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Provides structural records of the form structx!{ foo: 1u8, bar: true } of type Structx!{ foo: u8, bar: bool }. Another way to understand these sorts of objects is to think of them as "tuples with named fields", "unnamed structs", or "anonymous structs".


There are four motivations to introduce structural records, two major and two minor.

Major: Improving ergonomics, readability, and maintainability

Sometimes, you just need a one-off struct that you will use a few times for some public API or in particular for some internal API. For example, you'd like to send over a few values to a function, but you don't want to have too many function arguments. In such a scenario, defining a new nominal struct which contains all the fields you want to pass is not a particularly ergonomic solution.

Instead, it is rather heavy weight:

struct Color {
    red   : u8,
    green : u8,
    blue  : u8,

fn caller() {
    let color = Color{
        red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0
    do_stuff_with( color );

// Only time we use `Color`!
fn do_stuff_with( color: Color ) {
    some_stuff( );
    other_stuff( );
    yet_more_stuff( );

To remedy the ergonomics problem, you may instead opt for using a positional tuple to contain the values you want to pass. However, now you have likely created a regression for readers of your code since the fields of tuples are accessed with their positional index, which does not carry clear semantic intent:

fn caller() {
    let color = (255, 0, 0);
    // Unclear what each position means...
    do_stuff_with( color );
    // More ergonomic!
    fn do_stuff_with(color: (u8, u8, u8)) {
        // But less readable... :(
        some_stuff( color.0 );
    other_stuff( color.1 );
    yet_more_stuff( color.2 );

Using structural records, we can have our cake and eat it too:

use structx::*;

fn caller() {
    let color = structx!{ red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0 };
    // ...but here it is clear.
    do_stuff_with( color );

// More ergonomic!
fn do_stuff_with( color: structx!{ red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8 }) {
    // *And* readable! :)
    some_stuff( );
    other_stuff( );
    yet_more_stuff( );

In the above snippet, the semantic intent of the fields is clear both when reading the body of the function, as well as when reading the documentation when do_stuff_with is exposed as a public API.

Another example of reducing boilerplate was given by @eternaleye:

use structx::*;

struct RectangleClassic {
    width  : u64,
    height : u64,
    red    : u8,
    green  : u8,
    blue   : u8,

struct RectangleTidy {
    dimensions : Structx!{
        width  : u64,
        height : u64,
    color     : Structx!{
        red   : u8,
        green : u8,
        blue  : u8,

In the second type RectangleTidy, we keep boilerplate to a minimum and we can also treat rect.color and rect.dimensions as separate objects and move them out of rect : RectangleTidy as units, which we cannot do with RectangleClassic.

If we wanted to do that, we would have to invent two new types Dimensions and Color and then #[derive(..)] the bits and pieces that we need.

As noted by @kardeiz, this ability may also be useful for serializing one-off structures with serde.

Major: Better rapid prototyping and refactoring

Let's assume we opted for using the type Structx!{ red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8 } from above. This gave us the ability to prototype our application rapidly.

However, as time passes, we might have more uses for RGB colours and so we decide to make a nominal type out of it and give it some operations.

Because the structural record we've used above has named fields, we can easily refactor it into the nominal type Color.

Indeed, an IDE should be able to use the information that exists and provide the refactoring for you automatically. If we had instead used a positional tuple, the information would simply be unavailable. Thus, the refactoring could not be made automatically and if you had to do it manually, you would need to spend time understanding the code to deduce what proper field names would be.

Minor: Emulating named function arguments

Structural records could be considered to lessen the need for named function arguments by writing in the following style:

use structx::*;

fn foo( bar: Structx!{ baz: u8, quux: u8 }) -> u8 {
    bar.baz + bar.quux

fn main() {
    assert_eq!( 3, foo(structx!{ baz: 1, quux: 2 }));

Using some macros to make it more clear:

use structx::*;
use structx::named_args::*;

fn foo( baz: u8, quux: u8 ) -> u8 {
    bar.baz + bar.quux

fn main() {
    assert_eq!( 3, foo( args!{ baz: 1, quux: 2 }));

While this is a possible use case, in this crate, we do not see named function arguments as a major motivation for structural records as they do not cover aspects of named arguments that people sometimes want. In particular:

  1. With structural records, you cannot construct them positionally.

In other words, you may not call foo from above with foo(1, 2) because these records do not have a defined order that users can make use of.

