- easier to address backlog issues
- that conflict with scab
- sync service instance #3
- dashboard support #4
- 12 factors: broker restart #7:
- get last operation would poll service instance status
- that still need custom code in scab extensions
- COAB custom params: #15
- service key deletion in DSI: #28
- metadata update on USI
- that conflict with scab
- simpler implementation in the long run
- no additional scab complexity
- no dependency on 3rd party team to implement features
What features are we deprecating ?
- Space per service plan target:
- Not adopted in production, no migration path possible
- Alternative exists with cmdb-native quota per service plan
- Flexibility in naming backing service instance: always OSB service instance guid
What SCAB features would be lost and how to accomodate ?
- app brokering for mysql php-my-admin
- nest a scab broker for mysql
- without need for osb-cmdb features: metadata, K8S, service key
- how to deal with since instance plan update ?
- possibly with use a UPS to scab
- contribute fix
- use custom app deployer
- nest a scab broker for mysql
- BackingService spec: what are use-cases that would require a configuration per brokered service ?
- coab custom params support:
- opt-in through metadata filtering:
- broker name matching "coa" prefix. Depends on CF-java-client
- systematic opt-in but fallback in case of errors
- opt-in through metadata filtering:
dashboard Url configuration ? => serve it in nested brokers instead ?sync vs async processing
- coab custom params support:
- K8S collab => independent of cmdb code base
custom ServiceInstanceService impl
- blocking non-reactive style
- simpler to reason than reactive, in particular for
- conditionals
- multiple local variables in the stack
- nested try/catch/finally clauses
- all api calls are sequential, reduced opportunity to leverage reactive parallelism/flow control/timeouts
- simpler to reason than reactive, in particular for
- stateless design: CF is the only state, no more state repository.
- OSB Operation field contains a Json formatted string:
- operation type: create|update|delete
- backingCfServiceInstanceGuid
- high availability through 2 osb-cmdb app instances, and zero downtime deployments
- scale-out scalability if needed
- OSB Operation field contains a Json formatted string:
- Error recovery and K8S dupl concurrent requests - Pb: Improperly documented/typed errors in cf-java-client, risks of silently failing upon real errors. - Adopted approach: - don't rely on errors returned by cf-java-client and CAPI overall - instead upon errors, query back inventory to assume proper response status to return and possible return redacted original CAPI error status
- service instance delete
- deletes nested key to avoid being stricter than osb api
- does not ask to purge the service instance, as this would create leaks in backing service instance broker.
- error handling: does not try to hide/recover from backing service errors
- on failed backing delete
- CF will perform retries to delete backing service
- Eventually backing instance will be removed either
- manually by an operator
- upon CF max retry
- brokered delete will return failure
- CF will perform retries to delete brokered service
- Brokered service delete should avoid asking deletion again ?
- to avoid interruptin CF orphan deletion
- to avoid error traces polution,
- Instead, cmdb just polls the backing service status
- on failed backing delete
- use of CF java client:
- try to favor CfOperation (high level api) in tests, in hope it would be more stable with CAPI V3 than low-level CFClient
- in production code, use low-level CFClient to avoid CfOperation performing undesired polling
- blocking non-reactive style
custom ServiceInstanceBindingService impl
- single module
- src/main/
- java
- cmdb
- config: autoconfig, security config ??
- serviceinstance
- servicebinding
- cmdb
- resources: application.yml: default config: actuactor, logs
- java
- src/test
- java
- component-tests: make OSB API calls, wiremock dependencies, springboot tests
- component tests need a specific fork model ??
// force a new fork for every test to eliminate issues with wiremock state forkEvery = 1 maxHeapSize = '1G'
- acceptance-tests: make CF API calls, run against real dependencies, depends on boot jar to be produced
- component-tests: make OSB API calls, wiremock dependencies, springboot tests
- java
- src/main/
As of V1.0, acceptance tests are kept in their own SCAB-named module.
Moving this into the cmdb project was delayed for now until SCAB prioritizes spinning off acceptance tests in a 1st class repo
- In order to ease getting updates in the meantime.
- Glossary/definitions
- Acceptance test:
- Use real CF to make OSB API calls.
- Cmdb uses real CF api to act on backing services
- assertion use CF API api (often high level api and sometimes low level api).
- Easier to refactor when moving to CC API V3
- Component test:
- make OSB API calls
- CF API is served by wiremock
- Intended for stress client OSB tests outside of what CF API allows e.g.
- Deleting a service instance without first deleting service bindings
- Forging last operation state parameter
- Acceptance test:
- v1.0 mostly uses acceptance test
- Rationales
- delayed investments in component and unit tests until CAPI V3 is available (in order to avoid costly rework)
- enables changes in CAPI calls with less rework (e.g. optimizations)
- missing engineering capacity to invest in component and unit tests for 1.0
- would need refactoring to unit test OsbCmdbServiceInstance and OsbCmdbServiceBinding and possibly split them into smaller objects
- SCAB acceptance tests fixture are reused
- SCAB component tests fixture are reused, although in v1.0 component tests are skipped
- osb endpoint /v2/catalog...
- Auth service: (route service): spring cloud gateway + config oauth multi tenant
- req route service-instance-guid-shield/prometheus/quota...
- extract service-instance-guid.
- oauth vers le sevreur du client
- API CF V2/service-instance-perm-service-instance-guid
- gateway proxifie le traffic
- req route service-instance-guid-shield/prometheus/quota...
- dashboard aggregator: display-dashboard?url1={0}-shield.{1}&label1=shield&url 2={0}-prometheus.{1}&label1=prometheus
Q: how to manage dependency to route service & gorouter in the long term?
- CF4K8S: for CF-deployed aps (e.g. php-my-admin)
- Native route service support ?
- Istio
- gorouter depreciation for other workload: bosh releases (such as shield/prometheus)
- K8S ingress/ Traeffic
- Custom authZ backed by REST API endpoint
- Native K8S ingress ?
- Native Istio ?
- Extension ?
- Traeffic middleware ?
- Custom authZ backed by REST API endpoint
- K8S ingress/ Traeffic