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Jessy JRingelstein
Frontend Developer – Designer – Illustrator – American Football Referee


Isaac Peña repson
SecArch | AppSec | Coding | Cloud Security | DevSecOps


Benedikt Venn bvenn

@CSBiology @fslaborg @nfdi4plants Germany

Ina Lebrenz physalis123

@Exxeta Mannheim, Germany

xnacly xNaCly
i like go, programming language development, backend and some frontend (i use neovim and arch btw)

Germany, Berlin

Tobias Rump TobiasRump
Hey! I'm working as an app-developer.

Exxeta AG Mannheim

Laila Staschenuk dandaline
we're figuring it out... studying at @HTWK-Leipzig

Exxeta AG


Karlsruhe, Germany


Exxeta AG Karlsruhe

Reza Esfahani reza-t
Senior Software Engineer

@Exxeta AG DE

Duc Anh Le ducanh4531
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.


Dennis Koch Dennis-Koch

Exxeta AG Mannheim, Germany

Lucca Greschner Uggah
Studying Computer Science @hdm_stgt | 21
Dominic DSczyrba

Exxeta AG Germany

Felix Sauer FelixSauer
super slow vim user

@Exxeta Stuttgart, Germany

Louis SoulKa

Exxeta AG Stuttgart

The world runs on code


Maximilian Neubert MxNbrt
Software architect focused on ASP.NET Core, cloud computing and Azure
Lars Urwissen
Frontend Developer @EXXETA

@exxeta Germany

Jonathan Seifert JonathanSeifert
Developer @EXXETA

Exxeta AG Leipzig Germany

AsMrBa AsiMrz
Product designer (Digital-physical) with the knowledge of development and data analytics


Michal Slovík Mishco

EXXETA s.r.o. Slovakia

Daniel Weisser weisserd
Coding manager at Exxeta and lecturer at HS Karlsruhe

@EXXETA Karlsruhe