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Bernard Spiegl bronemos

@AaltoUniversity Helsinki, Finland

Siddharth Karmokar SiddharthKarmokar
I flirt with the idea of coding, but often end up debugging my own sanity instead

Indian Institute of Information Technology Kurnool Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India

rddrdhd rddrdhd
This account is for my school projects
Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Jamie Strusz allthedoll
Former PM of Git systems, fork networks, innersource, open source, etc. at @github.

where the wild things are

Sagnik Pramanik sagnik-p
B.Tech CSE 2nd Year || Embedded Systems and IoT || ComputerVision || Always Ready to learn something new

Student India

Mitja MitjaCH
👋 Hello there! I'm Mitja, a Software Developer from Switzerland 🇨🇭.


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

※ IP Saxophone ※ ipsax
🂡 kyphernet 🂱

Graph Owls cyberspace

Adrian Adrianrguez96
Physics degree. Programing in LUA, javascript, c++, python and C#

San Cristobal de La Laguna, Canary Island, Spain

महिमा cosmiclust
Data Science and AI undergrad @IIIT-NR


Damba Paul d8paul
A Blockchain, Solidity, and Web3 Developer passionate about building decentralized web and mobile applications (dApps) and smart contracts.

DevLorde Africa

Danish Amjad damjad

@justeattakeaway Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sarfaraj Molla SarfarajMolla23
I am a Full Stack Web Developer and a Computer Vision Engineer and also work with Docker and Kubernetes.


shubham ShubhsN1027

Pilani, Rajasthan, India

Konstantinos Adamis KonstantinosAdamis
Electrical and Computer Engineer

Hellenic Aerospace Industry Paralia Avlidos

Pedro Bergamo PedroBergamo
Software Engineer with interests in algorithm and scientific solutions

Helsinki - Finland

Hashmitha Sugumar Hashhhhhhhh
Hey! I'm Hashmitha, a Physics student!
Victoria Jury victoriajury
An accomplished software engineer with web development experience. I am proficient in Python and web frameworks such as Django, Vue.js and React.
Ander Dorado ander-db
Deep Learning | MSc Artificial Intelligence


Isaac Hernán Isaaker
Spanish 🇪🇸 |  Apple | 💻 Owner of | 🌐 Open Source | Cibersecurity 🛡️| 🛫 Aviation

@Ramshackle-code España / Spain

Behnam Baloochy baloochyb
I am an artificial intelligence specialist and data scientist, also familiar with web3, blockchains, decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFT).
Dimitris Gkoulis gkoulis
PhD Candidate, Harokopio University of Athens

Software Force Athens, Greece

Software engineering student at Kumoh National Institute of Technology

Gumi, Republic of Korea

Saswat Parasar Behera majorbruteforce
make it work, make it better. In that order.

Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Dan Slinky danslinky

@Hergersheimer London