This changelog documents all notable modifications made to the iOS Smart Capture SDK over time. The purpose of this record is to provide transparency and traceability surrounding the evolution of the SDK.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and the SDK adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Note: When any of the string translations change, it will result in a MINOR version change. As a result, you are responsible for ensuring the correct layout if you are using custom translations. You can find more documentation on language localization here
- Added colour customization for motion headturn and checkmark view
- NFC: Improved reading of German passports
- Fixed theming issues with Proof of Address (POA) and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) steps
- Improved capture confirmation warning style in dark mode
- Fixed NFC reading of some document types
- Fixed Objective-C sample app
- Changed Ukraine endonym from Ukraїna to Україна
- Attempted to fix rare Motion crash when completing a recording
- Attempted to fix rare Motion crash resulting from issues during camera setup
- Fixed an issue that allowed multiple flow steps to be started at the same time
- Fixed issue where global spinner did not respect the custom appearance configuration
- Added option to hide Motion intro screen using
MotionStepConfiguration(showIntro: false)
, or via the Studio dashboard
- Motion capture restarts instead of returning to the intro screen when the app returns to the foreground
- The countries listed in the country selection screen are now localized in the device's configured locale and their endonym
- Improved NFC document coverage and overall reliability
- Improved loading transition between flow steps
- Changed key used for Motion network error screen's button text from
- Fixed a bug where consent screen action buttons remain disabled when consent content doesn't overflow
- Reverted the new translation public API
- Fixed compilation issue when running SDK on the simulator
- Proof of Address now supports 2-sided documents
- Added new API to accept translation overrides for Proof of Address, One-Time Password and Qualified Electronic Signature
- Added
metadata to document video uploads
- Added APIs for encrypted biometric token storage and retrieval
- Added support to exit the flow in WebViews for Studio configurations
- Fixed a bug that could cause the step after Motion to be skipped, instead repeating the Motion step
- Fixed regression introduced in 30.3.0 where Motion would always request microphone permission even if not configured to record audio
- Added support for electronic ID verification (eID)
- Added a fallback for any unsupported Studio task to fallback to as a capture module
- Added support for Spanish Dominican Republic language (
- Reintroduced ability to read documents via NFC when 'PACE' authentication is required:
⚠️ Please read the new App entitlement pre-requisites in the NFC Capture documentation
- Reduced framework size by removing embedded OpenCV library
- Document Capture: Improved capture screen appearance
- Removed the border of web modules
- Added
withNFC(off, optional, required)
to configure NFC for non-Studio verification flows
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when starting a recording with Facial Similarity Video capture
- Fixed an issue where the Studio
not triggering after timeout
- Deprecated
for non-Studio verification flows. UsewithNFC(off)
- Added the ability for users to exit Studio workflows from any screen in the verification flow
- Fixed error while passing multiple public keys to the certificate pinning API
- Added missing privacy manifest and descriptions for required reason APIs
- Fixed crash while using Objective-C API
- Motion - Onfido’s fully-automated facial verification solution - is supported on all iOS devices from version 29.9.0, meaning that fallback configuration to face capture or video capture are no longer required
- Added
prefix for all Objective-C types
- Dropped support for iOS 12. The SDK now supports iOS 13 or later
- Removed a number of deprecated public APIs
- Fixed an issue where document video capture would not be uploaded with photo
- Added
for 'CAN'T FIND YOUR COUNTRY' button in the Country Selection Screen - Added Motion support for all devices: Older iPhones and all iPads now also supported. Motion capture fallback configuration has therefore been deprecated.
