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ci-operator/templates/openshift/installer: Shared subnets for new reg…
…ions Catching up with b717933 (ci-operator/templates/openshift/installer/cluster-launch-installer-*: Random AWS regions for IPI, 2020-01-23, #6833), add shares subnets for the new regions. This is basically as described in 424a04a (Add shared vpc CI job for installer repo and informing periodics, 2019-08-22, #5550), although I've dropped the --stack-policy-body mentioned in that commit message (I dunno what it was about, since the commit message didn't give it the argument that --stack-policy-body expects). Generated using: $ export AWS_PROFILE=ci # or whatever you call it locally $ git fetch origin $ date --iso=m --utc 2020-01-23T20:41+0000 $ git checkout origin/release-4.3 $ git --no-pager log --oneline -1 2055609f9 (HEAD, origin/release-4.3) Merge pull request #2928 from ashcrow/4.3-signed-rhcos-bump with: for REGION in us-east-1 us-west-1 us-west-2 do COUNT=3 if test us-west-1 = "${REGION}" then COUNT=2 fi for INDEX in 1 2 3 4 do NAME="do-not-delete-shared-vpc-${INDEX}" aws --region "${REGION}" cloudformation create-stack --stack-name "${NAME}" --template-body "$(cat upi/aws/cloudformation/01_vpc.yaml)" --parameters "ParameterKey=AvailabilityZoneCount,ParameterValue=${COUNT}" >/dev/null aws --region "${REGION}" cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name "${NAME}" SUBNETS="$(aws --region "${REGION}" cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name "${NAME}" | jq -c '[.Stacks[].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey | endswith("SubnetIds")).OutputValue | split(",")[]]' | sed "s/\"/'/g")" echo "${REGION}_$((INDEX - 1))) subnets=\"${SUBNETS}\";;" done done which spits out: us-east-2_0) subnets="['subnet-0faf6d16c378ee7a7','subnet-0e104572db1b7d092','subnet-014ca96c04f36adec','subnet-0ea06057dceadfe8e','subnet-0689efe5e1f9f4212','subnet-0d36bb8edbcb3d916']";; us-east-2_1) subnets="['subnet-085787cc4b80b84b2','subnet-09dfbf66e8f6e5b50','subnet-0db5d90ff3087444e','subnet-047f15f2a0210fbe0','subnet-0bf13f041c4233849','subnet-0e2a5320549e289d8']";; ... The COUNT bit for us-west-1 is because our CI account only has access to two zones there: $ aws --region us-west-1 ec2 describe-availability-zones --output text AVAILABILITYZONES us-west-1 available usw1-az3 us-west-1a AVAILABILITYZONES us-west-1 available usw1-az1 us-west-1b
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