OTEPs have been moved to the Specification repository. This repository has been preserved for reference purposes. Please otherwise refer to the Specification.
- Motivation
- Examples
- Explanation
- Proposed
protocol - Recommended reading
- Acknowledgements
Objective: Specify a foundation for sampling techniques in OpenTelemetry.
Probability sampling allows consumers of sampled telemetry data to collect a fraction of telemetry events and use them to estimate total quantities about the population of events, such as the total rate of events with a particular attribute.
These techniques enable reducing the cost of telemetry collection, both for producers (i.e., SDKs) and for processors (i.e., Collectors), without losing the ability to (at least coarsely) monitor the whole system.
Sampling builds on results from probability theory. Estimates drawn from probability samples are random variables that are expected to equal their true value. When all outcomes are equally likely, meaning all the potential combinations of items used to compute a sample of the sampling logic are equally likely, we say the sample is unbiased.
Unbiased samples can be used for after-the-fact analysis. We can answer questions such as "what fraction of events had property X?" using the fraction of events in the sample that have property X.
This document outlines how producers and consumers of sample telemetry data can convey estimates about the total count of telemetry events, without conveying information about how the sample was computed, using a quantity known as adjusted count. In common language, a "one-in-N" sampling scheme emits events with adjusted count equal to N. Adjusted count is the expected value of the number of events in the population represented by an individual sample event.
These examples use an attribute named sampler.adjusted_count
convey sampling probability. Consumers of spans, metrics, and logs
annotated with adjusted counts are able to calculate accurate
statistics about the whole population of events, without knowing
details about the sampling configuration.
The hypothetical sampler.adjusted_count
attribute is used throughout
these examples to demonstrate this concept, although the proposal
below for OpenTelemetry Span
messages introduces a dedicated field
with specific interpretation for conveying parent sampling probability.
Example use-cases for probability sampling of spans generally involve generating metrics from spans.
In this example, an OpenTelemetry SDK for tracing is configured with a
that counts sample spans as they are processed based
on their adjusted counts. The SDK could be used to monitor request
rates using Prometheus, for example.
For every complete sample span it receives, the example
will synthesize metric data as though a Counter named
corresponding to a span named S
had been incremented once
per original span. Using the adjusted count of sampled spans instead,
the value of S_count
is expected to equal to equal the true number
of spans.
This SpanProcessor
will for every span it receives add the span's
adjusted count to a corresponding metric Counter instrument. For
example using the OpenTelemetry Metrics API directly,
func (p *spanToMetricsProcessor) OnEnd(span trace.ReadOnlySpan) {
ctx := context.Background()
counter := p.meter.NewInt64Counter(span.Name() + "_count")
For every span it receives, the example processor will synthesize
metric data as though a Histogram instrument named S_duration
span named S
had been observed once per original span.
The OpenTelemetry Metric data model does not support histogram buckets with non-integer counts, which forces the use of integer adjusted counts here (i.e., 1-in-N sampling rates where N is an integer).
Logically speaking, this processor will observe the span's duration
adjusted count number of times for every sample span it receives.
This example, therefore, uses a hypothetical RecordMany()
method to
capture multiple observations of a Histogram measurement at once:
histogram := p.meter.NewFloat64Histogram(
span.Name() + "_duration",
A collector processor will introduce a slight delay in order to ensure it has received a complete frame of data, during which time it maintains a fixed-size buffer of complete input spans. If the number of spans received exceeds the size of the buffer before the end of the interval, begin weighted sampling using the adjusted count of each span as input weight.
This processor drops spans when the configured rate threshold is exceeeded, otherwise it passes spans through with unmodifed adjusted counts.
When the interval expires and the sample frame is considered complete, the selected sample spans are output with possibly updated adjusted counts.
Consider a hypothetical telemetry signal in which a stream of data items is produced containing one or more associated numbers. Using the OpenTelemetry Metrics data model terminology, we have two scenarios in which sampling is common.
