This folder contains one 'master' translation file called bimbots.ts which contains all strings found in the code. It is generated with:
pylupdate5 *.py *.ui -ts translations/bimbots.ts
To translate BIMBots to your language, (FreeCAD plugin only, the Python module functions stay in english), download the bimbots.ts file, and translate it using the Qt Linguist tool.
There are also online translation services which accept .ts files, you can use that too.
Once done, save your translation as another file, by adding your language (and optionally region if applicable) to the filename, ex:
bimbots-fr.ts (for French) or bimbots-fr_CA.ts (for Canadian French)
Language and region codes are easy to find on the net.
Once done, you need to compile your .ts file as a .qm file with:
lrelease bimbots-fr.ts -qm bimbots-fr.qm
Once you have both a .ts and a.qm file for your language, create a pull request here and we'll include it!