This section introduces the current architecture of logical optimizer and physical transformation.
Currently each storage engine adds its own logical operator as concrete implementation for TableScanOperator
abstraction. Typically each data source needs to add 2 logical operators for table scan with without aggregation. Take OpenSearch for example, there are OpenSearchLogicalIndexScan
and OpenSearchLogicalIndexAgg
and a bunch of pushdown optimization rules for each accordingly.
class LogicalPlanOptimizer:
* OpenSearch rules include:
* MergeFilterAndRelation
* MergeAggAndIndexScan
* MergeAggAndRelation
* MergeSortAndRelation
* MergeSortAndIndexScan
* MergeSortAndIndexAgg
* MergeSortAndIndexScan
* MergeLimitAndRelation
* MergeLimitAndIndexScan
* PushProjectAndRelation
* PushProjectAndIndexScan
* that return *OpenSearchLogicalIndexAgg*
* or *OpenSearchLogicalIndexScan* finally
val rules: List<Rule>
def optimize(plan: LogicalPlan):
for rule in rules:
if rule.match(plan):
plan = rules.apply(plan)
return plan.children().forEach(this::optimize)
After logical transformation, planner will let the Table
in LogicalRelation
(identified before logical transformation above) transform the logical plan to physical plan.
class OpenSearchIndex:
def implement(plan: LogicalPlan):
return plan.accept(
def visitNode(node):
if node is OpenSearchLogicalIndexScan:
return OpenSearchIndexScan(...)
else if node is OpenSearchLogicalIndexAgg:
return OpenSearchIndexScan(...)
The current planning architecture causes 2 serious problems:
- Each data source adds special logical operator and explode the optimizer rule space. For example, Prometheus also has
accordingly. They have the exactly same pattern to match query plan tree as OpenSearch. - A bigger problem is the difficulty of transforming from logical to physical when there are 2
s in query plan. Because only 1 of them has the chance to do theimplement()
. This is a blocker for supportingINSERT ... SELECT ...
statement or JOIN query. See code below.
public PhysicalPlan plan(LogicalPlan plan) {
Table table = findTable(plan);
if (table == null) {
return plan.accept(new DefaultImplementor<>(), null);
return table.implement(
A new abstraction TableScanBuilder
is added as a transition operator during logical planning and optimization. Each data source provides its implementation class by Table
interface. The push down difference in non-aggregate and aggregate query is hidden inside specific scan builder, for example OpenSearchIndexScanBuilder
rather than exposed to core module.
%% Mermaid fails to render `LogicalPlanNodeVisitor~R, C~`, using `<R, C>` as a workaround
class LogicalPlan {
-List~LogicalPlan~ childPlans
+accept(LogicalPlanNodeVisitor<R, C>, C)* R
+replaceChildPlans(List~LogicalPlan~ childPlans) LogicalPlan
class TableScanBuilder {
+build()* TableScanOperator
+pushDownFilter(LogicalFilter) boolean
+pushDownAggregation(LogicalAggregation) boolean
+pushDownSort(LogicalSort) boolean
+pushDownLimit(LogicalLimit) boolean
+pushDownProject(LogicalProject) boolean
+pushDownHighlight(LogicalHighlight) boolean
+pushDownNested(LogicalNested) boolean
+accept(LogicalPlanNodeVisitor<R, C>, C) R
class OpenSearchIndexScanQueryBuilder {
+build() TableScanOperator
+pushDownFilter(LogicalFilter) boolean
+pushDownAggregation(LogicalAggregation) boolean
+pushDownSort(LogicalSort) boolean
+pushDownLimit(LogicalLimit) boolean
+pushDownProject(LogicalProject) boolean
+pushDownHighlight(LogicalHighlight) boolean
+pushDownNested(LogicalNested) boolean
+findReferenceExpression(NamedExpression)$ List~ReferenceExpression~
+findReferenceExpressions(List~NamedExpression~)$ Set~ReferenceExpression~
class OpenSearchPagedIndexScanBuilder {
+build() TableScanOperator
class OpenSearchIndexScanBuilder {
-TableScanBuilder delegate
-boolean isLimitPushedDown
+build() TableScanOperator
+pushDownFilter(LogicalFilter) boolean
+pushDownAggregation(LogicalAggregation) boolean
+pushDownSort(LogicalSort) boolean
+pushDownLimit(LogicalLimit) boolean
+pushDownProject(LogicalProject) boolean
+pushDownHighlight(LogicalHighlight) boolean
+pushDownNested(LogicalNested) boolean
-sortByFieldsOnly(LogicalSort) boolean
LogicalPlan <|-- TableScanBuilder
TableScanBuilder <|-- OpenSearchIndexScanQueryBuilder
TableScanBuilder <|-- OpenSearchPagedIndexScanBuilder
TableScanBuilder <|-- OpenSearchIndexScanBuilder
OpenSearchIndexScanBuilder *-- "1" TableScanBuilder : delegate
OpenSearchIndexScanBuilder <.. OpenSearchIndexScanQueryBuilder : creates
In this way, LogicalPlanOptimizer
in core module always have the same set of rule for all push down optimization.
class LogicalPlanOptimizer {
+create()$ LogicalPlanOptimizer
+optimize(LogicalPlan) LogicalPlan
-internalOptimize(LogicalPlan) LogicalPlan
class CreateTableScanBuilder {
+apply(LogicalRelation, Captures) LogicalPlan
-pattern() Pattern~LogicalRelation~
class CreatePagingTableScanBuilder {
+apply(LogicalPaginate, Captures) LogicalPlan
-pattern() Pattern~LogicalRelation~
-findLogicalRelation(LogicalPaginate) boolean
class Table {
+TableScanBuilder createScanBuilder()
+TableScanBuilder createPagedScanBuilder(int)
class TableScanPushDown~T~ {
+apply(T, Captures) LogicalPlan
+pattern() Pattern~T~
class TableScanBuilder {
+pushDownFilter(LogicalFilter) boolean
+pushDownAggregation(LogicalAggregation) boolean
+pushDownSort(LogicalSort) boolean
+pushDownLimit(LogicalLimit) boolean
+pushDownProject(LogicalProject) boolean
+pushDownHighlight(LogicalHighlight) boolean
+pushDownNested(LogicalNested) boolean
TableScanPushDown~T~ -- TableScanBuilder
LogicalPlanOptimizer ..> CreateTableScanBuilder : creates
LogicalPlanOptimizer ..> CreatePagingTableScanBuilder : creates
CreateTableScanBuilder ..> Table
CreatePagingTableScanBuilder ..> Table
LogicalPlanOptimizer ..* TableScanPushDown~T~
Table ..> TableScanBuilder : creates
The following diagram illustrates how TableScanBuilder
along with TablePushDownRule
solve the problem aforementioned.
Similarly, TableWriteBuilder
will be added and work in the same way in separate PR: #1094
- Refactor Prometheus optimize rule and enforce table scan builder
- Figure out how to implement AD commands
- Deprecate
if item 1 and 2 complete - Introduce fixed point or maximum iteration limit for iterative optimization
- Investigate if CBO should be part of current optimizer or distributed planner in future
- Remove
once it's moved to OpenSearch storage - Move
to the newread
package (leave it in this PR to avoid even more file changed)