- Counter events: Each event represents a count, signifying the change in a sum.
- Histogram events: Each event represents an individual variable, signifying membership in a distribution.
A Tracing Span event qualifies as both of these cases simultaneously. One span can be interpreted as at least one Counter event (e.g., one request, the number of bytes read) and at least one Histogram event (e.g., request latency, request size).
In Metrics, Statsd Counter and Histogram events meet this definition.
In both cases, the goal in sampling is to estimate the count of events in the whole population, meaning all the events, using only the events that were selected in the sample.
This model is meant to apply in telemetry collection situations where individual events at an API boundary are sampled for collection. Once the process of sampling individual API-level events is understood, we will learn to apply these techniques for sampling aggregated data.
In sampling, the term sampling design refers to how sampling probability is decided and the term sample frame refers to how events are organized into discrete populations. The design of a sampling strategy dictates how the population is framed.
For example, a simple design uses uniform probability, and a simple framing technique is to collect one sample per distinct span name per hour. A different sample framing could collect one sample across all span names every 10 minutes.
After executing a sampling design over a frame, each item selected in the sample will have known inclusion probability, that determines how likely the item was to being selected. Implicitly, all the items that were not selected for the sample have zero inclusion probability.
Descriptive words that are often used to describe sampling designs:
- Fixed: the sampling design is the same from one frame to the next
- Adaptive: the sampling design changes from one frame to the next based on the observed data
- Equal-Probability: the sampling design uses a single inclusion probability per frame
- Unequal-Probability: the sampling design uses multiple inclusion probabilities per frame
- Reservoir: the sampling design uses fixed space, has fixed-size output.
Our goal is to support flexibility in choosing sampling designs for producers of telemetry data, while allowing consumers of sampled telemetry data to be agnostic to the sampling design used.
We are interested in the common case in telemetry collection, where sampling is performed while processing a stream of events and each event is considered just once. Sampling designs of this form are referred to as sampling without replacement. Unless stated otherwise, "sampling" in telemetry collection always refers to sampling without replacement.
After executing a given sampling design over a complete frame of data, the result is a set of selected sample events, each having known and non-zero inclusion probability. There are several other quantities of interest, after calculating a sample from a sample frame.
- Sample size: the number of events with non-zero inclusion probability
- True population total: the exact number of events in the frame, which may be unknown
- Estimated population total: the estimated number of events in the frame, which is computed from the sample.
The sample size is always known after it is calculated, but the size may or may not be known ahead of time, depending on the design. Probabilistic sampling schemes require that the estimated population total equals the expected value of the true population total.
Following the model above, every event defines the notion of an adjusted count.
- Adjusted count is zero if the event was not selected for the sample
- Adjusted count is the reciprocal of its inclusion probability, otherwise.
The adjusted count of an event represents the expected contribution to the estimated population total of a sample frame represented by the individual event.
The use of a reciprocal inclusion probability matches our intuition for probabilities. Items selected with "one-out-of-N" probability of inclusion count for N each, approximately speaking.
This intuition is backed up with statistics. This equation is known as the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the population total, a general-purpose statistical "estimator" that applies to all without replacement sampling designs.
Assuming sample data is correctly computed, the consumer of sample data can treat every sample event as though an identical copy of itself has occurred adjusted count times. Every sample event is representative for adjusted count many copies of itself.
There is one essential requirement for this to work. The selection procedure must be statistically unbiased, a term meaning that the process is required to give equal consideration to all possible outcomes.
The use of unbiased sampling outlined above makes it possible to estimate the population total for arbitrary subsets of the sample, as every individual sample has been independently assigned an adjusted count.
There is a natural relationship between statistical bias and variance. Approximate counting comes with variance, a matter of fact which can be controlled for by the sample size. Variance is unavoidable in an unbiased sample, but variance diminishes with increasing sample size.