- If you currently set
, useMotionStepConfiguration(recordAudio:)
instead. If not, usenil
instead ofMotionStepConfiguration(captureFallback:)
- If you currently set
- Improved the accessibility announcements on the NFC dialog while users scan their passport chip
- Improved readability for accessibility by showing the complete text when font settings are set to 200%
- Fixed regression from 29.7.1 where in cases that Video capture should be restarted the same capture was instead continued, leading to videos that were too long and with the audio out of sync
- Introduced privacy manifest
- Added digital signature for the XCFramework
- Added
for Studio workflow configurations
- Improved the oval size for aligning the user's face in Motion on older iPhones with smaller screens
- Dropped support for iOS 11. The SDK now supports iOS 12 or later
- Fixed bug presenting the Document and Country selection screen in Studio with one document selected
- Fixed a regression introduced with version 29.6.0, where NFC could be enabled despite being disabled in a Studio configuration
- Fixed SDK packaging that could lead to problems with SDK upgrade
- Improved image icon color in dark mode on Motion's no face detected screen
- Fixed rare crash when opening document capture
- Fixed infinite loading when the back button of the camera permission screen is pressed
- Fixed Motion crash that can occasionally occur when user fails to complete head turn within the required timeframe, usually after multiple attempts
- UI customization is now applied to Motion
- Improved document capture image validation logic
- Added support for the integration of Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) and One-Time Password (OTP) capture steps via Studio
- Added NFC enforcement (through Studio) and UI/UX improvements
- Due to a change introduced by Apple in March 2023 with iOS v16.0, PACE-only documents can no longer be read by iOS devices installed with iOS 16 (or newer). To minimize integration complexity and instability with future releases of iOS, Onfido is removing support for NFC-PACE
- Fixed issue where enterprise features were ignored for studio flows
- Fixed Selfie confirmation screen text not being visible in dark mode and not using the custom font set
- Fixed rare race condition that could cause Motion to crash
- Fixed camera permissions checks to handle camera being restricted through "Content & Privacy restrictions"
- Fixed showing a loading placeholder when configuring face step without intro video
- Fixed a blocking bug involving JSON encoding on iOS 11 & 12
- Added missing face capture confirmation event
- Improved autocomplete accessibility for document country search
- Changed NFC intro related translation keys
- Fixed issue where NFC scan was asked for unsupported documents without MRZ
- Fixed media callbacks not working in Studio
- Fixed compilation warning about missing headers
- Fixed Studio document filtering considering passport for all countries
- Fixed authentication issue with consecutive verification flows
- Changed Face step border success color in Video Step
- Fixed an issue that caused the verification flow to get stuck on the document upload screen
- Introduced
which enables you to either force set the dark/light theme, or follow the device’s system setting. The previous attributesupportDarkMode
is now deprecated. Please use this instead. More details can be found here
- Adjusted color contrast of brackets in the head turn step in Motion
- Adjusted color contrast of corners in the alignment step in Motion
- Added feedback on UI while video is being recorded on document capture
- Removed
framework variant
- Fixed US and Canadian API calls that were incorrectly calling EU servers
- Ability to customize logo and branding available on all Motion screens. This is an enterprise feature, please reach out to your CSM if you want to know more
- Added missing Norwegian localizations for document capture. Improved Hungarian message for wrong document side detected
- Added translations for live feedback on wrong passport page or tilted document
- Added screen background color customization
- Enable explicitly setting the user interface style
- When using Studio, Selfie and Video are now configured based on the configuration set in Studio
- Increased document overlay width to 90% for all devices that do not have a 16:9 screen
- Fixed an issue where the umbrella header was importing private header files
- Fixed missing country setting issue on document capture Studio flow which affects capture UX and validations
- Fixed incorrect image quality messages being reported on document confirmation screen after 3 attempts
- Disabled swipe to dismiss gesture on loading screen in model presentation contexts
- Fixed reporting the incorrect NFC Media ID in flow response
- Fixed endless spinner appearing when navigating back from document capturing screen
- Enable consent screen buttons only when user scrolls to bottom of text
- Added experimental feature to detect and validate document on device
- Added swipe gesture for navigating back to previous viewControllers
- Enabled NFC by default in
. Addeddisable()
for disabling it - Combined NFC Intro & Read screens into single Scan screen
- Added back swipe gesture for Photo, Video and Motion capture screens
- Enhanced security around payload tampering
- Hide shutter button momentarily when automatic document capture is enabled
- Fixed squeezed button and title design issue on document capture screen
- Attempted fix for rare UI freeze and subsequent crash on Selfie step
- Deprecated
- Removed Bitcode from binaries as it has been deprecated by Apple
- Added Objective-C support for the Custom Media Callback feature
- Changed the Studio API to be compatible with Objective-C
- Removed Canadian driver's license autocapture beta feature
- Fixed SPM
packaging that was pointing to28.3.0
- Fixed SPM
packaging that was pointing to28.2.0
- Enhanced security around payload tampering
- Fixed the text cut-off issue on the document confirmation screen on small screen devices
- Fixed missing
- Added user analytics tracked events for Motion
- Fixed
framework variant - Fixed "Umbrella header missing" warnings with SPM
- Added backward compatible
- Improved translations for all supported languages
- Increased the Facial Similarity Video upload timeout from 5 seconds to 60 seconds
- Accessibility: fixed document capture VoiceOver support
- Fixed potential crash when dismissing Motion during recording
- Re-added missing
event - Fixed issue with Privacy Notices and Consent screen appearing when not required
- Accessibility: fixed document capture VoiceOver support