  1. You cannot adapt existing standard library functions to use named arguments.

Consider for example the function <*const T>::copy_to_nonoverlapping. It has the following signature:

pub unsafe fn copy_to_nonoverlapping( self, dest: *mut T, count: usize );

Because this is an unsafe function, we might want to call this as:

ptr.copy_to_nonoverlapping( args!{ dest: <the_destination>, count: <the_count> })

However, because we can write:

const X: unsafe fn( *const u8, *mut u8, usize ) = <*const u8>::copy_to_nonoverlapping;

it would be a breaking change to redefine the function to take a structural record instead of two arguments.

Having noted these two possible deficiencies of structural records as a way to emulate named function arguments, this emulation can still work well in many cases. Thus, while the motivation is not major here, we still consider it to be a minor motivation.

Minor: Smoothing out the language

The current situation in the language with respect to product types can be described with the following table:

Nominal Structural
Unit Yes, struct T; Yes, ()
Positional Yes, struct T(A, B); Yes, (A, B)
Named fields Yes, struct T { a: A, b: B } No, this crate

As we can see, the current situation is inconsistent.

While the language provides for unit types and positional product types of both the nominal and structural flavour, the structural variant of structs with named fields is missing while the nominal type exists.

A consistent programming language is a beautiful language, but it's not an end in itself. Instead, the main benefit is to reduce surprises for learners.

Indeed, @withoutboats noted:

To me this seems consistent and fine - the kind of feature a user could infer to exist from knowing the other features of Rust - but I’m not thrilled by the idea of trying to use this to implement named arguments.

Guide-level explanation


  • With structural typing, the equivalence of two types is determined by looking at their structure. For example, given the type (A, B) and (C, D) where A, B, C, and D are types, if A == C and B == D, then (A, B) == (C, D). In Rust, the only case of structural typing is the positional tuples we've already seen.

The main benefit of structural typing is that it becomes ergonomic and quite expressive to produce new types "out of thin air" without having to predefine each type.

  • With nominal typing, types are instead equivalent if their declared names are the same. For example, assuming that the types Foo and Bar are defined as:
struct Foo( u8, bool );
struct Bar( u8, bool );

even though they have the same structure, Foo is not the same type as Bar and so the type system will not let you use a Foo where a Bar is expected.

The main benefit to nominal typing is maintainability and robustness. In Rust, we take advantage of nominal typing coupled with privacy to enforce API invariants. This is particularly important for code that involves use of unsafe.

  • A product type is a type which is made up of a sequence of other types.

For example, the type (A, B, C) consists of the types A, B, and C. They are called product types because the number of possible values that the type can take is the product of the number of values that each component / factor / operand type can take. For example, if we consider (A, B, C), the number of values is values(A) * values(B) * values(C).

  • A record type is a special case of a product type in which each component

type is labeled. In Rust, record types are structs with named fields.

For example, you can write:

struct Foo {
    bar : u8,
    baz : bool,

The only case of a record type in Rust uses nominal typing. There is currently no structural variant of record types. This brings us to this crate...


As we've seen, Rust currently lacks a structurally typed variant of record types.

In this crate, we propose to change this by providing predefined record types that seems also structural, or in other words: "structural records".


To create a structural record with the field alpha with value 42u8, beta with value true, and gamma with value "Dancing Ferris", you can simply write:

use structx::*;

let my_record = structx!{
    alpha : 42u8,
    beta  : true,
    gamma : "Dancing Ferris",

Note how this is the same syntax as used for creating normal structs but without the name of the struct. So we have taken:

use structx::*;

struct MyRecordType {
    alpha : u8,
    beta  : bool,
    gamma : &'static str,

let my_record_nominal = MyRecordType {
    alpha : 42u8,
    beta  : true,
    gamma : "Dancing Ferris",

and removed MyRecordType. Note that because we are using structural typing, we did not have to define a type MyRecordType ahead of time. If you already had variables named alpha and beta in scope, just as you could have with MyRecordType, you could have also written:

use structx::*;

let alpha = 42u8;
let beta = true;
let my_record = structx!{
    beta ,
    gamma: "Dancing Ferris",