Although this makes it sound like small sample sizes are a problem, due to expected high variance, this is just a limitation of the technique. When variance is high, use a larger sample size.
An easy approach for lowering variance is to aggregate sample frames together across time, which generally increases the size of the subpopulations being counted. For example, although the estimates for the rate of spans by distinct name drawn from a one-minute sample may have high variance, combining an hour of one-minute sample frames into an aggregate data set is guaranteed to lower variance (assuming the numebr of span names stays fixed). It must, because the data remains unbiased, so more data results in lower variance.
Some possibilities for encoding the adjusted count or inclusion probability are discussed below, depending on the circumstances and the protocol. Here, the focus is on how to count sampled telemetry events in general, not a specific kind of event. As we shall see in the following section, tracing comes with additional complications.
There are several ways of encoding this adjusted count or inclusion probability:
- as a dedicated field in an OTLP protobuf message
- as a non-descriptive Attribute in an OTLP Span, Metric, or Log
- without any dedicated field.
We can encode the adjusted count directly as a floating point or integer number in the range [0, +Inf). This is a conceptually easy way to understand sampling because larger numbers mean greater representivity.
Note that it is possible, given this description, to produce adjusted counts that are not integers. Adjusted counts are an approximatation, and the expected value of an integer can be a fractional count. Floating-point adjusted counts can be avoided with the use of integer-reciprocal inclusion probabilities.
We can encode the inclusion probability directly as a floating point number in the range [0, 1). This is typical of the Statsd format, where each line includes an optional probability. In this context, the probability is also commonly referred to as a "sampling rate". In this case, smaller numbers mean greater representivity.
We can encode the base-2 logarithm of adjusted count (i.e., negative base-2 logarithm of inclusion probability). By using an integer field, restricting adjusted counts and inclusion probabilities to powers of two, this allows the use of small non-negative integers to encode the adjusted count. In this case, larger numbers mean exponentially greater representivity.
When the data itself carries counts, such as for the Metrics Sum and Histogram points, the adjusted count can be multiplied into the data.
This technique is less desirable because, while it preserves the expected value of the count or sum, the data loses information about variance. This may also lead to rounding errors, when adjusted counts are not integer valued.
Sampling techniques are always about lowering the cost of data collection and analysis, but in trace collection and analysis specifically, approaches can be categorized by whether they reduce Tracer overhead. Tracer overhead is reduced by not recording spans for unsampled traces and requires making the sampling decision at the time a new span context is created, sometimes before all of its attributes are known.
Traces are said to be complete when the all spans that were part of the trace are collected. When sampling is applied to reduce Tracer overhead, there is generally an expectation that complete traces will still be produced. Sampling techniques that lower Tracer overhead and produce complete traces are known as Head trace sampling techniques.
The decision to produce and collect a sample trace has to be made when the root span starts, to avoid incomplete traces. Then, assuming complete traces can be collected, the adjusted count of the root span determines an adjusted count for every span in the trace.
The adjusted count of a root span determines the adjusted count of each of its children based on the following logic:
- The root span is considered representative of
many identical root spans, because it was selected using unbiased sampling - Context propagation conveys causation, the fact the one span produces another
- A root span causes each of the child spans in its trace to be produced
- A sampled root span represents
many traces, representing the cause ofadjusted_count
many occurrences per child span in the sampled trace.
Using this reasoning, we can define a sample collected from all root spans in the system, which allows estimating the count of all spans in the population. Take a simple probability sample of root spans:
- In the
decision for root spans, use the initial span properties to determine the inclusion probabilityP
- Make a pseudo-random selection with probability
, if true returnRECORD_AND_SAMPLE
(so that the W3C Trace Contextis-sampled
flag is set in all child contexts) - Encode a span adjusted count attribute equal to
on the root span - Collect all spans where the W3C Trace Context
flag is set.
After collecting all sampled spans, locate the root span for each. Apply the root span's adjusted count to every child in the associated trace. The sum of adjusted counts on all sampled spans is expected to equal the population total number of spans.