- Fixed potential crash when dismissing Motion during recording
- Re-added missing
event - Fixed issue with Privacy Notices and Consent screen appearing when not required
- Added ability to configure Motion face step to enable audio recording
- Removed deprecated Document variant public APIs
- Removed
for analytics - Removed requirement for hardcoded
value in the Localised strings files
- Fixed a crash occurring with iOS 11/12
- Fixed a crash occurring during document capture related to a rare race condition
- Fixed image orientation for RTL languages
- Added support for NFC with ID Cards (PACEv2), CAN-based authentication
- Reduced the size of SDK binaries
- Extended built in localization support to 44 languages
- Added support for RTL languages
- Fixed issue with registration of Appearance
- Fixed crash when user stops recording video
- Removed unnecessary camera exposure mode configuration
- Added support for address cards as Proof of Address in certain regions
- Created Onfido Studio documentation file
- Added Studio support for Motion
- Added documentation for Motion to the README
- Added support of Dashboard feature to configure supported documents
- Fixed a crash occurring on iPads when the device is rotated while any alert is shown on UI
- Added ability to configure Motion face step with Photo or Video fallback in the case that Motion is unsupported by the device
- Renamed
SDK configuration functions towithNFCReadFeatureEnabled
- Fixed an issue where the UI freezes when green checkmark displayed after successfully taking photo of document
- Fixed crash on devices without the ability to use pixel binning
- Motion can be set as the face step
- UX Selfie improvements, the end users knows the image that Onfido is storing
- Added support for DG11 and DG14 extraction on NFC
- Added Image Quality Service validations when NFC is enabled
- Increased image resolution and change camera stream UI (full width view in 4:3 aspect ratio) for document capture
- Updated readme file to reflect the combined document type selection and country selection screen
- Fixed video freezing when another app has ongoing audio that we are unable to interrupt, displaying a message to the user when this is the case (most common case is ongoing phone calls)
- Fixed end user stuck on Selfie-Video task
- Fix end user stuck on Selfie-Video task
- Set secondary button border color to equal secondaryTitleColor
- Update readme file to reflect the combined document type selection and country selection screen
- Fix response handle doesn't fire in the iOS release 25.1.0
- Disable image quality validations before submission on the backside of Romanian National Identity Cards (fixing issues with blank backsides)
- Missing texts in DE locale
- Exposed Enterprise Features through WorkflowConfig
- Fixed crashing at end of the Studio flow in loading screen
- Fixed error message to give a more accurate reason to the user when there is a missing media type connection error
- UI: Fixed the issue which caused standard font to be shown even when the custom font feature was enabled
- Fixed wrong screen being displayed and no error being returned after microphone permission denied
- Fixed the issue where it was not possible to dismiss the SDK after the consent screen was shown
- Fixed missing document types (Visa, Work permit, Generic) for customized
- Geoblocking alert at document upload
- Improved NFC scanning tutorial with video
- Fix iOS fatal error for could not resolve BuildConfigurationRepository
- Remove user consent from the public API
- Added secondaryTitleColor appearance configuration
- Download updated supported countries for Proof of Address from endpoint
- Make Proof of Address work with Orchestration workflows
- Includes the Alpha release of the Onfido next generation facial similarity product. To join the Alpha program customers need to get in touch with their sales representative.
- Added support for capture of documents for proof of address reports
- UI: Fixed the missing body label in the CaptureConfirmationScreen
- NFC: Fixed the intro screen layout and user interaction
- UI: Fixed iOS crashes on Obj-C interface
- Allow document type configurability on UI selection screen
- Added dsyms into xcframework shipment
- UI: Improve barcode detection failures user experience by reducing warnings
- UI: Shutter button always visible, no longer hidden while waiting for auto-capture.
- UI: Add turn icon to document back side capture screen
- No longer showing unsupported documents i.e. GBR National ID
- Fixed a bug which caused not receiving analytics events on Objective-C interface
- Fix layout constraints issues on Intro screens
- UI: Added language localization for Dutch (NL)
- Add instructions carousel to NFC intro screen
- UI: Added support for capturing paper-based German driving license
- Added: suggest user to hold the device still during the capture
- Updated iOS version in generated Package.swift file
- The SelfieViewController was rarely crashing during viewDidLoad.
- Now extracting face photo from NFC chips in documents so you can access that data on document report
- Now preventing crashes on the document capture coordinator by sending exceptions back to the integrator
- Fixed SDK crashing app on launch on iOS 11 and 12 due to missing CoreNFC framework
- Removed mobile token support
- Dropped iOS 10 support. Now supporting iOS 11 or newer.
- Removed initializers with parameters for Appearance (ONAppearance) and CaptureSuccessColors (ONCaptureSuccessColors), and made properties public.
- Renamed withPassportNFCReadBetaFeatureEnabled sdk configuration function to withNFCReadBetaFeatureEnabled.
- Removed EnterpriseFeature convenience initializer. Use EnterpriseFeatures.builder().withHideOnfidoLogo(_:).build() instead.
- Documentation correction for the document step in README file.
- UI: Now making sure applicant's face is within oval during selfie video capture
- Updated document capture experience for better image quality (multiframe)
- UI: Live document position feedback during capture
- Added links on how to create a check containing a document report with NFC on the README
- Added missing NFC library license to onfido_licenses.json
- Fix Xcode double quoted warning
- Removed unused localization keys and values
- Removed unused and erroneous keys
- Added missing IT and PT localization files
- Improved iOS 15 compatibility
- This version of SDK is built using Xcode 13 and would allow building your app on Xcode 13. This version of SDK would only support building your app with Xcode 13 due to lack of backward compatibility introduced by Apple with Xcode 13.
