This command filters a CSV file as written by the OpenBikeSensor hardware for privacy zones.
Each circular privacy zone is defined by the latitude and longitude of its center, as well as radius. The center is further displaced to obscure the true position of the zone center.
Please refer to the general Installation Instructions.
Create a file with contents like the following. The columns are Latitude, Longitude, Radius in Meters, and an optional name.
obs-filter-privacy -i input.csv -o output.csv -z privacy-zones.txt -s SECRET
Make sure to replace "SECRET" by a string just known to you. Use the same
secret every time, to produce the same displacement. If you do not want to
have your privacy zone centers be displaced (e.g. because you already manually
chose displaced zone centers), add the argument -R 0
for file in obsfiles/*.csv; do
obs-filter-privacy -i "${file}" -z privacyzones.txt -s SECRET -v
obs-filter-privacy --help