The following is an example of creating multisig wallets.
For a full example of creating and sending funds from multisig wallets, see "Supports multisig wallets" in TestMoneroWalletCommon.ts.
import * as moneroTs from "monero-ts";
// create multisig wallets which require 3 out of 5 participants to send funds
let M = 3;
let N = 5;
// create participating wallets using RPC or WebAssembly
let wallets = []
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
wallets.push(await moneroTs.createWalletFull({
path: "./test_wallets/multisig_participant_" + (i + 1),
password: "supersecretpassword123",
networkType: moneroTs.MoneroNetworkType.STAGENET
// prepare and collect multisig hex from each participant
let preparedMultisigHexes = []
for (let wallet of wallets) preparedMultisigHexes.push(await wallet.prepareMultisig());
// make each wallet multisig and collect results
let madeMultisigHexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < wallets.length; i++) {
// collect prepared multisig hexes from wallet's peers
let peerMultisigHexes = [];
for (let j = 0; j < wallets.length; j++) if (j !== i) peerMultisigHexes.push(preparedMultisigHexes[j]);
// make wallet multisig and collect result hex
let multisigHex = await wallets[i].makeMultisig(peerMultisigHexes, M, TestUtils.WALLET_PASSWORD);
// exchange multisig keys N - M + 1 times
let multisigHexes = madeMultisigHexes;
for (let i = 0; i < N - M + 1; i++) {
// exchange multisig keys among participants and collect results for next round if applicable
let resultMultisigHexes = [];
for (let wallet of wallets) {
// import the multisig hex of other participants and collect results
let result = await wallet.exchangeMultisigKeys(multisigHexes, TestUtils.WALLET_PASSWORD);
// use resulting multisig hex for next round of exchange if applicable
multisigHexes = resultMultisigHexes;
// wallets are now multisig
for (let wallet of wallets) {
let primaryAddress = await wallet.getAddress(0, 0);
await MoneroUtils.validateAddress(primaryAddress, await wallet.getNetworkType());
let info = await wallet.getMultisigInfo();
assert.equal(info.getThreshold(), M);
assert.equal(info.getNumParticipants(), N);
await wallet.close(true);