Australian Digital Trust Community Group (ADT CG)
The Australian Digital Identity and Digital Trust industry has grown significantly over the last few years with multiple economy-wide initiatives in Digital Identity and Open Banking (Consumer Data Right). While progress is positive, the disparate nature of developments (involving Federal and State Governments, multiple regulators, as well as private sector initiatives) can mean that there is a lack of cohesion.
Professionals in this industry need a neutral place to discuss Australian-specific topics and coordinate feedback on developments in the local market. This space must be managed independently, in a community inclusive of vendors, industry sectors and government.
Proposed areas of focus:
- Australian digital trust initiatives, use cases, and best practices (business).
- Australian standards usage (technical).
- Consumer Data Right use cases and standards (business and technical).
- Ecosystem specific and economy wide fraud requirements (business and technical).
- Facilitate market adoption of digital trust services.
- Convening and networking amongst Australian industry participants.
The proposed ADT CG will focus on the following deliverables:
- Initiating - Agree problem statement and charter .
- Community formation.
- Initial community working groups set up (Co-chairs confirmed, meeting schedule, online materials published, WG-specific objectives agreed and for 2025).
Target: End of March 2025
Sprint - Due diligence and deliverable development. Events planning.
Report to Board on Progress at Agreed Milestones. Written update circulated to the Board every 3 months.
Publish Agreed Deliverables, for example:
- Blog posts
- Whitepapers
- Event cadence (recurring vs one-off)
Repeat cycle every 6 months as needed
- Sprint
- Report
- Publish
Wrap Up: Close, Reform, or Extend CG Checkpoint every 6 months within 2 year charter period
Reform: If CG determines that an independent non-profit or chapter of OIDF would better serve objectives, CG will progress the scope until “spun out”
Convening subject matter experts to determine what Australian community requires to bridge between public and private sector experts
Sharing: Provide a safe community for ecosystem participants to share intentions, ask questions, and find areas of alignment
Interoperability: The CG's work must promote interoperability within each ecosystem as well as between the ecosystems
[WG to flesh out other principles]
The following are out of scope for the proposed ADT CG:
- Standards development
Forms: Participation Agreement and Operating Rules
After OIDF Board approval of Charter, the CG can propose changes to the Charter for Board approval
CG can propose changes to Participation and Operating Rules for Board Approval
OIDF Board approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Key criteria: no adverse impact to OIDF brand or ability to deliver on OIDF mission/vision
Timely reports to OIDF board to ensure CG operates in keeping with the Charter
The ADT CG will operate in English. The work will progress via mailing list and telephone/internet conference calls combined with face-to-face meetings, where possible. We seek a two-year charter to develop the deliverables identified above. At the end of this two-year charter, we will assess the state of the ADT CG and determine whether to extend the charter, charter a working group to develop related protocols, or disband the community group.
Proposers: Dima Postnikov, Victoria Richardson, Dave Hyland, Brad Carr, Olaf Grewe, Gail Hodges