Now, having stored the sample spans with their adjusted counts, and assuming the source of randomness is good, we can extrapolate counts for the population using arbitrary queries over the sampled spans. Sampled spans can be translated into approximate metrics over the population of spans, after their adjusted counts are known.
The cost of this analysis, using only the root span's adjusted count, is that all root spans have to be collected before we can count non-root spans. The cost of indexing and looking up the root span adjusted counts makes this analysis relatively expensive to perform in real time.
If the W3C is-sampled
flag will be used to determine whether
is returned in a Sampler, then in order to count
sample spans without first locating the root span requires propagating
information about the parent sampling probability through the
context. Using the parent sampling probability, instead of the
root, allows individual spans in a trace to control the sampling
probability of their descendents in a sub-trace that use ParentBased
sampler. Such techniques are referred to as parent sampling
Parent sampling probability may be thought of as the probability of causing a child span to be a sampled. Propagators that maintain this variable MUST obey the rules of conditional probability. In this model, the adjusted count of each span depends on the adjusted count of its parent, not of the root in a trace. Still, the sum of adjusted counts of all sampled spans is expected to equal the population total number of spans.
This applies to other forms of telemetry that happen (i.e., are caused) within a context carrying parent sampling probability. For example, we may record log events and metrics exemplars with adjusted counts equal to the inverse of the current parent sampling probability when they are produced.
This technique allows translating spans and logs to metrics without first locating their root span, a significant performance advantage compared with first collecting and indexing root spans.
Several parent sampling techniques are discussed in the following sections and evaluated in terms of their ability to meet all of the following criteria:
- Reduces Tracer overhead
- Produces complete traces
- Spans are countable.
Details about Sampler implementations that meet the requirements stated above.
The Parent
Sampler ensures complete traces, provided all spans are
successfully recorded. A downside of Parent
sampling is that it
takes away control over Tracer overhead from non-roots in the trace.
To support real-time span-to-metrics applications, this Sampler
requires propagating the sampling probability or adjusted count of
the context in effect when starting child spans. This is expanded
upon in OTEP 168 (WIP).
When propagating parent sampling probability, spans recorded by the
sampler could encode the adjusted count in the corresponding
using a Span attribute named sampler.adjusted_count
The OpenTelemetry tracing specification includes a built-in Sampler designed for probability sampling using a deterministic sampling decision based on the TraceID. This Sampler was not finished before the OpenTelemetry version 1.0 specification was released; it was left in place, with a TODO and the recommendation to use it only for trace roots. OTEP 135 proposed a solution.
The goal of the TraceIDRatio
Sampler is to coordinate the tracing
decision, but give each service control over Tracer overhead. Each
service sets its sampling probability independently, and the
coordinated decision ensures that some traces will be complete.
Traces are complete when the TraceID ratio falls below the minimum
Sampler probability across the whole trace. Techniques have been
developed for analysis of partial traces that are compatible with
TraceID ratio sampling.
The TraceIDRatio
Sampler has another difficulty with testing for
completeness. It is impossible to know whether there are missing leaf
spans in a trace without using external information. One approach,
lost in the transition from OpenCensus to OpenTelemetry is to count
the number of children of each
Lacking the number of expected children, we require a way to know the minimum Sampler probability across traces to ensure they are complete.
To count TraceIDRatio-sampled spans, each span could encode its
adjusted count in the corresponding SpanData
using a Span attribute
named sampler.adjusted_count
Google's Dapper tracing system describes the use of sampling to control the cost of trace collection at scale. Dapper's early Sampler algorithm, referred to as an "inflationary" approach (although not published in the paper), is reproduced here.
This kind of Sampler allows non-root spans in a trace to raise the probability of tracing, using a conditional probability formula shown below. Traces produced in this way are complete sub-trees, not necessarily complete. This technique is successful especially in systems where a high-throughput service on occasion calls a low-throughput service. Low-throughput services are meant to inflate their sampling probability.
