Steven (Huawei), Rakesh (IBM), Reddy (Intel), Allen (WD), Jay (Lenovo), Kei (NTT Comms), George (Dell-EMC), Xing Yang (Huawei)
- H1 Events Planning
- Project Funding Status
- Zealand Release Notes and Updates
- Aruba Release Milestones Discussion
Send CFP topics and agendas to Steven by next Tuesday Jan 9
a. target 2 half-days
b. important for end-users to present feedback on OpenSDS use, POC’s testing
Zealand Release PR targeted for week of Jan 8
Update website to go with Zealand Release PR
a. Add Releases link
b. A single summary page and link to Hotpot + Sushi
c. Release announcement on home page
Rakesh will try out Zealand and write an article on it
Aruba general functional specs review by Jan 11, OpenStack integration specs by Jan 18 - Xing
Target Jan 31 afternoon for design review at IBM Research Almaden