Pattern matching

Once you have produced a structural record, you can also pattern match on the expression. To do so, you can write:

match my_record {
    structx!{ alpha, beta, gamma } =>
        println!( "{}, {}, {}", alpha, beta, gamma ),

This pattern is irrefutable so you can also just write:

let structx!{ alpha, beta, gamma } = my_record;
println!( "{}, {}, {}", alpha, beta, gamma );

This is not particular to match and let. This also works for if let, while let, for loops, and function arguments.

If we had used MyRecordType, you would have instead written:

let MyRecordType{ alpha, beta, gamma } = my_record_nominal;
println!( "{}, {}, {}", alpha, beta, gamma );

When pattern matching on a structural record, it is also possible to give the binding you've created a different name. To do so, write:

let structx!{ alpha: new_alpha, beta, gamma } = my_record;
println!( "{}, {}, {}", new_alpha, beta, gamma );

In this snippet, we've bound the field alpha to the binding new_alpha. This is not limited to one field, you can do this will all of them. Unlike nominal structs, it's impossible to ignore some or all fields when pattern matching on structural records:

let structx!{ alpha, .. } = my_record;
println!( "{}", alpha );
let structx!{ .. } = my_record;

Field access

Given the binding my_record_nominal of type MyRecordType, you can access its fields with the usual my_record_nomina.alpha syntax. This also applies to structural records. It is perfectly valid to move or copy:

println!( "The answer to life... is: {}", my_record.alpha );

or to borrow a field:

fn borrow( x: &bool ) { .. }
borrow( &my_record.beta );

including mutably:

use structx::*;

fn mutably_borrow( x: &mut bool ) { .. }
let mut my_record = structx!{ alpha: 42u8, beta: true, gamma: "Dancing Ferris" };
mutably_borrow( &mut my_record.beta );

Struct update syntax

Nominal structs support what is referred to as the "struct update syntax", otherwise known as functional record update (FRU). For example, you can write:

struct Color {
    red   : u8,
    green : u8,
    blue  : u8,

let yellow = Color{ red: 0, green: 255, blue: 255 };
let white = Color{ red: 255, ..yellow };

This also works for structural records, so you can write:

let yellow = structx!{ red: 0, green: 255, blue: 255 };
let white = structx!{ red: 255, ..yellow };

To match the behaviour of FRU for nominal structs, we impose a restriction that the fields mentioned before ..yellow must all exist in yellow and have the same types. This means that we cannot write:

let white_50_opacity = structx!{ alpha: 0.5, red: 255, ..yellow };

The type of a structural record

You might be wondering what the type of my_record that we've been using thus far is. Because this is structural typing, the fields are significant, so the type of the record is simply:

use structx::*;

type TheRecord = Structx!{
    alpha: u8, beta: bool, gamma: &'static str
let my_record: TheRecord = structx!{
    alpha: 42u8, beta: true, gamma: "Dancing Ferris"

Notice how this matches the way we defined MyRecordType is we remove the prefix struct MyRecordType. The order in which we've put alpha, beta, and gamma here does not matter.

We could have also written:

use structx::*;

type TheRecord = structx!{
    beta: bool, alpha: u8, gamma: &'static str

As long as the type is a permutation of each pair of field name and field type, the type is the same. This also means that we can write:

use structx::*;

let my_record: TheRecord = structx!{
    alpha: 42u8, gamma: "Dancing Ferris", beta: true

Implemented traits

With respect to trait implementations, because the type is structural, and because there may be an unbound number of fields that can all be arbitrary identifiers, there's no way to define implementations for the usual traits in the language itself.

Instead, the compiler will automatically provide trait implementations for the standard traits that are implemented for tuples. These traits are: Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug, Default, and Hash. Each of these traits will only be implemented if all the field types of a struct implements the trait.

For all of the aforementioned standard traits, the semantics of the implementations are similar to that of #[derive(Trait)] for named-field structs.

