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Requirements Class "Core"


The Core Requirements Class defines the requirements for locating, understanding, and accessing coverage resources. The Core Requirements Class is presented in five sections:

  1. API Platform: a set of common capabilities

  2. Collection Access: operations for accessing collections of Coverages

  3. Coverage Access: operations for accessing Coverage resources

  4. Parameters: parameters for use in the API-Coverage operations.

  5. General: general principles for use with this standard.


The OGC API-Coverages standard is an extension of the OGC API-Common standard. Therefore, an implementation of API-Coverages must first satisfy the appropriate Requirements Classes from API-Common.


API-Common defines a set of common capabilities which are applicable to any OGC Web API. Those capabilities provide the platform upon which resource-specific APIs can be built. This section describes those capabilities and any modifications needed to better support Coverage resources.

API landing page

The landing page provides links to start exploration of the resources offered by an API. Its most important component is a list of links. OGC API-Common already requires some common links. Those links are sufficient for this standard.

Table 1. Dependencies


The Landing Page operation is defined in the Core conformance class of API-Common. No modifications are needed to support Coverage resources. The Core conformance class specifies only one way of performing this operation:

  1. Issue a GET request on the {root}/ path

Support for GET on the {root}/ path is required by API-Common.


A successful response to the Landing Page operation is defined in API-Common. The schema for this resource is provided in Landing Page Response Schema.

Landing Page Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to an OGC API-Coverages Landing Page operation.

Landing Page Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

API definition

Every API is required to provide a definition document that describes the capabilities of that API. This definition document can be used by developers to understand the API, by software clients to connect to the server, or by development tools to support the implementation of servers and clients.

Table 2. Dependencies


This operation is defined in the Core conformance class of API-Common. No modifications are needed to support Coverage resources. The Core conformance class describes two ways of performing this operation:

  1. Issue a GET request on the {root}/api path

  2. Follow the service-desc or service-doc link on the landing page

Only the link is required by API-Common.


A successful response to the API Definition request is a resource which documents the design of the API. API-Common leaves the selection of format for the API Definition response to the API implementor. However, the options are limited to those which have been defined in the API-Common standard. At this time OpenAPI 3.0 is the only option provided.

Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Declaration of conformance classes

To support "generic" clients that want to access multiple OGC API standards and extensions - and not "just" a specific API / server, the API has to declare the conformance classes it claims to have implemented.

Table 3. Dependencies


This operation is defined in the Core conformance class of API-Common. No modifications are needed to support Coverage resources. The Core conformance class describes two ways of performing this operation:

  1. Issue a GET request on the {root}/conformance path

  2. Follow the conformance link on the landing page

Both techniques are required by API-Common.


A successful response to the Conformance operation is a list of URLs. Each URL identifies an OGC Conformance Class for which this API claims conformance. The schema for this resource is defined in API-Common and provided for reference in Conformance Response Schema.

Conformance Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to an OGC API-Coverages conformance operation.

Conformance Information Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Collection Access

API-Common starts with the assumption that spatial resources are organized into collections. An API will expose one or more collections. The API-Common Collections Conformance Class defines how to organize and provide access to a collection of collections.

API-Coverages observes that a coverage is a collection of measured values. Therefore, a coverage is a collection.

This standard extends the API-Common Collections conformance class to support collections of coverages, then extends that class to support Coverage unique capabilities.


The Collections operation returns a set of metadata which describes the collections available from this API. Each collection on a Coverages API will be a coverage.

Table 4. Dependencies


This operation is defined in the Collections conformance class of API-Common. No modifications are needed to support Coverage resources. The Collections conformance class describes two ways of performing this operation:

  1. Issue a GET request on {root}/collections path

  2. Follow the data link on the landing page

Support for both the {root}/collections path and the data link is required by API-Common.


A successful response to the Collections Operation is a document which includes summary metadata for each collection accessible though the API.

Collections Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to an OGC API-Coverages Collections operation.

Collections Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Collection Information

Collection Information is the set of metadata which describes a single collection, or in the the case of API-Coverages, a single Coverage. An abbreviated copy of this information is returned for each Coverage in the /collections response.

Table 5. Dependencies


This operation is defined in the Collections conformance class of API-Common. No modifications are required to support Coverage resources. However, on a coverages API the the collections are also coverages. So in this standard the term coverageid is used instead of collectionid. The two terms are equivalent.

  1. Issue a GET request on the {root}/collections/{coverageid} path

The {coverageid} parameter is the unique identifier for a single coverage on the API. The list of valid values for {coverageid} is provided in the /collections response.

Support for both the /collections/{coverageid} path is required by API-Common.


A successful response to the Collection Operation is a set of metadata which describes the collection identified by the {coverageid} parameter.

Collection Information Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to an OGC API-Coverages Collection Information operation.

Collection Information Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Coverage Access

In this clause, API-Common is extended to support Coverage resources.

A Coverage is a collection of measured values. The structure of that collection is defined by the CIS standard. CIS contains four principle components:

  • A DomainSet component describing the coverage’s domain (the set of “direct positions”, i.e., the locations for which values are stored in the coverage)

  • A RangeType component which describes the coverage’s RangeSet data structure (in the case of images usually called the “pixel data type”).

  • A RangeSet component containing the stored values (often referred to as “pixels”, “voxels”) of the coverage.

  • A Metadata component which represents an extensible slot for metadata. The intended use is to hold any kind of application-specific metadata structures.

