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Budhil Nigam budhilnigam
Computer Engineer. Love to experiment and explore new ideas !

Noida, India

902metalhead 902heavymetal
Hobby enthusiast and knowledge seeker
Lionel Juillen ljuillen

Airbus Toulouse

Harsh Tarsariya Harshtarsariya07
Java Developer โ˜• | Cybersecurity Enthusiast | Exploring Cloud โ˜๏ธ | Linux | SOAR | SIEM | CSE'24
Mayur Nikumbh unstopablesid
๐Ÿ’ป Software Engineer | AI&ML Enthusiast | Full Stack Developer


Obede Macena ObedeMacena
Atuo nas รกreas de anรกlise, planejamento, utilizaรงรฃo e avaliaรงรฃo de tecnologias de informaรงรฃo, possuo aptidรตes na gerencia da infraestrutura de organizaรงรตes.

SHIFT IT - Consultoria Sรฃo Paulo - SP (Brazil)

Simon Hobbs snhobbs
Optical measurement product design, circuit design, PCBs, embedded systems, FPGA development, and physics.

ElectroOptical Innovations New York, New York

PCBWay pcbway
We are a pcb and pcb assembly manufacturer with over 10 years experience.Now as low as $5 for 10pieces,3-5 days delivery time .Glad to bring your idea to life.

PCBWay China

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Ye Ji (็บช้‡Ž) jiyess
Computer-Aided Geometric Design & IsoGeometric Analysis


wenlong aogrcs
focus in verification of real time embedded control system using static analysis, theorem proving
๐š…๐š’๐šŒ๐š. ๐™พ oferonmi


Ralph Wong wangzhitao81
20+ years program soldier

CRRC Dalian ,China

Peterson Portella PetersonPortella
Trying to improve in everything, as a developer, father and person!

Desenvovedor Jr. Porto Alegre, Rio grande do Sul

Hรผseyin Karakaya karakayahuseyin
Computer Engineer Student and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Enthusiast


Kadircan Ersahin kadircanersahin
Phone user, tv watcher.


Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.