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Name | Properties | Price | Link | Tested |
Children Microscope Specimen | 48 pcs, 4 boxes including Animals, Insects, Plants, Flowers | 9€ | Ebay | Yes |
Betzold Sample set 2 | 25 pieces | 40€ | Betzold | Yes |
Betzold Sample set 3 | 25 pieces | 45€ | Betzold | Yes |
1ml syringe | for light sheet samples | Braun | Yes |
To prepare agarose gel, 200 mg of standard agarose are dissolved in 10 g of water stirred at room temperature. Afterwards, the temperature is increased to 160 °C. When the solution becomes transparent, the temperature is reduced to 100°C and 0.5 ml of water dissolved pollen is added. After 1 minute of stirring, the solution is collected with a B. Braun 1 ml syringe and submerged in water for cooling down. When the solution solidifies, the tip of the syringe is remove with a scalpel. Finally, the solid solution is partially ejected, therefore the syringe will be used as a sample holder for the microscope.
Fig.: (a) The syringe is submerged into the agarose embedded pollen (in yellow) and (b) it is
extracted and cooled down into room temperature water until the coagulation. (c) The tip of the
syringe is cut and (d) expelled to be analyzed in the light sheet microscope
The agarose is prepared according to the same protocol as for the pollen samples. The tip of the syringe is cut off, then roughly 0,15 ml of the solution is collected. A single fish is placed on top, sucked in by the syringe and covered with a few drops of agarose. Then again the syringe is submerged in water for cooling down.