- Added missing IT and PT localization files
- UI: Fix navigation bar color for iOS 15.
- UI: Added loading spinner at the beginning of the flow when configuration is loaded.
- Added enterprise feature disableMobileSdkAnalytics
- Fixed missing thrown error when the user didn't give camera permission
- UI: Now autocapturing Netherlands ID
- UI: Now able to extract NFC data from Netherlands Identity card
- Accessibility: announcing successful autocapture for documents
- Changed video bitrate configuration for document capture flow
- Accessibility: announcing successful face and face turn detection
- UI: Now fetching NFC key and properties from backend servers
- Fixed Canadian Driving Licence not autocapturing when CAN DL beta feature enabled
- UI: Added language localization for italian(IT) and portuguese(PT)
- Added nfcMediaId property to DocumentResult object
- UI: Now uploading NFC extracted data to Onfido servers
- UI: Copy updates
- UI: Image quality service integration
- UI: Ability to customize button corner radius
- Accessibility: improved instructions for capturing various document types
- Accessibility: improved instructions for selfie camera capture
- Now returning a single document and face result object. Only last capture returned.
- Accessibility: announcing number of results when searching for countries
- UI: Now showing auto capure message below capture frame area. Same as manual capture.
- UI: Now showing capture instructions at all times even when warning present to user
- Accessibility: improved the instruction for selfie and video capture
- Accessibility: added reference that video is being played on intro video screen
- UI: Now showing spinner instead of deterministic progress bar
- Value of keys onfido_video_intro_list_item_time_limit and onfido_video_intro_list_item_move_speak were swapped
- Fixed residence permit documents sent as unknown document type
- Added ability to remote config blur detection for image quality optimization
- Swapped primary and secondary key names for consent denied prompt
- M1 Mac support
- Fixed prod appending wrong path to framework link on Package.swift
- UI: Now managing consent screen content load error
- UI: Now primary button is retake and secondary is confirm on capture confirmation screen when warning present
- Made some improvements around video recording logic to prevent several crash issues which have been reported on github.
- Removed incorrect keys mentioned in MIGRATION.MD document
- Fixed user cancellation Objective-C API. Now returning correct status.
- Updated README.MD to correct the function name to enable user consent screen for swift interface
- Now forcing user to retake image when blurry
- UI: Added consent screen
- Now sending user reached consent screen to tracked evenets
- UI: Added cancellation prompt to consent screen
- Updated README to provide solution for potantial App Rejection problems related with NFC
- Fixed onfido_locale value in Localizable.strings for German language
- UI: Updated upload progress view design
- Fixed Swift Package Manager Package.swift pointing to the wrong SDK build
- UI: Added accessibility header traits to title and section header elements
- Now support Swift Package Manager(SPM) as dependency manager
- Changed dynamic framework format from fat universal framework to xcframework
- UI: Changed voiceover behaviour to focus on main content rather than back button on the SDK screen. (only for iOS 13+ versions)
- Updated README clarify Xcode version support
- UI: Fixed progress bar not reflecting progress
- UI: Fixed liveness capture reloading delay after retry on timeout
- UI: Fixed the errors in translation (strings) files
- Now returning error to the integrator if the camera device does not function properly
- Carthage support due to Carthage not supporting XCFramework
- Added Canadian driver's license autocapture as an experimental feature. Follow README to understand how to enable this feature
- Now sending selected document country information to the API
- UI: Country list items are treated as button for better accessibility
- UI: Fixed the bug causing stuck on country search screen when the search mode and voice over are on
- Fixed certificate pinning bug which causes all network requests fail with
error message whenwithCertificatePinning
is used
- UI: Added search functionality on country selection screen
- UI: Added shadow view on scrollable views
- UI: Improved US DL autocapture experience
- Updated readme to mention
key in app permission section - UI: Updated video capture confirmation
- Now sharing .strings files for all supported languages
- UI: Fixed capture confirmation error bubble not being read by VoiceOver as the first view
- Added ability to skip selfie intro.
- UI: User can now enlarge capture document for detailed inspection
- UI: Changed text and background colors in light mode
- Now sharing Onfido license files in github repository along with SDK bundle
- UI: Changed Onfido logo position in capture screens
- UI: Changed Onfido logo position in intro and permission screens
- UI: Added Onfido logo to the document type selection screen
- Removed unused strings from localization
- Renamed some generic keys
- UI: Changed bubble view position and appearance for document capture flow
- Now disabling passport autocapture on simulators
- UI: Now showing wrong side head turn warning again
- UI: Fixed the incorrect captured document position on confirmation screen for multi format document types
- UI: Fixed several bugs causing camera freeze, laggy interaction on document capture screen
- Renamed most localization keys. Now names are more explicit to in which screens they are used. See MIGRATION to easily migrate Strings from 18.7.0 to 18.8.0.