Each component is directly accessible through the API using standard paths. In addition, collections of elements can be accessed through the following paths:

  • /description: Returns DomainSet, RangeType, and Metadata

  • /all: Returns DomainSet, RangeType, RangeSet, and Metadata

The paths discussed in this section are all branches off of the /collections/{coverageid} root.

Coverage Offering

The Coverage Offering operation returns a general coverage offering description consisting of envelope, rangetype, and service metadata such as the coverage’s native format


The Coverage Offering operation is defined by the following requirement.


A successful response to the Coverage Offering operation shall meet the following requirement.

Coverage Offering Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to a Coverage Offering request.

Coverage Offering Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Coverage Description

The Coverage Description operation returns the whole coverage description consisting of domainset, rangetype, and metadata (but not the rangeset)


The Coverage Description operation is defined by the following requirement.


A successful response to the Coverage Description operation shall meet the following requirement.

Coverage Description Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to a Coverage Description request.

Coverage Description Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Coverage Domain Set

The Coverage Domain Set operation returns the coverage’s domain set definition


The Coverage Domain Set operation is defined by the following requirement.


A successful response to the Coverage Domain Set operation shall meet the following requirement.

Coverage Domain Set Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to a Coverage DomainSet request.

Coverage DomainSet Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Coverage Range Type

The Coverage Range Type operation returns the coverage’s range type information (i.e., a description of the data semantics)


The Coverage Range Type operation is defined by the following requirement.


A successful response to the Coverage Range Type operation shall meet the following requirement.

Coverage Range Type Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to a Coverage RangeType request.

Coverage RangeType Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Coverage Range Set

The Coverage Range Set operation returns the coverage’s range set, i.e., the actual values in the coverage’s Native Format (see Media Types for ways to retrieve inspecific formats)


The Coverage Range Set operation is defined by the following requirement.


A successful response to the Coverage Range Set operation shall meet the following requirement.

Coverage Range Set Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to a Coverage RangeSet request.

Coverage RangeSet Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Coverage Metadata

The Coverage Metadata operation returns the coverage’s metadata (may be empty)


The Coverage Metadata operation is defined by the following requirement.


A successful response to the Coverage Metadata operation shall meet the following requirement.

Coverage Metadata Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to a Coverage Metadata request.

Coverage Metadata Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.

Coverage All

The Coverage All operation returns all of the above namely the coverage’s domainset, rangetype, meatadata, and rangeset comparable to a GetCoverage response


The Coverage All operation is defined by the following requirement.


A successful response to the Coverage All operation shall meet the following requirement.

Coverage Response Schema

The following JSON fragment is an example of a response to a Coverage All request.

Coverage All Example
Error situations

The requirements for handling unsuccessful requests are provided in HTTP Response. General guidance on HTTP status codes and how they should be handled is provided in HTTP status codes.


The API-Coverages standard inherits basic query and subsetting parameters from API-Common. This section provides a short description of each parameter and identifies the relevant requirements.

All of the permissions and recommendations in API-Common regarding the these parameters also apply to API-Coverages implementations.

Parameter bbox

The Bounding Box (bbox) parameter is defined in API-Common. The following requirement governs use of that parameter in a Coverage API.

Parameter datetime

The Date-Time (datetime) parameter is defined in API-Common. The following requirement governs use of that parameter in a Coverage API.

Parameter Limit

The Limit (limit) parameter is defined in API-Common. The following requirement governs use of that parameter in a Coverage API.

Combinations of Filter Parameters

Any combination of bbox, datetime and parameters for filtering on coverage properties is allowed. Note that the requirements on these parameters imply that only coverages matching all the predicates are in the result set; i.e., the logical operator between the predicates is 'AND.'

Paged Response

One consequence of the Limit parameter is that the full result set is not delivered to the user. However, users frequently want to know how big the result set it and how to access the rest of it. The following requirement add information to the response to address that need.


HTTP Response

Each HTTP request shall result in a response that meets the following requirement.

The YAML schema for these results is provided in HTTP Response Schema.

HTTP Response Schema

HTTP status codes

The Status Codes listed in Table 1 are of particular relevance to implementors of this standard. Status codes 200, 400, and 404 are called out in API requirements. Therefore, support for these status codes is mandatory for all compliant implementations. The remainder of the status codes in Table 1 are not mandatory, but are important for the implementation of a well functioning API. Support for these status codes is strongly encouraged for both client and server implementations.

Table 6. Typical HTTP status codes
Status code Description


A successful request.


An entity tag was provided in the request and the resource has not been changed since the previous request.


The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error. For example, a query parameter had an incorrect value.


The request requires user authentication. The response includes a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource.


The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. While status code 401 indicates missing or bad authentication, status code 403 indicates that authentication is not the issue, but the client is not authorised to perform the requested operation on the resource.


The requested resource does not exist on the server. For example, a path parameter had an incorrect value.


The request method is not supported. For example, a POST request was submitted, but the resource only supports GET requests.


The Accept header submitted in the request did not support any of the media types supported by the server for the requested resource.


An internal error occurred in the server.

More specific guidance is provided for each resource, where applicable.

The API Description Document describes the HTTP status codes generated by that API. This should not be an exhaustive list of all possible status codes. It is not reasonable to expect an API designer to control the use of HTTP status codes which are not generated by their software. Therefore, it is recommended that the API Description Document limit itself to describing HTTP status codes relevant to the proper operation of the API application logic. Client implementations should be prepared to receive HTTP status codes in addition to those described in the API Description Document.