This document describes the protocol used by the Beat Saber HTTP Status plugin.
The web server by default runs on port 6557
(Beat Saber STatus). Secure connections are currently not supported.
Returns the Status object.
Use this path to connect to the WebSocket. The WebSocket will send the hello event when connected and new events as they happen.
EventObject = {
"event": String, // See [Events](#events)
"status": Object, // See [Status object](#status-object). May be partial, depending on the event type.
StatusObject = {
"game": {
"pluginVersion": String, // Currently running version of the plugin
"gameVersion": String, // Version of the game the current plugin version is targetting
"scene": "Menu" | "Song" | "Spectator", // Indicates player's current activity
"mode": null | "SoloStandard" | "SoloOneSaber" | "SoloNoArrows" | "PartyStandard" | "PartyOneSaber" | "PartyNoArrows" | "MultiplayerStandard" | "MultiplayerOneSaber" | "MultiplayerNoArrows", // Composed of game mode and map characteristic
"beatmap": null | {
"songName": String, // Song name
"songSubName": String, // Song sub name
"songAuthorName": String, // Song author name
"levelAuthorName": String, // Beatmap author name
"songCover": null | String, // Base64 encoded PNG image of the song cover
"songHash": String, // Unique beatmap identifier. Same for all difficulties. Is extracted from the levelId and will return null for OST and WIP songs.
"levelId": String, // Raw levelId for a song. Same for all difficulties.
"songBPM": Number, // Song Beats Per Minute
"noteJumpSpeed": Number, // Song note jump movement speed, how fast the notes move towards the player.
"songTimeOffset": Integer, // Time in millis of where in the song the beatmap starts. Adjusted for song speed multiplier.
"start": null | Integer, // UNIX timestamp in millis of when the map was started. Changes if the game is resumed. Might be altered by practice settings.
"paused": null | Integer, // If game is paused, UNIX timestamp in millis of when the map was paused. null otherwise.
"length": Integer, // Length of map in millis. Adjusted for song speed multiplier.
"difficulty": "Easy" | "Normal" | "Hard" | "Expert" | "ExpertPlus", // Beatmap difficulty
"notesCount": Integer, // Map cube count
"bombsCount": Integer, // Map bomb count. Set even with No Bombs modifier enabled.
"obstaclesCount": Integer, // Map obstacle count. Set even with No Obstacles modifier enabled.
"maxScore": Integer, // Max score obtainable on the map with modifier multiplier
"maxRank": "SSS" | "SS" | "S" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E", // Max rank obtainable using current modifiers
"environmentName": String, // Name of the environment this beatmap requested // TODO: list available names
"performance": null | {
"rawScore": Integer, // Current score without the modifier multiplier
"score": Integer, // Current score with modifier multiplier
"currentMaxScore": Integer, // Maximum score with modifier multiplier achievable at current passed notes
"rank": "SSS" | "SS" | "S" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E", // Current rank
"passedNotes": Integer, // Amount of hit or missed cubes
"hitNotes": Integer, // Amount of hit cubes
"missedNotes": Integer, // Amount of missed cubes
"passedBombs": Integer, // Amount of hit or missed bombs
"hitBombs": Integer, // Amount of hit bombs
"combo": Integer, // Current combo
"maxCombo": Integer, // Max obtained combo
"multiplier": Integer, // Current combo multiplier {1, 2, 4, 8}
"multiplierProgress": Number, // Current combo multiplier progress [0..1)
"batteryEnergy": null | Integer, // Current amount of battery lives left. null if Battery Energy and Insta Fail are disabled.
"softFailed": Boolean, // Set to `true` when the player's energy reaches 0, but they can continue playing. See the `softFailed` event.
"mod": {
"multiplier": Number, // Current score multiplier for gameplay modifiers
"obstacles": false | "FullHeightOnly" | "All", // No Walls (FullHeightOnly is not possible from UI, formerly "No Obstacles")
"instaFail": Boolean, // 1 Life (formerly "Insta Fail")
"noFail": Boolean, // No Fail
"batteryEnergy": Boolean, // 4 Lives (formerly "Battery Energy")
"batteryLives": null | Integer, // Amount of battery energy available. 4 with Battery Energy, 1 with Insta Fail, null with neither enabled.
"disappearingArrows": Boolean, // Disappearing Arrows
"noBombs": Boolean, // No Bombs
"songSpeed": "Normal" | "Slower" | "Faster" | "SuperFast", // Song Speed (Slower = 85%, Faster = 120%, SuperFast = 150%)
"songSpeedMultiplier": Number, // Song speed multiplier. Might be altered by practice settings.
