By default standalone openobserve uses local disk as a storage. You can configure persistence storage or s3 storage.
Openobserve uses IRSA on Amazon EKS to securely access s3.
You must set a minimum of 2 values:
- S3 bucket where data will be stored
- config.ZO_S3_BUCKET_NAME
- IAM role for the serviceAccount to gain AWS IAM credentials to access s3
- serviceAccount.annotations.""
helm repo add openobserve
helm repo update
kubectl create ns openobserve
helm --namespace openobserve -f values.yaml install o2 openobserve/openobserve-standalone
helm delete o2
If you are developing this chart then you should clone the repo and make any modifications.
You can generate output of the chart using below command to verify:
helm -n openobserve template o2 . > o2.yaml
You can then install using:
helm -n openobserve install o2 .
To upgrade
helm -n openobserve upgrade o2 .
To uninstall
helm -n openobserve uninstall o2 .