This package contains some sample XBlocks to illustrate the capabilities of the
XBlock specification. Please note that although basic.problem
is included
as an illustrative example, it does NOT demonstrate how problems are
implemented in the edx-platform runtime.
The following blocks have workbench scenarios displayed by default:
- basic.content:AllScopesBlock A block which demonstrates the scopes that come built in with XBlock
- basic.content:HelloWorldBlock A block which simply displays the text "Hello World"
- basic.content:HtmlBlock A block which displays a specified block of HTML text
- basic.problem:ProblemBlock A block which presents a problem and grades student responses
- thumbs.thumbs:ThumbsBlock A block which shows the total number of times it has been viewed
The following blocks are included in the SDK as illustration of the possibilities of XBlock:
- basic.structure:Sequence A container block which displays its children in a tabbed layout
- basic.structure:VerticalBlock A container block which displays its children in a vertical list
- basic.structure:SidebarBlock A variant of the vertical block
- basic.problem:TextInputBlock
- basic.problem:InputBlock
- basic.problem:EqualityCheckerBlock
- basic.problem:CheckerBlock
- basic.problem:AttemptScoreboardBlock
- basic.slider:Slider A block which presents a slider and remembers the student's setting
- basic.view_counter:ViewCounter
- filethumbs.filethumbs:FileThumbsBlock
Each of these blocks can be referenced in scenarios using a keyword in XML that is specified in the "entry_points" attribute of the setup tuple.