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Pierre Cochard pchdev
waiting for synth_1 to finish...

Inria Emeraude Lyon, France

Gema Piñero GePinero

Polytechnic University of Valencia Valencia, Spain

Gema Piñero gpinyero
Full professor at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. Senior researcher at the Inst. Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM-UPV)

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) Valencia, Spain

Nicholas D. Crosbie Rbfinch
Applied scientist and occassional coder.
Marcus R. Brown marcusrbrown
🔟❎ dev focused on open source, privacy, and security. Into AI, game dev, embedded, and home automation.
Carleen carleen
data science dabbler

Baltimore, MD

Codrin Bucur codrinbucur

Red Hat Basel, Switzerland

Nikolas Orton Nikolas-Orton
PhD Candidate in avian ecology and conservation biology @ University of Utah
Drew Weber drewweber


Patricio Bonilla gpbonillas
Java Developer, Flutter, Python y R | Data Science Master Student at UOC

Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Camille Brodin kmille50
Data science and ornithology make me happy woman !


Lucia Bernad Luchibernad

Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Argentina


SF Bay Area

Sammy Harper samharp
Designing technology for a greener world.

@terrabyte-tech Omaha, Nebraska

Zach Stence zachstence
Full-Stack JavaScript/TypeScript engineer. Forever starting side projects.

@evidence-dev Grand Prairie, TX

Mark Isken misken

Oakland University Michigan

Patrick O'Sullivan 1i
I'm an engineer — that means I solve problems. Not problems like 'What is beauty?' because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.

Dublin, Ireland

Wiliam Souza wiliamsouza

Colombo, Paraná, Brazil

Chathura De Silva chathura-de-silva
CSE Undergraduate Specializing in Integrated Computer Engineering
Ashley Wilson ashleybot
DevOps leader in brain aging research.

University of Kentucky @UK-SBCoA Lexington, KY, USA

Bennington Purcell bpurcell
Bennington Purcell is a technologist/entrepreneur/hobbyist.

@sourcemap NYC

Osinto osinto
Open source intelligence


Ramya Roopa ramyaroopa94
An ecologist with a passion for quantitative ecology and data visualization. Currently - Data analyst and Lead, Turtle Project at Wildlife Conservation Trust

Wildlife Conservation Trust Bengaluru

Frank Kooij FrankKooij
Standards for geospatial data.

@kadaster Netherlands

Marcio marciochiara
A Mathematician learning about ML to apply on Education studies and Financial Markets research.

São Paulo, Brazil

Ritvik A RitzBitz2323
Computer Science Student | Iowa State University ~ 2024

Omaha, NE

Praveen (Gnovi) wavicles
A Physics teacher, GSoC alumnus and a free software enthusiast. #Python #Fedora #ExpEYES #SEELablet-PocketScienceLab

Belgaum, India

Egbert egberts
Everything you need to know about me is in here.


Dev Bachani Dev22603
I am a final year student at Nirma University, pursuing Computer Science Engineering.

Student at Nirma University Ahmedabad

Chunxing Shen chunxingshen
Reaching the unreachable... Developer, Agile, BDD, MBA, C/ETRM
Georg Rüppel g-rppl
Ornithologist working mainly with Julia, R and Stan.

University of Oldenburg Germany

Sarah N. Phillips snphillips
Software Engineer

Brooklyn, NY

James Baus jbaus1
My goal is to leverage my extensive experience in molecular biology and apply data science techniques to optimize biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes.

St. Louis, MO

Nick Minor nrminor
Bioinformatician and data scientist at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

@dholab Madison, Wisconsin