- UI: Not preventing interactive dismissal of SDK view controllers while presented modally on iPad to not have unexpected flow issues
- UI: Passport NFC read feature (beta)
- UI: Fixed liveness pre-recoding screen stuck on loading state after retrying connection when connection is established
- Post capture confirmation error bubble on modals now grows to button width
- Removed 'Version' prefix on github release title to align with other Onfido SDKs
- UI: Fixed the crash problem when SDK integrates to the app running on Xcode 12 project
- UI: Fixed user able to go back during face video upload
- Added support for South African ID folded paper document capture
- UI: Removed separator line from the UI
- UI: Removed timer icon from subtitle in welcome screen
- UI: Fixed the problem about showing pause button right after playing video on liveness intro screen
- UI: Re-added
key which is for screen reader (accessibility) during liveness capture flow
- UI: Now auto capturing Passport documents
- Added configuration option to enable manual liveness capture
- Fixed bundle localization issue.
- UI: Removed Singapore endonym
- UI: Fix the problem about having buttons in different height.
- Fixed localization language selection when app and device preferred language is not supported by Bundle
- Fix for sending duplicate VIDEO_FACIAL_CAPTURE_CONFIRMATION analytic event.
- Improved memory usage
- UI: Fixed the camera load problem in some specific cases
- UI: Fixed incorrect VoiceOver focus on video capture intro video
- UI: Fixed error problem user taps shutter button right after presenting SDK.
- Removed unnecessary
- Fixed folded paper documents confirmation showing warning and instructions texts when returning from following step
- Enterprise can cobrand Onfido logo
- UI: Changed continuous glare detection logic for US DL documents
- UI: Autocapture manual fallback alert UI has changed
- UI: No longer running glare validation on back side of Romanian identity card
- Added eventHandler and corresponding event method to ONFlow.swift for User Analytic Events
- UI: Improved US Driver Licence edge detection
- Sending barcode detection result to the API
- Fixed the face similarity report documentation url in README.
- Updated SampleApps to clarify modalPresentationStyle setting
- Fixed SDK crash when invalid SDK token provided
- Fixed sdk not showing document format selection when document type and country preselected but no format specified
- UI: Fix the issue related with having incorrect navigation bar theme when dark mode disabled for SDK
- UI: Now showing upload progress when user taps upload button immediately
- UI: Now showing document template for US driving licence front capture
- Added enterprise feature 'hideOnfidoLogo
- UI: Updated Onfido logo
- Now voice over read upload alert view element when uploading image or video
- Added information on api/token regions to documentation
- UI: Changed screen reader order (Accessibility)
- UI: Removed selfie capture title
- UI: Fixed the problem about having unnecessary extra height for primary button when onfido logo is hidden
- Added German as supported language
- Added document format option for document capture step. Also changed the way to configure document capture step. Please check README for the details
- Added integrator defined event hook to allow integrators to collect user analytics
- UI: Added icon to differentiate document back capture from front capture
- UI: Now showing play pause button on liveness intro without delay
- UI: Now allowing user to proceed during selfie capture process on simulator
- Fixed the Localizable.strings not updated problem.
- UI: Fixed missing right margin issue on selfie intro screen
- UI: Fixed alert text cut off in some scenarios
- UI: Fixed the text cut-off issue on liveness capture screen
- Added certificate pinning support. See for the details.
- UI: Now using grey Onfido logo with higher contrast for accessibility
- Now using API v3 for communication with the backend.
- UI: Now only detecting glare on rectangles of ID1 size on US DL autocapture
- UI: Now auto capturing non-blurry US DL only
- Updated bubble view design and updated barcode not readable copy
- Removed deprecated withApplicant() function from public API. Please check migration document to understand what needs to be done.
- UI: Updated liveness capture head turn challenge design
- Updated code snippets and descriptions about API v2 with API v3 in README.
- UI: Selfie oval now same as liveness oval size
- Updated README to include bitcode support information
- UI: Updated flow intro screen user interface
- Updated mrz not detected error copy
- Changed 'mobile sdk token' expression with 'mobile token' on README to prevent confusion
- UI: Now running selfie capture validation on device instead of back-end
- UI: Now showing selfie capture post upload errors in bubble view instead of using pop-ups
- UI: Now loading selfie intro screen purely from code; Removed Xib file
- Fixed folded paper document on back capture loading lag issue
- UI: Fixed selfie capture text truncated when large text size used
- UI: Fixed Arabic country name endonyms
- Fixed warning about missing umbrella header
- UI: Now showing next or finish recording button with 3 second delay on recite digit challenge view when head turn detection available
- UI: Fixed flow early exit on document upload double tap
- UI: Fixed liveness intro video play error on static SDK
- UI: User can choose to capture folded paper documents for French driving license and italian identity document
- UI: Now checking face is in document captured when document must contain face
- UI: Now showing error message when passport MRZ is cut off in captured image
- Now changing document capture frame ratio for folded paper documents and showing document template for 4 seconds
- Now showing passport template when user selects passport capture
- UI: Changed voiceover message when it focuses on the liveness intro video
- Now both swift and objective-c version of SampleApps are consistent and up-to-dated.