The use of this technique requires propagating the parent inclusion
probability (as discussed for the Parent
sampler) of the incoming
Context and whether it was sampled, in order to calculate the
probability of starting to sample a new "sub-root" in the trace.
Using standard notation for conditional probability, P(x)
the probability of x
being true, and P(x|y)
indicates the
probability of x
being true given that y
is true. The axioms of
probability establish that:
P(x)=P(x|y)*P(y)+P(x|not y)*P(not y)
The variables are:
: The parent inclusion probability of the parent context that is in effect, independent of whether the parent context was sampledI
: The inflationary sampling probability for the span being started.D
: The decision probability for whether to start a new sub-root.
This Sampler cannot lower sampling probability, so if the new span is
started with H >= I
or when the context is already sampled, no new
sampling decisions are made. If the incoming context is already
sampled, the adjusted count of the new span is 1/H
Assuming H < I
and the incoming context was not sampled, we have the
following probability equations:
P(span sampled) = I
P(parent sampled) = H
P(span sampled | parent sampled) = 1
P(span sampled | parent not sampled) = D
Using the formula above,
I = 1*H + D*(1-H)
solve for D:
D = (I - H) / (1 - H)
Now the Sampler makes a decision with probability D
. Whether the
decision is true or false, propagate I
as the new parent inclusion
probability. If the decision is true, begin recording a sub-rooted
trace with adjusted count 1/I
Following the proposal for propagating consistent parent sampling probability developed in OTEP 168, this proposal is limited to adding a field to encode the parent sampling probability. The OTEP 168 proposal for propagation limits parent sampling probabilities to powers of two, hence we are able to encode the corresponding adjusted count using a small non-negative integer.
The OpenTelemetry Span protocol already includes the Span's
, which allows consumers to calculate the adjusted count
of the span by applying the rules specified that proposal to calculate
the parent sampling probability.
The OTEP 168 proposal for propagating parent sampling probability uses 6
bits of information, with 63 ordinary values and a special zero value.
When tracestate
is empty, the ot
subkey cannot be found, or the
value cannot be determined, the parent sampling probability is
considered unknown.
Value | Parent Adjusted Count |
0 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 4 |
3 | 8 |
4 | 16 |
... | ... |
X | 2**X |
... | ... |
62 | 2**62 |
63 | 0 |
Combined with the proposal for propagating parent sampling probability
in OTEP 168, the result is that Sampling can be enabled in an
up-to-date system and all Spans, roots and children alike, will have
known adjusted count. Consumers of a stream of Span data with the
OTEP 168 tracestate
value can approximately and accurately count
Spans by their adjusted count.
Addition to the Span data model:
### Definitions Used in this Document
#### Sampler
A Sampler provides configurable logic, used by the SDK, for selecting
which Spans are "recorded" and/or "sampled" in a tracing client
library. To "record" a span means to build a representation of it in
the client's memory, which makes it eligible for being exported. To
"sample" a span implies setting the W3C `sampled` flag and recording
the span for export.
OpenTelemetry supports spans that are "recorded" and not "sampled"
for "live" observability of spans (e.g., z-pages).
The Sampler interface and the built-in Samplers defined by OpenTelemetry
must be capable of deciding immediately whether to sample the child
context. The term "sampling" may be used in a more general sense.
For example, a reservoir sampling scheme limits the rate of sample items
selected over a period of time, but such a scheme necessarily defers its
decision making, thus "Sampling" may be applied anywhere on a collection
path whereas the "Sampler" API is restricted to logic that can immediately
decide to sample a trace in side an OpenTelemetry SDK.
#### Parent-based sampling
A Sampler that makes its decision to sample based on the W3C `sampled`
flag is said to use parent-based sampling.
