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Providing Metadata

tsimon edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 21 revisions

This page describes how sources should provide metadata for our crawling process

Preferred methods

The preffered methods are based on exisiting metadata exchange specifications

Valuespace identifiers

Our system uses global identifiers for learningResourceType, intendedEndUserRole


Dublin Core LRMI specifies how webpages can include additional metadata for learning objects. They can later be automatically crawled by other systems, including the crawlers from Open Edu Hub.

Example for LRMI Metadata: (Should be included in the <head> section of your HTML-Page)` Please note that the included comments are only for reference and must be removed when delivering any JSON data! Elements marked as "!" are required, "+" means strongly recommended


<script type="application/ld+json">{ "identifier": "34efd4f9-737c-4071-8e52-e38f771b5433", #! a unique identifier of your ressource, preferable an UUID "keywords": [ #+ Free keywords of the ressource "Beruf" ], "@type": [ "CreativeWork", "MediaObject" ], "description": "Fragen zum Kenntnisstand, zum bisherigen Kontakt mit Chemie.", #! the content description of the ressource "dateModified": "2020-09-22T22:07:21+02:00", #! modified date of the ressource "@context": "", "intendedEndUserRole": [# Target end users (Zielgruppe/n) of the ressource, e.g. teacher, learner "", "" ], "inLanguage": "de", #+ primary language of the ressource "version": "1.2", # version of the ressource "ContentSize": "60", # size of the ressource "typicalAgeRange": "10-14" # age range of the target audience of this ressource "url": "", #! url to the ressource "dateCreated": "2020-07-15T19:14:36+02:00", #+ creation date of the ressource "name": "Chemie. Einige Gedanken", #! name of the ressource "publisher": { #+ Publisher (and/or creator) of the ressource "@type": "Person", "givenName": "", "familyName": "FWU" }, "learningResourceType": "", #+ lrt of the ressource "educationalAlignment": { #+ discipline/subject of the ressource "@type": "AlignmentObject", "alignmentType": "educationalSubject", "educationalFramework": "", # link to the discipline framework in use "targetName": "Chemie", #+ readable name of the framework (this is useful in case our crawler doesn't know the framework) "targetUrl": { "@id": "" # url of the discipline framework identifier } }, "thumbnailUrl": "" # url to a thumbnail/image of your ressource }</script>