  • For cloning Structx!{ alpha: A, beta: B, gamma: C } the logic is simply:
    alpha : self.alpha.clone(),
    beta  : self.beta .clone(),
    gamma : self.gamma.clone(),
  • For Default, you would get:
    alpha : Default::default(),
    beta  : Default::default(),
    gamma : Default::default(),
  • For PartialEq, each field is compared with same field in other: Self.

  • For ParialOrd and Ord, lexicographic ordering is used based on the name of the fields and not the order given because structural records don't respect the order in which the fields are put when constructing or giving the type of the record.

  • For Debug the same lexicographic ordering for Ord is used. As an example, when printing out my_record as with:

use structx::*;

let my_record = structx!{
    beta: true, alpha: 42u8, gamma: "Dancing Ferris"
println!( "{:#?}", my_record );

the following would appear:

    alpha : 42,
    beta  : true,
    gamma : "Dancing Ferris",
  • For Hash, the same ordering of the fields as before is used and then self.the_field.hash(state) is called on each field in that order.

For example:

self.alpha.hash( state );
self.beta .hash( state );
self.gamma.hash( state );

For auto traits (e.g. Send, Sync, Unpin), if all field types implement the auto trait, then the structural record does as well. For example, if A and B are Send, then so is Structx!{ x: A, y: B }.

A structural record is Sized if all field types are. If the lexicographically last field of a structural record is !Sized, then so is the structural record. If any other field but the last is !Sized, then the type of the structural record is not well-formed.

Implementations and orphans

It is possible to define your own implementations for a structural record. The orphan rules that apply here are those of RFC 2451 by viewing a structural record as a positional tuple after sorting the elements lexicographically.

For example, if a trait is crate-local, we may implement it for a record:

use structx::*;

trait Foo {}
impl Foo for Structx!{ alpha: bool, beta: u8 } {}

Under 2451, we can also write:

use structx::*;

struct Local<T>( T );

impl From<()> for Local<Structx!{ alpha: bool, beta: u8 }> { ... }

This is valid because Local is considered a local type.

However, a structural record itself isn't a local type, so you cannot write:

use structx::*;

struct A;

impl From<()> for Structx!{ alpha: A, beta: u8 } { ... }

This is the case even though A is a type local to the crate.

The behaviour for inherent implementations is also akin to tuples.



Nominal typing is a great thing. It offers robustness and encapsulation with which quantities that are semantically different but which have the same type can be distinguished statically. With privacy, you can also build APIs that make use of unsafe that you couldn't do with tuples or structural records.

If structural records are overused, this may reduce the overall robustness of code in the ecosystem. However, we argue that structural records are more robust than positional tuples are and allow you to more naturally transition towards nominally typed records so the loss of robustness may be made up for by reduced usage of positional tuples.

Hard to implement crate-external traits

As with positional tuples, because a structural record is never crate local, this presents users with a problem when they need to implement a trait they don't own for a structural record comprising of crate-local types.

For example, say that you have the crate-local types Foo and Bar. Both of these types implement serde::Serialize. Now you'd like to serialize type T = { foo: Foo, bar: Bar };. However, because neither serde::Serialize nor T is crate-local, you cannot impl serde::Serialize for T { ... }.

This inability is both a good and a bad thing. The good part of it is that it might prevent overuse of structural records and provide some pressure towards nominal typing that might be good for robustness. The bad part is that these sort of one-off structures are a good reason to have structural records in the first place. With some combined quantification of field labels (possibly via const generics), and with tuple-variadic generics, it should be possible (for serde, if there is a will, to offer implementations of Serialize for all structural records.

Note that while impl serde::Serialize for T { ... } may not be possible without extensions, the following would be:

#[derive( Serialize )]
struct RectangleTidy {
    dimensions: Structx!{
        width: u64,
        height: u64,
    color: Structx!{
        red: u8,
        green: u8,
        blue: u8,

"Auto-implementing traits is a magical hack"

Indeed, we would much prefer to use a less magical approach, but providing these traits without compiler magic would require significantly more complexity such as polymorphism over field names as well as variadic generics. Therefore, to make structural records usable in practice, providing a small set of traits with compiler magic is a considerably less complex approach. In the future, perhaps the magic could be removed.