This is a roadmap for a site reliability engineering (SRE) community of practice. It encompasses activities that include:
- Creating and sustaining discussions about areas of practice
- Initiating working groups (WGs) as a sign of forking a discussion into action oriented to creating one or more artifacts
- Artifact creation such as practice guides, tool sets, service catalogs, etc.
Discussions and decisions about this roadmap occur on the main group
- Marketing and communications:
- Practice guides:
- Growing set of sample SIG-SRE Architecture Decision Records
- A work in progress - the SRE Maturity Model
- Governance for this SIG
- Growing membership of the SIG from across the cloud native and Open Source ecosystems of customers, vendors, and Open Source communities.
- Forming an SRE TAG of the CNCF.
- Collaborating with The Maintainers cross-industry community of practice.