This is a docker-compose configuration to be used only for development purpose. There is almost zero security in the stack configuration.
It is composed of the Zimit frontend UI and API (of course), but also a local Zimfarm DB, API and UI, so that you can test the whole integration locally.
Zimit frontend UI has two containers, one identical to production and one allowing hot reload of local developments.
Zimit frontend API has one container, slightly modified to allow hot reload of most modifications done to the source code.
Zimfarm UI, API and DB are deployed with official production Docker images.
This container is Zimit frontend UI as served in production (already compiled as a static website, so not possible to live-edit)
This container is Zimit frontend UI served in development mode (possible to live-edit)
This container is Zimit frontend API server (only slightly modified to enable live reload of edits)
This container is a local Zimfarm database
This container is a local Zimfarm API
This container is a local Zimfarm UI
First start the Docker-Compose stack:
cd dev
docker compose -p zimit up -d
If it is your first execution of the dev stack, you need to create a "virtual" worker in Zimfarm DB:
If you have requested a task via Zimit UI and want to simulate a worker starting this task to observe the consequence in Zimit UI, you might use the dev/
Should the API process fail, you might restart it with:
docker restart zimit-zimit_api-1
You might open following URLs in your favorite browser:
You can login into Zimfarm UI with username admin
and password admin