Connect to the server (nsX.odslab.se) by using SSH or PuTTY.
Install an authoritative nameserver:
sudo apt-get install -y bind9
Change its configuration to make sure its DNSSEC aware:
sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options
Make sure the following line is added in the options section:
dnssec-enable yes;
And start the bind server
sudo systemctl start bind9
Create some directories:
sudo mkdir /var/cache/bind/zones sudo mkdir /var/cache/bind/zones/unsigned sudo mkdir /var/cache/bind/zones/signed
Create a zone named after your group:
sudo vim /var/cache/bind/zones/unsigned/groupX.odslab.se
File contents:
$ORIGIN groupX.odslab.se. $TTL 60 @ IN SOA nsX.odslab.se. test.odslab.se. ( 1 ; serial 360 ; refresh (6 minutes) 360 ; retry (6 minutes) 1800 ; expire (30 minutes) 60 ; minimum (1 minute) ) @ IN NS nsX.odslab.se. www IN CNAME nsX.odslab.se.
Add the zone to BIND:
sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local
File contents:
zone "groupX.odslab.se" { type master; file "zones/unsigned/groupX.odslab.se"; };
Reload the server:
sudo rndc reload
Try resolving the information from the resolver:
dig groupX.odslab.se SOA
Next Section: OpenDNSSEC lab