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Ana Paula Gomes anapaulagomes
PhD student at the Freie Universität Berlin / @robert-koch-institut (Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Research). Master of none. Latina.

@robert-koch-institut Berlin

João Lucas jlucasldm
Computer Science student at Universidade Federal da Bahia. Software developer intern at Escavador. PLN and LLM researcher

Escavador Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Lucas Barbosa Bulcão Mota LucasMota10
Computer Science Student at UFBA 3/8, Member of the FORMAS research group


Daiane Mascarenhas Lauro da Silva Dadarkp3
Computer Science undergrad student of Universidade Federal da Bahia.

@Iteris Salvador - BA

Alan Rios alanrios2001
I'm Brazilian, love computers and new ideias, actually studying Information Systems at UFBA, and doing a Scientific Initiation based in NLP.


Anderson Mello andersonmell0
I'm looking for a new challenges.

Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.

Otávio Cartaxo ocartaxo
Ciência da Computação (IC/UFBA)

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil

Anderson Boa Morte abmorte
Data Scientist at Dataprev | M.Sc. Distributed Systems | Interests: DataScience | Python | blockchain | privacy

Dataprev João Pessoa, Paraíba - Brazil

André Nascimento andreanivaldo

SENAC BA Salvador, Bahia