All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Rename package name and various code changes and some clean up
- Better orientation but landscape mode
- Show camera full screen via Custom View
- Remove reflection for mListener, modify .gitignore, change permissions
- ✨ setupOpenCV script extra zip file stage removed (not needed)
- Update dependency to v1.8.0 (#27)
- 🚀 timber log and imports fixed
- Set minSdk 24 cv-patch
- Update dependency to v1.9.0 (#50)
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.10.1 (#51)
- 🐞 typo on
- 🐛 pre-commit fixes included and pre-commit added.
- 🐛 ktlint formatter added
- 🐛 opencv patch updated for new version
- 🐛 formatter fix and ktlint removed (pre-commit need java exec)
- 🐛 exclude patch whitespace check for break patch
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.12.0 (#64)
- Funding file moved so cancel workflow error
- Menu button colors for dark mode (#70)
- Update dependency to v1.10.0 (#73)
- 🐞Android linter,permission,test fixes for release build case
- 🎨 auto format pre-commit hooks
- Update dependency to v1.11.0
- 🎨 auto format pre-commit hooks
- 🐞 sdk version fix for lint error
- 🎨 auto format pre-commit hooks
- 🐞 change lint output to xml for github action debug
- 🐞 debug lint and release jks path fix
- LICENSE added
- updated
- Readme screenshots added
- Android-ci build badge added.
- Update opencv 4.7.0 android-sdk url link
- 🔐 added
- ✨ better badges for readme file
- Ktlint code style added
- Headline and description
- Badge cosmetic fix and new badges added
- Kotlin,gradle version updated.
- Create FUNDING.yml added
- 📝 android kotlin version updated
- 📝 update readme for opencv 4.8.0 sections added
- 📝 pre-commit badge added
- 📝 simple explanation added for camera switch
- 📝 code of conduct added (#69)
- 📝 snyk security badge added
- 📝 codefactor badge added
- Changelog generated via git-cliff tool and added
- 📝 Features list and readme markdown lints fixed
- 📝 Better short desc for what app does and badge version updated
- 📝 CHANGELOG updated
- 📝 github badge fix and new ones added for actions
- Update opencv version to 4.6.0
- CameraSwitch added
- Github workflow commit lint added
- SetupOpenCV script
- Custom cvFpsMeter for bigger text and different color choice
- Material3 theme configs are added
- Android-ci file added
- ⬆ update opencv-android-sdk 4.7.0
- ✨ new filters and code formatting
- Agp 8.0 and opencv patch added
- 🚀 timber log and androidX startup added
- UI overhaul and strings added
- Git_hash added into BuildConfig
- Timber logging for fpsMeter and ExtendedJavaCamera2View
- ✨ opencv 4.8.0 version update
- AGP updated to 8.1.1
- CompileSdk version 33 to 34
- ✨ android ndk - opencv basic setup (#71)
- ✨opencv upgrade to 4.8.1
- 🚀 opencv 4.9.0 upgrade and BaseLoaderCallback removed
- 🚀 opencv 4.9.0 upgrade and BaseLoaderCallback removed
- ✨ basic cv filter with toggle button to switch between for front and back camera
- 💄 change old icons with new icons and disable flash light button
- ✨ switch between original Cv Frame to Fit to Canvas Mode logic added
- ✨ switch between original Cv Frame to Fit to Canvas Mode logic added - PR #92
- Update action/setup-java version to 3
- 🛠 .idea folder updates
- 🛠 gradle and readme updates
- 🛠 unused lib remove
- 🛠 JDK version set to 17
- Dependabot removed
- Code-formatting and import and var checks
- Core-ktx version update
- 💚 manual workflow run section added
- Agp version update
- ⬆ pre_commit autoupdate (#74)
- 🧹 agp to set to stable version
- 👷 android rel-build,linter actions are added
- 👷 exclude .idea folder
- Formatter fix for changelog
- 👷 pre-commit fix for yml file in release
- 👷 .gitignore for jks files
- 👷 android-release yaml added with github secret config
- Rename github actions file names and add app/ into .gitignore
- 👷 github action cosmetic changes and add summary of lint in action
- 👷 remove move jks file action
- 🧹 gh action debug yml file formatting
- 👷 disable Post Lint Results
- 🧪 initial instrument test added
- Bump from 1.6.20 to 1.7.20 (#8)
- Bump from 1.7.20 to 1.7.21 (#17)
- Bump from 1.7.21 to 1.7.22 (#18)
- Bump from 1.7.22 to 1.8.0 (#19)
- Bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.10 (#31)
🚀 gradle version upgrade 7.4.0
🛠 basic opencv tests are added
@pre-commit-ci[bot] made their first contribution in #
@frknkrc44 made their first contribution in #70
@dependabot[bot] made their first contribution in #31
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Rename package name and various code changes and some clean up
- Better orientation but landscape mode
- Show camera full screen via Custom View
- Remove reflection for mListener, modify .gitignore, change permissions
- ✨ setupOpenCV script extra zip file stage removed (not needed)
- Update dependency to v1.8.0 (#27)
- 🚀 timber log and imports fixed
- Set minSdk 24 cv-patch
- Update dependency to v1.9.0 (#50)
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.10.1 (#51)
- 🐞 typo on
- 🐛 pre-commit fixes included and pre-commit added.
