Prepare dataset follow instruction
Note 1: To significantly speedup training you can initialize your model from our distributed .caffemodel
- for training Person Detection model
On first stage you should train the SSD-based person (two class) detector. To do this you should run single-GPU (python layers does not allow to run on multiple GPUs) training procedure (specify GPU_ID
cd ./models
python3 --model person_detection \ # name of model
--weights person_detection_0022.caffemodel \ # initialize weights from 'init_weights' directory
--data_dir <PATH_TO_DATA> \ # path to directory with dataset
--work_dir <WORK_DIR> # directory to collect file from training process
If it's needed the model evaluation can be performed by default pipeline in the original SSD repository. Moreover the training process of PD model can be carried out using SSD-original environment without any changes and after this the weights of trained model can be used as an initialization point on next stage.
Note: to get more accurate model it's recommended to use pre-training of backbone on default classification or detection datasets.
cd ./models
python3 --name face_detection \
--dir <WORK_DIR>/person_detection/<EXPERIMENT_NUM> \
--iter <INTERATION> \
--data_type FP32