Releases: open-pioneer/trails-build-tools
Releases · open-pioneer/trails-build-tools
Patch Changes
cf32df5: Add another workaround that unfortunately currently requires pnpm's shamefully-hoist
allows the application to 'see' all other installed node packages.
This is usually a bad practice but we currently require it for the virtual module that imports all open pioneer services.
For more details see the linked commit.
Patch Changes
- ab271dc: Don't consider virtual app-css modules if they end in '.map'. This is a workaround for vite currently requesting source maps for inline css with the 'wrong' importer.
- 38d3c6b: Work around problems with vite's depOptimizer
Minor Changes
- 8c6e72d: Rename to build-pioneer-package
Patch Changes
- 57a81cd: Improve error logging in dev mode.
Patch Changes
- e6bbbfb: Simplify license comment in README
- Updated dependencies [b6f55fe]
- Updated dependencies [e6bbbfb]
- @open-pioneer/build-common@0.6.0
Minor Changes
- b6f55fe: Move most package build options into the publishConfig section of build.config.mjs files.
Patch Changes
- e6bbbfb: Simplify license comment in README
Minor Changes
- b6f55fe: Move most package build options into the publishConfig section of build.config.mjs files.
- e6bbbfb: Change the way output is configured in the 'build' function. A logger (e.g. console) can now be passed directly.
Patch Changes
- e6bbbfb: Simplify license comment in README
- Updated dependencies [b6f55fe]
- Updated dependencies [e6bbbfb]
- @open-pioneer/build-common@0.6.0
- @open-pioneer/build-support@0.6.0
Minor Changes
Patch Changes
- e6bbbfb: Simplify license comment in README
- Updated dependencies [b6f55fe]
- Updated dependencies [e6bbbfb]
- Updated dependencies [e6bbbfb]
- @open-pioneer/build-package@0.7.0
Minor Changes
- b6f55fe: Move most package build options into the publishConfig section of build.config.mjs files.
Patch Changes
- e6bbbfb: Simplify license comment in README
Patch Changes
- fdb5347: Use unresolved module ids for generated code.
- Updated dependencies [fdb5347]
- @open-pioneer/build-common@0.5.1