- 🐛 ktlint formatter added
- 🐛 opencv patch updated for new version
- 🐛 formatter fix and ktlint removed (pre-commit need java exec)
- 🐛 exclude patch whitespace check for break patch
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.12.0 (#64)
- Funding file moved so cancel workflow error
- Menu button colors for dark mode (#70)
- Update dependency to v1.10.0 (#73)
- 🐞Android linter,permission,test fixes for release build case
- 🎨 auto format pre-commit hooks
- Update dependency to v1.11.0
- 🎨 auto format pre-commit hooks
- 🐞 sdk version fix for lint error
- 🎨 auto format pre-commit hooks
- 🐞 change lint output to xml for github action debug
- 🐞 debug lint and release jks path fix
- 🎨 auto format pre-commit hooks
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.13.0
- Update dependency to v1.12.0
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.13.1
- Update dependency androidx.appcompat:appcompat to v1.7.0
- 🐞 baseline lint updated
- 🧪 unit test cv version fixed
- Disable perm check for opencv project for camera already checked in manifest
- Update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.6.1
- Update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit to v1.2.1
- Update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit-ktx to v1.2.1
- Update dependency androidx.startup:startup-runtime to v1.2.0
- 🐞 Kotlin internal error fix for MatAt.kt patch added
- Update dependency androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout to v2.2.0
- LICENSE added
- updated
- Readme screenshots added
- Android-ci build badge added.
- Update opencv 4.7.0 android-sdk url link
- 🔐 added
- ✨ better badges for readme file
- Ktlint code style added
- Headline and description
- Badge cosmetic fix and new badges added
- Kotlin,gradle version updated.
- Create FUNDING.yml added
- 📝 android kotlin version updated
- 📝 update readme for opencv 4.8.0 sections added
- 📝 pre-commit badge added
- 📝 simple explanation added for camera switch
- 📝 code of conduct added (#69)
- 📝 snyk security badge added
- 📝 codefactor badge added
- Changelog generated via git-cliff tool and added
- 📝 Features list and readme markdown lints fixed
- 📝 Better short desc for what app does and badge version updated
- 📝 CHANGELOG updated
- 📝 github badge fix and new ones added for actions
- 📝 badge ver agp 8.2.2 updated
- 📝 changelog for version cv-4.9.0 added
- 📝 badge versions and opencv version updated
- Update opencv version to 4.6.0
- CameraSwitch added
- Github workflow commit lint added
- SetupOpenCV script
- Custom cvFpsMeter for bigger text and different color choice
- Material3 theme configs are added
- Android-ci file added
- ⬆ update opencv-android-sdk 4.7.0
- ✨ new filters and code formatting
- Agp 8.0 and opencv patch added
- 🚀 timber log and androidX startup added
- UI overhaul and strings added
- Git_hash added into BuildConfig
- Timber logging for fpsMeter and ExtendedJavaCamera2View
- ✨ opencv 4.8.0 version update
- AGP updated to 8.1.1
- CompileSdk version 33 to 34
- ✨ android ndk - opencv basic setup (#71)
- ✨opencv upgrade to 4.8.1
- 🚀 opencv 4.9.0 upgrade and BaseLoaderCallback removed
- 🚀 opencv 4.9.0 upgrade and BaseLoaderCallback removed
- ✨ basic cv filter with toggle button to switch between for front and back camera
- 💄 change old icons with new icons and disable flash light button
- ✨ switch between original Cv Frame to Fit to Canvas Mode logic added
- ✨ switch between original Cv Frame to Fit to Canvas Mode logic added - PR #92
- Agp version bump to 8.3.1
- ✨ Upgrade opencv version to 4.10.0
- 🚀 android sdk version upgraded
- Update action/setup-java version to 3
- 🛠 .idea folder updates
- 🛠 gradle and readme updates
- 🛠 unused lib remove
- 🛠 JDK version set to 17
- Dependabot removed
- Code-formatting and import and var checks
- Core-ktx version update
- 💚 manual workflow run section added
- Agp version update
- ⬆ pre_commit autoupdate (#74)
- 🧹 agp to set to stable version
- 👷 android rel-build,linter actions are added
- 👷 exclude .idea folder
- Formatter fix for changelog
- 👷 pre-commit fix for yml file in release
- 👷 .gitignore for jks files
- 👷 android-release yaml added with github secret config
- Rename github actions file names and add app/ into .gitignore
- 👷 github action cosmetic changes and add summary of lint in action
- 👷 remove move jks file action
- 🧹 gh action debug yml file formatting
- 👷 disable Post Lint Results
- ⬆ pre_commit autoupdate
- 👷 opencv 4.10.0 folder added
- Code formatting
- ⬆ pre_commit autoupdate
- Remove .idea folder
- Formatting fix
- Cmake version updated
- 📦 android gradle packages updates
- 🧪 initial instrument test added
- Bump from 1.6.20 to 1.7.20 (#8)
- Bump from 1.7.20 to 1.7.21 (#17)
- Bump from 1.7.21 to 1.7.22 (#18)
- Bump from 1.7.22 to 1.8.0 (#19)
- Bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.10 (#31)
🚀 gradle version upgrade 7.4.0
🛠 basic opencv tests are added
@onuralpszr made their first contribution in #
@renovate[bot] made their first contribution in #
@pre-commit-ci[bot] made their first contribution in #
@EmmanuelDav made their first contribution in #
@frknkrc44 made their first contribution in #70
@dependabot[bot] made their first contribution in #31