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The adaptfx manual

Working tree

The package ships a CLI with which calculations can be performed which will be explained here. One should perform calculations in a working folder e.g. adaptfx/work. There the instruction files can be specified by the user and adaptfx will automatically produce log files if the user wishes to.

The package also also provides a class that can be used in scripting mode. When using the package in scripts, a class creates an object with according attributes. To understand the attributes and behaviour of optimisation, read the doc-string of the script here

Format of the instruction file

The user specifies following elements of the dictionary for the main entries:

  • "algorithm"
  • "debug"
  • "log"
  • "keys"
  • "settings"

Each entry of the dictionary is either a parameter or a dictionary itself. In the next section explained are the main entries.

Main entries

algorithm: frac, oar, tumor, tumor_oar
    type of algorithm
    frac : minimise number of fractions
    oar: minimise oar BED, with tumor constraint
    tumor : maximise tumor BED, with oar constraint
    tumor_oar : minimise oar and maximise tumor BED simultaneously
level: 0, 1, 2
    quiet mode, 0 (for scripting)
    normal mode, 1
    debug mode, 2 (for developing)
    default: 1
log: 0,1
    log output to a file
    default: 0
keys: dict
    algorithm instruction
settings: dict
    algorithm settings

Optimisation parameters

number_of_fractions : integer
    number of fractions that will be delivered.
fraction : int
    if only a single fraction should be calculated.
    default: 0
sparing_factors : list/array
    list/array with all observed sparing factors.
prob_update : int
    set type of updating for probability distribution of sparing factor.
    If set to 0, the sparing factor is not updated and the probabability
    distribution fixed, specified with 'fixed_mean' and 'fixed_std'.
    If set to 1, then the assumed probability distribution is a normal
    distribution which is updated with maximum a posteriori estimation. 
    The prior is a gamma distribution with hyperparameters 'scale' and 'shape'.
    If set to 2, full Bayesian approach is employed, where a posterior
    predictive distribution is estimated. The conjugate prior is an
    inverse-gamma distribution with hyperparameters 'scale_inv' and 'shape_inv'.
    default: 0
fixed_mean: float
    mean of the fixed sparing factor normal distribution.
    mandatory if 'prob_update' set to 0.
fixed_std: float
    standard deviation of the fixed sparing factor normal distribution.
    mandatory if 'prob_update' set to 0.
shape : float
    shape of gamma distribution, for prior.
    mandatory if 'prob_update' set to 1.
scale : float
    scale of gamma distribution, for prior.
    mandatory if 'prob_update' set to 1.
shape_inv : float
    shape of inverse-gamma distribution, for prior.
    mandatory if 'prop_update' set to 2.
scale_inv : float
    scale of inverse-gamme distribution, for prior.
    mandatory if 'prob_update' set to 2.
abt : float
    alpha-beta ratio of tumor.
    default: 10
abn : float
    alpha-beta ratio of OAR.
    default: 3
accumulated_oar_dose : float
    accumulated OAR BED (from previous fractions).
accumulated_tumor_dose : float
    accumulated tumor BED (from previous fractions).
min_dose : float
    minimal physical doses to be delivered in one fraction.
    The doses are aimed at PTV 95.
    default: 0
max_dose : float
    maximal physical doses to be delivered in one fraction.
    The doses are aimed at PTV 95. If -1 the dose is adapted to the
    remaining tumor BED to be delivered or the remaining OAR dose 
    allowed to be prescribed.
    default: -1

Specific entries according to algorithm type

maximise tumor BED
oar_limit : float
    upper BED limit of OAR.

minimise oar BED
tumor_goal : float
    prescribed tumor BED.

minimise number of fractions
tumor_goal : float
    prescribed tumor BED.
c: float
    fixed constant to penalise each additional fraction.

General settings for calculation

dose_stepsize : float
    stepsize of the actionspace.
state_stepsize : float
    stepsize of the BED states.
sf_low : float
    lower bound of the possible sparing factors.
sf_high : float
    upper bound of the possible sparing factors.
sf_stepsize: float
    stepsize of the sparing factor stepsize.
sf_prob_threshold': float
    probability threshold of the sparing factor occuring
    which defines the range of sparing factors.
inf_penalty : float
    define infinite penalty for undesired states
    choose arbitrarily large compared to highest occuring reward.
plot_policy : int
    starting from which fraction policy should be plotted.
plot_values : int
    starting from which fraction value should be plotted.
plot_remains : int
    starting from which fraction expected remaining number 
    of fractions should be plotted.
plot_probability : int
    flag if the probability distribution should be plotted

⚠️ Note:
It is dangerous to use an upper and lower bound in sf_low and sf_high, as a truncated probability distribution may result that not accurately represents the environment model. Best is to set sf_prob_threshold to 1e-3 or lower or leave it at the default which is set at 1e-4.

Note on Plots

Policy, Value and Remaining number of fractions plots are calculated with the probability distribution in the fraction from which the plots should start. That is the value function that is known when iterating backwards through the fractions. E.g. the plotted policy starting to plot in the first fraction i.e plot_policy = 1 and prob_update = 0 is the policy which is known throughout the treatment, when observing only the first sparing factor. In the case of probability updating e.g prob_update = 1 the plotted policy is the optimal policy for the probability distribution known when observing the first sparing factor. As the probability distribution changes also future optimal policies change and one has to keep in mind only policy with the constant probability distribution from fraction 1 is plotted.

Different is the probability plot: the probability is set for each fraction and updated with additional oberved sparing factors.


Outlined is an example instruction file for fraction minimisation. It simply is a .json that is translated into a python dictionary. An example can be found here

This .json file can be called in with the CLI as:

$ aft -f work/oar_example.json


There is also a second CLI that allows to plot sparing factors, policy functions, temporal Adaptive Fractionation Therapy etc.

$ ast [options] -f <simulation_file>

The entry for algorithm simulation type is

algorithm_simulation: histogram, fraction, single_state, all_state
single_distance, single_patient, grid_distance, grid_fraction
    allowed plots options
keys_simulation: dict
    simulation keys
# Histogram of applied AFT for sampled patients
n_patients : float
    stepsize of the actionspace.
fixed_mean_sample : float
    mean of sampled patient sparing factor
fixed_std_sample : float
    standard deviation of sampled patient sparing factor

# Data related plots
c_list : list
    list of c parameters
plot_index : int
    which index to plot
data_filepath : string
    path to sparing factor file
data_selection : list
    two elements of header in sparing factor file
data_row_hue : string
    seaborn hue or row

# Settings of plots
figsize : list
    two elements of size figure
fontsize : float
    fontsize of plots
save : bool
    boolean to instruct saving plot
usetex : bool
    boolean if TeX font should be used