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2020 11 19

Chris Little edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 35

14:00 UTC (07:00 MST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 GMT, 14:00 CET, 22:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AEDT)


Agree Agenda and IPR Call

Minutes/Notes of previous meeting

Current Candidate EDR API Specification

API coordination: OGC API - Features - Part 2: CRS by Reference

Outstanding Issues

Outstanding Pull Requests

Vote for TC Approval

Are we ready for finalising EDR API before 20 Nov 2020 (TC 3 week rule)?

Planning for TC session

Any Other Business

Date of Next Meeting

Minutes Draft


Chris Little Boyl Shangguan Fan Gao Igor Andruska Mark Burgoyne Nazih Fino Pavol Navotny Shane Mill Steve Olson

Agenda: Agreed

Previous minutes: Agreed

IPR call: Done

API coordination: Probaly no impact from OGC API - Features - Part 2: CRS by Reference

Outstanding issues: Agreed to close #125, #126, #127, #129, #133, #151, #155

Outstanding Pull Requests: None

All agreed to put the standard forward for a vote at the December TC

Next meeting: 3/12/2020

Actions: Mark Burgoyne agreed to correct the text for the corridor resolutionx and resolutiony parameters and add the image examples generated by Pavol Navotny

Mark Burgoyne agreed to add the text generated by Chris Little to describe the Abstract Test Suite.

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