"noArrows": Boolean, // No Arrows
"ghostNotes": Boolean, // Ghost Notes
"failOnSaberClash": Boolean, // Fail on Saber Clash (Hidden)
"strictAngles": Boolean, // Strict Angles (Requires more precise cut direction; changes max deviation from 60deg to 15deg)
"fastNotes": Boolean, // Does something (Hidden)
"smallNotes": Boolean, // Small Notes
"proMode": Boolean, // Pro Mode
"zenMode": Boolean, // Zen Mode
"playerSettings": {
"staticLights": Boolean, // `true` if `environmentEffects` is not `AllEffects`. (formerly "Static lights", backwards compat)
"leftHanded": Boolean, // Left handed
"playerHeight": Number, // Player's height
"sfxVolume": Number, // Disable sound effects [0..1]
"reduceDebris": Boolean, // Reduce debris
"noHUD": Boolean, // No text and HUDs
"advancedHUD": Boolean, // Advanced HUD
"autoRestart" : Boolean, // Auto Restart on Fail
"saberTrailIntensity": Number, // Trail Intensity [0..1]
"environmentEffects": "AllEffects" | "StrobeFilter" | "NoEffects", // Environment effects
"hideNoteSpawningEffect": Boolean, // Hide note spawning effect
NoteCutObject = {
"noteID": Integer, // ID of the note
"noteType": "NoteA" | "NoteB" | "Bomb", // Type of note
"noteCutDirection": "Up" | "Down" | "Left" | "Right" | "UpLeft" | "UpRight" | "DownLeft" | "DownRight" | "Any" | "None", // Direction the note is supposed to be cut in
"noteLine": Integer, // The horizontal position of the note, from left to right [0..3]
"noteLayer": Integer, // The vertical position of the note, from bottom to top [0..2]
"speedOK": Boolean, // Cut speed was fast enough
"directionOK": null | Boolean, // Note was cut in the correct direction. null for bombs.
"saberTypeOK": null | Boolean, // Note was cut with the correct saber. null for bombs.
"wasCutTooSoon": Boolean, // Note was cut too early
"initialScore": null | Integer, // Score without multipliers for the cut. It contains the prehit swing score and the cutDistanceScore, but doesn't include the score for swinging after cut. [0..85] null for bombs.
"finalScore": null | Integer, // Score without multipliers for the entire cut, including score for swinging after cut. [0..115] Available in [`noteFullyCut` event](#notefullycut-event). null for bombs.
"cutDistanceScore": null | Integer, // Score for the hit itself. [0..15]
"multiplier": Integer, // Combo multiplier at the time of cut
"saberSpeed": Number, // Speed of the saber when the note was cut
"saberDir": [ // Direction the saber was moving in when the note was cut
Number, // X value
Number, // Y value
Number, // Z value
"saberType": "SaberA" | "SaberB", // Saber used to cut this note
"swingRating": Number, // Game's swing rating. Uses the before cut rating in noteCut events and after cut rating for noteFullyCut events. -1 for bombs.
"timeDeviation": Number, // Time offset in seconds from the perfect time to cut a note
"cutDirectionDeviation": Number, // Offset from the perfect cut angle in degrees
"cutPoint": [ // Position of the point on the cut plane closests to the note center
Number, // X value
Number, // Y value
Number, // Z value
"cutNormal": [ // Normal of the ideal plane to cut along
Number, // X value
Number, // Y value
Number, // Z value
"cutDistanceToCenter": Number, // Distance from the center of the note to the cut plane
"timeToNextBasicNote": Number, // Time until next note in seconds
An explanation of the beatmap events system can be found here:
Meanings of the different integer values can be derived from here:
BeatmapEvent = {
"type": Integer,
"value": Integer,
Events are broadcasted over the WebSocket. For message format, see Event object.
Sent when the client connects to the WebSocket server.
Contains the full Status object.
Fired when the GameCore
scene is activated. In case of multiplayer, this is delayed until the countdown starts.
If the player is spectating at the beginning of the song, game.scene
will be set to Spectator
and only beatmap events will be fired.
If the player fails the map but other players are still alive, the failed
event will be fired and the menu
event will be delayed until after the map is over.
Contains the full Status object.
Fired when the player finishes a beatmap.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object.
Fired when the player's energy counter reaches 0 but the player can continue playing (for example if the No Fail modifier is on).
After this event is fired, the performance.softFailed
property of the Status object will be set to true
until the end of the map. Any properties that are affected by the modifier multiplier will also be updated accordingly (such as mod.multiplier
, beatmap.maxRank
, and performance.currentMaxScore
, among others).
When the player completes the map after this event was fired, the finished
event will be used to signal that.
Contains the beatmap
, performance
and mod
properties of Status object.
Fired when the player fails a beatmap.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object.
Fired when the Menu
scene is activated. In case of multiplayer, this happens whenever the room enters the lobby.
Contains the full Status object.
Fired when the beatmap is paused.
Contains only the beatmap
property of Status object.
Fired when the beatmap is resumed.
Contains only the beatmap
property of Status object.
Fired when a note is cut.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object and a noteCut
property as described in Note cut object.
Also see: noteFullyCut
Fired when the AfterCutScoreBuffer
finishes, ie. the game finishes gathering data to calculated the cut exit score. The field performance.lastNoteScore
is updated right before this event is fired. This even is not fired for bomb notes.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object and a noteCut
property as described in Note cut object.
Fired when a note is missed.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object.
Contains the noteCut
property with an object value as described in Note cut object. Only the properties describing the note data will be set, leaving the cut and swing related properties with their default values.
Fired when a bomb is cut.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object and a noteCut
property as described in Note cut object.
Fired when a bomb is missed.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object.
Contains the noteCut
property with an object value as described in Note cut object. Only the properties describing the note data will be set, leaving the cut and swing related properties with their default values.
Fired when the player enters an obstacle.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object.
Fired when the player exits an obstacle.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object.
Fired when the score changes.
Contains only the performance
property of Status object.
Fired when a beatmap event is triggered. Beatmap events include changing light colors, light rotation speed and moving the square rings.
Contains only a beatmapEvent
property as described in Beatmap event object.