- UI: Fixed photo post capture error bubble view not scaling with user defined font scale
- New
document type added - UI: User now sees blurry photo message when document capture is blurry
- UI: Fixed white background shown on camera capture screens
- Cocoapods documentation is now pointing to GitHub README
- UI: Now showing manual capture option on retake when autocapturing US DL
- UI: Now showing manual capture for US DL when only barcode detected
- Updated README to explain how to obtain sandbox token
- Changed carthage spec json file name. Please check the README for the details.
- Now captured images include EXIF meta data.
- Carthage support added, please check the README for the details.
- UI: Liveness pre-recording loader fades out and instructions now fades in. Also "Start recording" slides in from the bottom.
- UI: Fixed the UI bug which affects navigation bar in camera screens when integrator uses global appearance customization for the navigation bar
- UI: Fixed the issue that causes showing constraint warnings in the console when user goes to the any camera capture screen
- UI: VoiceOver focuses on back button instead of take new picture on capture confirmation screen when transitioning between photo capture to capture confirmation
- Fixed Segment SDK crash issues, upgraded Segment SDK version to 3.7.0
- SDK Token support for US region
- UI: Liveness challenges security fix
- UI: US driving license autocapture manual capture fallback message now announced in bubble instead of bottom bar view
- UI: Face capture confirmation now scrolls on when large text used
- UI: User has to retake on document capture when no document is found on current capture
- Added ability to refresh SDK token when its expired
- UI: Added dark mode support for iOS 13. See the page for the details.
- UI: When auto capturing a US DL, the transition to manual capture will only happen after 10 seconds of the first document is detected (even if not aligned)
- UI: Changed document not found pop-up for error bubble on capture confirmation upload
- US driving license autocapture now default feature.
- UI: Fixed the not being able to set correct font issue on iOS 13
- UI: Fix for the separator disappear problem when any document type tapped on iOS 13
- UI: Fixed the not showing unsupported orientation view for flow intro and selfie intro screens when device in horizontal mode
- UI: Fixed the crash on liveness head turn challenge screen when head turn animation and tapping next button happened at the same time
- UI: Fixed liveness intro video player and video reload showing at the same time
- UI: Error bubble view on capture confirmation view cut off on iPad modal
- UI: Added edge detection feedback on US driving license autocapture
- Added SDK token support
- UI: Now returning UI feedback on document alignment on US driving license autocapture when face or barcode not detectable but correct document shape
- UI: Fixed the liveness video corruption issue on iOS 13
- Added United States' driver's license autocapture as an experimental feature. Can be enabled by calling withUSDLAutocapture() in the OnfidoConfig.builder()
- Updated README with adding SDK size impact information
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for video capture confirmation screen
- UI: Added support for the new token format
- UI: Unsupported screen appears and gets stuck in app only supporting portrait mode
- UI: Fixed the UI issue about showing unnecessary oval shape in upload progress bar view
- UI: Poland's endonym on country selection screen
- UI: Fixed the crash on iPad for the apps that support only landscape orientation
- UI: Improved the video capture challenge generation and added error handling
- UI: New faceStep config added for not showing video in liveness intro screen
- UI: Optimized liveness intro videos resolution and duration, reducing overall size
- UI: User sees liveness intro screen after app is backgrounded during liveness capture
- UI: Device permission screen labels overlapping with icon when user setting has larger text size
- UI: Fix for having wrong sized record button on liveness capture screen in some dynamic font size configured cases
- UI: Fixed crash when tapping two buttons on capture confirmation screen at the same time
- Removed unnecessary string keys
- SDK does not throw
when face capture photo variant is used and app has microphone permission denied
- UI: Play/Pause functionality for liveness intro video added
- Fixed full bitcode not included in universal Onfido framework (named
or justOnfido
- UI: Added work permit document type support(beta)
- UI: Accessibility voiceover improvements for all screens
- UI: Camera, Microphone and both camera and microphone permission screens added before requesting permissions
- UI: Changed document capture area ratio for passport
- UI: Changed circle loading indicator to progress bar for document and video upload progress
- UI: Accessibility voiceover improvements for all screens
- UI: Fixed crash issue during recording video in some cases
- fixed debug SDK not compiling for simulators
- fixed nullability warning
- UI: Showing bubble for wrong head turn detection on liveness screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for flow intro and selfie intro screens
