docname: draft-zhang-alto-multipart-latest title: Multiple ALTO Resources Query Using Multipart Message abbrev: Multipart category: std
ipr: trust200902 area: Networks workgroup: ALTO WG keyword: ALTO, Internet-Draft
stand_alone: yes pi: strict: yes comments: yes inline: yes editing: no toc: yes tocompact: yes tocdepth: 3 iprnotified: no sortrefs: yes symrefs: yes compact: yes subcompact: no
ins: J. Zhang
name: Jingxuan Jensen Zhang
organization: Tongji University
street: 4800 Cao'An Hwy
city: Shanghai
code: 201804
country: China
- ins: Y. R. Yang name: Yang Richard Yang street: 51 Prospect Street city: New Haven code: CT country: USA org: Yale University email:
normative: RFC2045: RFC2046: RFC2119: RFC2387: RFC7285: RFC7540: RFC8895: informative: RFC8189: RFC8896: I-D.ietf-alto-path-vector: I-D.ietf-alto-unified-props-new: W3CXQUERY: title: "XQuery 3.0: An XML query language" author: - ins: J. Robie name: Jonathan Robie - ins: D. Chamberlin name: Don Chamberlin - ins: M. Dyck name: Michael Dyck - ins: J. Snelson name: John Snelson date: 2014 seriesinfo: W3C: Recommendation, W3C JSONIQ: title: "JSONiq - the SQL of NoSQL 1.0" author: - ins: J. Robie name: Jonathan Robie - ins: G. Fourny name: Ghislain Fourny - ins: M. Brantner name: Matthias Brantner - ins: D. Florescu name: Daniela Florescu - ins: T. Westmann name: Till Westmann - ins: M. Zaharioudakis name: Markos Zaharioudakis date: 2015 seriesinfo: JSONiq:
--- abstract
Many ALTO use cases involve multiple ALTO information resources like different network maps, cost maps and property maps to achieve their own specific goals. To make the ALTO client query them one by one is not only inefficient but also error-prone. The inconsistent responses can be performed because of the unstable communication environment, and finally conduct the unexpected traffic optimization. Further more, some ALTO information resources may have correlation, which means one's input parameters may depends on another one's response. To address those issues, some advanced query schema is required. This document proposes an ALTO extension to support the multiple ALTO resources query in the single request using the HTTP multipart message and the existing JSON query languages.
--- note_Requirements_Language
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in {{RFC2119}}.
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