Rasadron is completely Raspberry Pi powered drone/quadcopter that also uses sensors and camera board.
My goal is to create fully functional Raspberry Pi (Model B 512MB) powered quadcopter/drone, which is controlled over WiFi or Cellular/3G/4G network, captures live feed using Raspberry Pi Camera Board and sends information from temperature, accelerometer/gyrometer and GPS readings.
- Camera.py - Camera board class (WIP*)
- DS18B20.py - Temperature sensor class
- GPS6MV.py - GPS sensor class (WIP*)
- main.py - Main launcher file Start this file
- Motor_test.py - Motor testing code (WIP*)
- Motor.py - Motor controller class
- MPU6050.py - Gyrometer sensor class
- QC1602A.py - LED screen class (WIP*)
- Webs.py - Web server for serving data
*WIP - Work in progress.
I am open to suggestions on how to improve my code and this project in general. If you think there is something to improve, outdated or not quite met by best practices, you can write about it in repository issues section.
- Homepage: DavisMiculis.com
- GitHub: DavisMiculis
- Twitter: @DavisMiculis
- Facebook: /DavisMiculis1
Me? :D