#### Parent sampling
In a tracing context, Parent sampling refers to the initial decision to
sample a span or a trace, which determines the W3C `sampled` flag of
the child context. The OpenTelemetry tracing data model currently
supports only parent sampling.
#### Probability sampler
A probability Sampler is a Sampler that knows immediately, for each
of its decisions, the probability that the span had of being selected.
Sampling probability is defined as a number less than or equal to 1
and greater than 0 (i.e., `0 < probability <= 1`). The case of 0
probability is treated as a special, non-probabilistic case.
#### Consistent probability sampler
A consistent probability sampler is a Sampler that supports independent
sampling decisions at each span in a trace while maintaining that
traces will be complete with probability equal to the minimum sampling
probability across the trace. Consistent probability sampling requires that
for any span in a given trace, if a Sampler with lesser sampling probability
selects the span for sampling, then the span would also be selected by a
Sampler configured with greater sampling probability.
In OpenTelemetry, consistent probability samplers are limited to
power-of-two probabilities. OpenTelemetry consistent probability sampling
is defined in terms of a "p-value" and an "r-value", both of which are
propagated via the context to assist in making consistent sampling decisions.
### Always-on sampler
An always-on sampler is another name for a consistent probability
sampler with probability equal to one.
### Always-off sampler
An always-off Sampler has the effect of disabling a span completely,
effectively excluding it from the population. This is not defined as
a probability sampler with zero probability, because these spans are
effectively uncountable.
### Non-probability sampler
A non-probability sampler is a Sampler that makes its decisions not
based on chance, but instead uses arbitrary logic and internal state
to make its decisions. Because OpenTelemetry specifies the use of
consistent probability samplers, any sampler other than a parent-based
sampler that does not meet all the requirements for consistent probability
sampling is termed a non-probability sampler.
#### Adjusted count
Adjusted count is defined as a measure of representivity, the number
of spans in the population that are represented by the individually
sampled span. Span-to-metrics pipelines may be built by adding the
adjusted count of each sample span to a counter of matching spans,
observing the duration of each sample span in a histogram adjusted
count many times, and so on.
The adjusted count 1 means an one-to-one sampling was in effect.
Adjusted counts greater than 1 indicate the use of a probability
sampler. Adjusted counts are unknown when using a non-probability
Zero adjusted count is defined in a way to support composition of
probability and non-probability samplers. In effect, spans that are
"recorded" but not "sampled" have adjusted count of zero.
#### Unbiased probability sampling
The statistical term "unbiased" is a requirement applied to the
adjusted count of a span, which states that the expected value of the
sum of adjusted counts across all exported spans MUST equal the true
number of spans in the population. Statistical bias, a measure of the
difference between an estimate and its true value, of the estimated
span count in the population should equal zero. Moreover, this
requirement must be true for all subsets of the span population for a
sampler to be considered an unbiased probability sampler.
It is easier to define probability sampling by what it is not. Here
are several samplers that should be categorized as non-probability
samplers because they cannot record unbiased adjusted counts:
- A traditional form of "leaky-bucket" sampler applies a rate limit to
the starting of new sampled traces. When the configured limit is
not exceeded, all spans pass through with adjusted count 1. When
the configured rate limit is exceeded, it is impossible to set
adjusted count without introducing bias because future arrivals are
not known.
- A "every-N" sampler records spans on a regular interval, but instead
of making a probabilistic decision it makes an exact decision
(e.g., every 10,000 spans). This sampler knows the representivity
of the spans it samples, but the selection process is biased.
- A "at least once per time period" sampler remembers the last time
each distinct span name exported a span. When a span occurs after
more than the specified interval, it samples one (e.g., to ensure
that receivers know about these spans). This sampler introduces
bias because spans that happen between the intervals do not receive
- The "always off" sampler is biased by definition. Since it exports
no spans, the sum of adjusted count is always zero.
