profiling jwt verification using io.jwt.decode_verify
shows multiple invocations
I'm seeing inconsistent policy evaluation latencies with with jwt verification using policy.rego package authz
default allow := false
jwks := `{
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "f6b0b265-a619-45c5-a252-b3c39a6bcf2f",
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "xJ5vz6hhY1ESZQkB0tfyxN8PGwJJygfgqUApITCsw1RpWZKjGu4u0_yBwkJJvk_-GpWDwE8vQnMBGwatPMRlHsvbrOQ3Ltfk2dFP9-M-PbTlB_da3IZO1pJLQAR0cMeFrd_zIgeaRJyrn945xYMOR2WehxXRhn69oAfwy4eODqFervJo0TETAEEJWbt1EDA-4wR8Vto4lnwdiZH6MTwxwVAE9fKiQUBuRIRG2jf0uP1Z68MpnyXCU-IK6_urqta0oLiG6QRVccc8omVEwTQo1ZYPWXUWcRPD_73ClcfBJb8ocHILGPjgh0etmB9NY8s4GDrW2L39FxYvSrTVB9Ckfw",
"use": "sig"
allow {
input.message == "hello"
[valid, p, s] := io.jwt.decode_verify(input.token, {"cert": jwks, "aud": "some-audience"})
} input.json {
"message": "hello",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImY2YjBiMjY1LWE2MTktNDVjNS1hMjUyLWIzYzM5YTZiY2YyZiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoic29tZS11c2VyIiwiYWNjb3VudCI6InNvbWUtYWNjb3VudCIsImFybiI6InNvbWUtYXJuIiwic2NwIjpbIm1vbm9jbGUuYWJvdXQuZ2V0Il0sImlhdCI6MTY2MzA5NTgzNiwiZXhwIjoxNjk0NjMxODM2LCJpc3MiOiJzb21lLWlzc3VlciIsImF1ZCI6InNvbWUtYXVkaWVuY2UiLCJzdmMiOiJzb21lc2VydmljZSJ9.NAmreK4b9sRHDerCt6s_WDonHEjRnz5n6U96Hj_ZBLIPAyL740C2m3NHlO0FeRGOMzp5IxD3Xq6VTrP7RzYt3WR_vu3RoAyqLIA7vbqwquQLWIbpu0KB3EObY3Ue0d2Yv5KXiCi0BPbof19D4Xy_5NBXUJ_fAgexITRIihgaRjrxYicaDbF1Xr_WUt3rDD_VV8oUrLdkJ9tWQqcIIFfOFkUebe2TtSyrB34c-onvm4IuyAKjCR3UdGC9zXXDF2mDu5b0xfmOpZPFNZImX-viTP-vSVRlBqHYuICV35kh3I2LIHTazn-J2NmwB93e_ttRDqMFAdwzgoQCNsj5DnQM1A=="
} profiling the above policy using
I'm unclear about |
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So here's what is notoriously misleading about the NUM EVAL and NUM REDO: it accumulates the numbers of the expressions that the source line expanded into. In your example, allow = true {
input.message = "hello"
__local4__ = input.token
__local5__ = data.authz.jwks
io.jwt.decode_verify(__local4__, {"aud": "some-audience", "cert": __local5__}, __local3__)
[__local0__, __local1__, __local2__] = __local3__
} and the last 4 lines of the body come from the one line you had there in Does that help? I'm afraid there's no simple way to inspect the compiler's intermediate format there, short of adding a |
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So here's what is notoriously misleading about the NUM EVAL and NUM REDO: it accumulates the numbers of the expressions that the source line expanded into.
In your example,
is rewritten in the compiler toand the last 4 lines of the body come from the one line you had there in
. They're each evaluated (and redone) once, but aggregated, you'll get a 4 on both counts.Does that help? I'm afraid there's no simple way to …