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Federico FedericoMilanesio
PhD students at UNITO, studying physics and machine learning

University of Turin Turin (Italy)

David Preti pretidav
Lattice Gauge Theory && Machine Learning

Formerly - INFN - Sezione di Torino Formerly - INFN - Sezione di Torino. Via Pietro Giuria 1, Turin (Italy)

Leonardo Agasso LeonardoAgasso
Ph.D. student in Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine @BioPhys-Turin

University of Turin Turin

Claudio Moroni ClaudMor
B. Sc. in physics. M.Sc. in Physics of Complex Systems at Turin University. @InPhyT, @UniTo-SEPI, @JuliaEpi, @JuliaHealth and @JuliaGraphs.

University of Turin/CENTAI Institute S.p.A.

Filippo Valle fvalle1
Chief Technology Officer of @Elemento-Modular-Cloud | Complex Systems researcher @BioPhys-Turin

@Elemento-Modular-Cloud Turin, Italy