When combining multiple Samplers, the natural outcome is that a span will be recorded and sampled if any one of the Samplers says to record or sample the span. To combine Samplers in a way that preserves adjusted count requires first classifying Samplers into one of the following categories:
- Parent-based (
) - Known non-zero probability (
) - Non-probability based (
, all other Samplers)
The Parent-based sampler always reduces into one of other two at runtime, based on whether the parent context includes known parent probability or not.
Here are the rules for combining Sampler decisions from each of these categories that may be used to construct composite samplers.
When two consistent probability samplers are used, the Sampler with the larger probability by definition includes every span the smaller probability sampler would select. The result is a consistent sampler with the minimum p-value.
When a probability sampler is composed with a non-probability sampler, the effect is to change an unknown probability into a known probability. When the probability sampler selects the span, its adjusted count will be used. When the probability sampler does not select a span, zero adjusted count will be used.
The use of zero adjusted count allows recording spans that an unbiased probability sampler did not select, allowing those spans to be received at the backend without introducing statistical bias.
To create a composite Sampler, first express the result of each
Sampler in terms of the p-value and sampled
flag. Note that
p-values fall into three categories:
- Unknown p-value indicates unknown adjusted count
- Known non-zero p-value (in the range
) indicates known non-zero adjusted count - Known zero p-value (
) indicates known zero adjusted count
While non-probability samplers always return unknown p
and may set
or sampled=false
, a probability sampler is restricted
to returning either p∈[0,62]
with sampled=true
or to returning
with sampled=false
. No individual sampler can return p=63
with sampled=true
, but this condition MAY result from composition of
and unknown p
A composite sampler can be computed using the table below, as follows.
Although unknown p
is never encoded in tracestate
, for the purpose
of composition we assign unknowns p=64
, which is 1 beyond the range
of the 6-bit that represent known p-values. The assignment of p=64
simplifies the formulas below .
By following these simple rules, any numher of consistent probability
samplers and non-probability samplers can be combined. Starting with
representing unknown and sampled=false
, update the composite
p-value to the minimum value of the prior composite p-value and the
individual sampler p-value.
p<sub>out</sub> = min(p<sub>in</sub>, p<sub>sampler</sub)
sampled<sub>out</sub> = logicalOR(sampled<sub>in</sub>, sampled<sub>sampler</sub)
The composite sampler is always the logical-OR of the individual samplers. For p-value, this has two effects:
- When combining two consistent probability samplers, the less-selective Sampler's adjusted count is taken.
- When combining a consistent probability sampler and a non-probability sampler, this has the effect of changing unknown adjusted count into known adjusted count.
The Trace SDK specification of the SamplingResult
will be extended
with a new field to be returned by all Samplers.
- The sampling probability of the span is encoded as the base-2
logarithm of inverse parent sampling probability, known as "adjusted
count", which is the effective count of the Span for use in
Span-to-Metrics pipelines. The value 64 is used to represent
unknown adjusted count, and the value 63 is used to represent
known-zero adjusted count. For values >=0 and <63, the adjusted
count of the Span is 2**value, representing power-of-two
probabilities between 1 and 2**-62.
The corresonding `SamplerResult` field SHOULD be named
`log_adjusted_count` because it carries the newly-created
span and child context's adjusted count and is expressed as
the logarithm of adjusted count for spans selected by a
probability Sampler.
See OTEP 168 for
details on how each of the built-in Samplers is expected to set
for conveying sampling probabilities.
Sampling, 3rd Edition, by Steven K. Thompson.
A Generalization of Sampling Without Replacement From a Finite Universe, JSTOR (1952)
Performance Is A Shape. Cost Is A Number: Sampling, 2020 blog post, Joshua MacDonald
Priority sampling for estimation of arbitrary subset sums
Stream sampling for variance-optimal estimation of subset sums.
Estimation from Partially Sampled Distributed Traces, 2021 Dynatrace Research report, Otmar Ertl
Thanks to Neena Dugar and Alex Kehlenbeck for their help reconstructing the Dapper Sampler algorithm.