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for liveness capture screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for bubble views that appears in photo capture, liveness head turn detection and capture confirmation screens
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for liveness intro screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for photo capture confirmation screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for buttons
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for document photo capture screen
- UI: Added french localization
- Allowing custom localization from non-localized strings file
- UI: Fixed crash when capture and retake buttons tapped continuously
- Fixed SDK not throwing error when user denies microphone permission during liveness capture (face capture video variant)
- UI: Added real time head turn progress for liveness screen
- UI: Flow intro shows arrow icon instead of numbered icon when single SDK configured with single capture step
- UI: Arrow on glare detection bubble and barcode undetected bubble not separated from main rectangle containing text
- fixed incorrect cropping of document image when document capture started on landscape
- UI: Added optional welcome intro screen
- UI: Added selfie (face capture photo variant) intro screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for document type selection screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for country selection screen
- UI: Added latency for face detection on liveness capture (face capture video variant) to allow readability of instructions
- UI: Increased capture screens opacity for accessibility
- UI: Country selection screen label text (
) - Improved the documentation about
- UI: Fixed text cut-off issue on liveness instructions screens when user language is Spanish
- UI: Fixed Onfido logo and video playback view overlapping issue in liveness intro screen
- Fixed cut-off issue on document images captured on certain iPads
- Fix for the intermittent video cut-off issue when liveness capture recorded on certain iPads
- Removed unused assets
- Integrators can now specify strings file bundle location
- UI: Added visa document type support with UI vignette
- UI: Added video tutorial to liveness intro screen
- UI: Updated primary and secondary pressed state color
- UI: updated liveness capture buttons design
- UI: Ability to customize Font-Family
- UI: Subtitle text truncate issue fixed on document selection screen
- UI: Fix for the crash on iPad when switch to landscape mode
- UI: Changed button colors on country selection screen.
- UI: Document and face capturing processes are now properly followed by screen readers
- UI: Document type selection buttons are now properly read by screen readers
- UI: UI changes on secondary button
- UI: Fix sdk crash on capture during the backside capture of two sided document on Cordova
- UI: Fix for the Segment SDK name clash
- UI: Fix infinite spinning wheel not removed when liveness upload failed.
- UI: Fixed custom localization of text in liveness confirmation screen now going over multiple lines when text too long (max three)
- UI: Changed colors of the UI elements regarding to the new Onfido branding.
- UI: Onfido logo updated.
- UI: Improved UI for sdk flow with
modal presentation style - UI: Changed UI on liveness intro screen
- UI: Managing request timeouts mid flow.
- UI: Now detecting face is within oval before starting liveness recording
- Ability to customize buttons and icons colors
- UI: Changed copy on Liveness Intro screen
- UI: Confirm and cancel buttons redesigned
- Internal: Updated the map for the supported countries for each document
- UI: Changed copy on the selfie capture screen
- No longer compatible with Swift 4.1 and Swift 3.3, now compatible with Swift 4.2 and Swift 3.4.
- UI: Removed label from capture confirmation screen
- Build status on readme not rendering
- Xcode warnings on missing headers
- Swinject from external dependency list
- No longer using ZSWTappableLabel and ZSWTaggedString dependencies
- ability to run SDK on simulator
- No longer using SwiftyJSON
- UI: SDK crash when tapping screen on face photo capture
- Internal: Added the language displayed by the SDK as a parameter on the live video upload, for speech analysis purposes.
- Flow now dismisses upon completion unless shouldDismissFlowOnCompletion set to false
- Internal: Changed our analytics solution from an external provider to an in-house service
- SDK no longer supports iOS 8. Now iOS 9+.
- UI: Glare detection bubble localization breaking when custom localization with long text is used.
Note: This version might be a breaking change if you are providing customized language translations. Please see
- UI: country selection screen to filter for document type and country combination supported by Onfido
- UI: user can now retry upload when internet connection is lost
- post capture barcode detection for United States driving license captures
- UI: sdk crash when quickly transitioning between document type and document capture screens
Note: This version might be a breaking change if you are providing customized language translations. Please see
- UI: document type selection is now its own screen with refreshed design
- UI: user flow back navigation is now a natural screen back
- Removed Alamofire dependency
- Removed MBProgressHUD dependency
- UI: Powered by Onfido logo size and position inconsistencies between document/face capture and confirmation.
