from objects, for example a single plug unit of an outlet strip with on/off control, energy monitor, and optional dimmer objects, while retaining the atomicity of the individual objects.

  • The ability to compose objects and other definition blocks into a higher level thing that represents a product, while retaining the atomicity of objects.

  • The ability to enrich and refine a base definition to have product-specific qualities and quality values, e.g. unit, range, and scale settings.

  • The ability to reference items in one part of a complex definition from another part of the same definition, for example to summarize the energy readings from all plugs in an outlet strip.

Paths in the model namespaces

The model namespace is organized according to terms that are defined in the definition files that are present in the namespace. For example, definitions that originate from an organization or vendor are expected to be in a namespace that is specific to that organization or vendor. There is expecred to be an ODM namespace for common ODM definitions.

The structure of a path in a namespace is defined by the JSON Pointers to the definitions in the files in that namespace. For example, if there is a file defining an object "Switch" with an action "on", then the reference to the action would be "ns:/odmObject/Switch/odmAction/on" where ns is the short name for the namespace prefix.

Modular Composition

Modular composition of definitions enables an existing definition (could be in the same file or another file) to become part of a new definition by including a reference to the existing definition within the model namespace.

Use of the "odmRef" keyword to re-use a definition

An existing definition may be used as a template for a new definition, that is, a new definition is created in the target namespace which uses the defined qualities of some existing definition. This pattern will use the keyword "odmRef" as a quality of a new definition with a value consisting of a reference to the existing definition that is to be used as a template. Optionally, new qualities may be added and values of optional qualities and quality values may be defined.


An odmThing is a set of declarations and qualities that may be part of a more complex model. For example, the object declarations that make up the definition of a single socket of an outlet strip could be encapsulated in an odmThing, and the socket-thing itself could be used in a declaration in the odmThing definition for the outlet strip.

odmThing definitions carry semantic meaning, such as a defined refrigerator compartment and a defined freezer compartment, making up a combination referigerator-freezer product.

An odmThing may be composed of odmObjects and other odmThings.

  • Qualities of odmThing
Quality Type Required Description
name string no human readable name
description string no human readable description
title string no human readable title to display
$comment string no explanatory comments
odmRequired array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid definition
odmRef object no reference to a definition to be used as a template for a new definition

odmThing may define or include the following ODM types:

  • odmThing
  • odmObject


An odmProduct provides the level of abstraction for representing a unique product or a profile for a standardized type of product, for example a "device type" definition with required minimum functionality.

Products may be composed of Objects and Things at the high level, and may include their own definitions of Properties, Actions, and Events that can be used to extend or complete the included Object definitions.

Product definitions may set optional defaults and constant values for specific use cases, for example units, range, and scale settings for properties, or available parameters for Actions.

  • Qualities of odmProduct
Quality Type Required Description
name string no human readable name
description string no human readable description
title string no human readable title to display
$comment string no explanatory comments
odmRequired array no Array of JSON Pointers to mandatory items in a valid definition
odmRef object no reference to a definition to be used as a template for a new definition

odmProduct may define or include the following ODM types:

  • odmThing
  • odmObject
