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malone nace malone0323

Individual Blockchain && Full-Stack

komal kiran salunke komalsalunke1234
I am student of Vishwakarma institute of information technology Pune . Here I am pursuing B-tech in information technology.
Tushar Kulkarni tusharkulkarni02
Bazzzinga!! ..... I am "commit" ed here! 🦅

Pune Institute of Computer Technology

Dhanashree Kamble dhanashreesk
CE Undergrad @ PICT | PICT'25
Gaurav Rajendra Borse gaurav-borse
I am a Web Developer focused on crafting great web experiences. Designing and Coding have been my passion since the days I started working with computers.


PranavMohril TechQuazar
I like software development. CS Grad student at NYU.
Atharv Bhadange atharv-bhadange
Learning new skills every day!

Pune Institute of Computer Technology Pune

Om Shinde shindeom1339
Web development enthusiast


Atharva Joshi athy125
internet craftsman


Varad Girish Mashalkar VaradMash
Student at PICT | Machine Learning and Computer Vision Enthusiast | Android Developer


Sudarshan Gawale G-Sudarshan
Backend | Linux | FOSS Enthusiast | Community @Eaglion-Programmers

Software Engineer @PhonePe Pune, India

Amar Dalvi Amar1510
Competitive Programming | DSA | Node.js

Pune Institute of Computer Technology Pune

vienues vienues
Software Engineer
Sumit Chaudhari sumit2362000
I am Full Stack Web developer I,m currently learning springboot,Angular js,React JS. I,m looking to collaborate on. How to reach me
Vedant Aher Patil vedantaher2003
C++ | Python | HTML | Web Dev Enthusiast | @CommunityOfCoders

Pune Institute Of Computer Technology (PICT) Pune Maharashtra

Ashwin Taras BlackBolt2003
Hello, World ! Currently a Computer Engineering student at PICT, Pune Exploring Programming and Development
Aditya More AdityaMore7000
I am a final year student pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Engineering at the Pune Institute of Computer Technology.

Pune, Maharashtra

Tejas Patil Tejasvp25
@VoltageOS Full Stack Web developer and Part-time Android enthusiast.


Kedar Kashinath Koshti KedarKK1
Full Stack Web-Developer | Open-Source Software Contributor from India | Blockchain enthusiast | MERN | Django | Solidity | Ethereum | SpringBoot | AWS

Pune, Maharashtra, India