- UI: Powered by Onfido logo position change after rotation in doc/face capture confirmation screen
Note: This version might be a breaking change if you are providing customized language translations. Please see
- UI: Updated error dialogs copy
- upload results objects now exposing to objective-c integrator
- UI: Fixed possible crash on camera capture
- UI: Fixed crash on rotation during live video recording
- UI: Fixed crash on going back from preselected document capture screen while glare detected
- UI: Fixed back button with English text on non-English language text flow
- This version is not backwards-compatible. Migration notes can be found in
- SDK built using Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.3
- Added custom language localization option using
method when configuring the flow - UI: Added translation for Spanish (es)
- Objective-C integrator no longer has to hold a strong reference to
instance during flow execution
- UI: Fixed a crashed that happened when starting the sdk and tapping the back button quickly
- Objective-C interface allows document type to be specified as part of the document step configuration
- Swift integrator no longer has to hold a strong reference to
instance during flow execution (Objective-C integrator should still hold the strong reference)
- UI: Fixed two crashes related to the capture screen (by tapping cancel in the document selection and by tapping the capture button before the capture screen shows up)
- UI: Video face capture screens adapted for
presentation style
- UI: Fixed app crash or showing confirmation screen when exiting app during face video recording
- Added Objective-C interface
- Internal: Reduced live video maximum duration from 25s to 20s
- UI: Fixed crash when going back from live video intro screen to document selection
- UI: Added manual focus on document capture. It's now possible to trigger by tapping on document within rectangle
- UI: Refreshed face capture experience
- Internal: Using XCAssets for bundling images in the framework instead of separate bundle
- UI: Fixed large back button issue on iPhone X
- UI: Fixed face capture oval height ratio on iPhone X
- Internal: Fixed issue with not cleaning up uploaded images and videos from device
- Internal: Fixed issue with different video codecs being used for video capture
- Internal: Fixed document photo resolution in order to reduce data usage
- Deprecated
method andapplicantResult
- Added
method as a preferred way to start a flow with previously created applicant
- UI: Refreshed face capture confirmation screen
- UI: The document frame aspect ratio, in both capture and confirmation screen, on iPhone X is now consistent with their other models.
- Internal: Removed ObjectMapper and AlamofireObjectMapper from podspec
- Internal: Improved glare detection algorithm
- Internal: Fixed issue on lower end devices sending low resolution images of document to the Onfido API
- This version is not backwards-compatible. Migration notes can be found in
- Now support only supporting Swift 3.2.2 and Swift 4.0.2. Removed support for Swift 3.2 and 4.
- Internal: Cropping of document picture is now less aggressive and done with higher precision.
- This version is not backwards-compatible. Migration notes can be found in
- UI: New video face capture screen/step
- Added video variant to the face step, which allows to capture face during live video recording
- Simplified API configuration for easier integration,
options have been merged into steps which do both - Simplified API errors. Got rid of errors nesting
- Success results are no longer returned for captured images
- Removed ability to disable analytics
- This version is not backwards-compatible. Migration notes can be found in
- This version supports Swift 3.2 and Swift 4 but we have not tested it fully against iOS 11 yet, therefore we cannot guarantee that all features will work properly on that operating system
- UI: Added support for Resident Permit as a new document type
- UI: On document capture screen, a bubble notification will be displayed in real-time if glare is detected on a document
- Now supporting only Swift 3.2 and Swift 4. Removed support for Swift 3.1
- UI: Rotation instructions on iPads
- UI: Improved document capture experience
- Internal: Improved metrics
- Downgraded Alamofire version to 4.4 as 4.5 was generating a new error which will be investigated
- New image quality filter (notifies user upon glare detection)
- Bug fix:
- Resolved message label issue on smaller screens being cut off
- Ability to preselect document type accepted for document capture screen (skips document type selection)
- Bug fix:
- Resolved framework binary incompatibility issue for integrators using Swift 3.1
- Stability improvements
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed crash on simulator due to missing camera. Throws OnfidoFlowError.deviceHasNoCamera.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Manages camera permission and throws permission error when denied.
- Throws error when SDK configuration is missing applicant object.
- Onfido SDK now supports modally presented with form sheet style for iPads
- Fixed issue with Applicant creation process with incorrect date of birth
- Fixed issue with ApplicantResult with nil date of birth when should be present.
- Improvements to reduce and avoid memory leaks
- Bug fix for iPhones > 5s incorrect capture and crash upon image selection on capture screens
- Support for different document types. For Driving Licences and National ID cards the reverse of the document is required. The front of the document is validated by our server to make sure a readable document is present.
- Swift version used is now 3.0
- iOS supported version is 8.0 and above
- Applicant details capture view
- Dependency on MICountryPicker
- Updated syntax to Swift 2.3 (preparing to Swift 3.0)
- Updated version of AlamofireObjectMapper to 3.0.2
- The OnfidoUI class initialization methods (refer to the README file)
- Option to bring the capture UI without actually creating anything on the Onfido servers
- The applicant details are now passed as a Hash if the client wants the library to create it
- The SDK will return the LivePhoto or Document (including the captured files) when calling the callback closure of the host app - making it possible to use the capture UI without creating the files on the Onfido server, grabbing them and uploading later on
- OnfidoSDKResults class which will encapsulate the return values (Applicant, LivePhoto, Document or Check) to the host app's callback closure
- A "validate" parameter has been added to the OnfidoAPI.uploadDocument() method (refer to the Readme file)
- Callbacks to the Document/Facial captures
- Mapping between alpha2 and alpha3 ISO3166-1 codes
- Improved the UI, specially in the "Next" buttons and the applicant details form
- Fixed the country code being sent to the API (it takes ISO3166-1 alpha3)
- Improved the way the binary framework is built and made it easier to ship new versions
- Initial public release (preview)